Well-known member
Lol; I've been pointing that out to him since before he and I both began posting on TOL.
I pointed out to him countless times BEFORE TOL that Mid-Acts is not only NOT Acts 2 Dispy, but IS Cessationist.
No 1948 to hold to within CONSISTENT Mid-Acts understanding. NONE.
He continues to post his slander anyway.
Even as he holds to 70AD as "the fullfilment of Prophecy..."
HE IS the so called Charismatic "signs" believer :chuckle:
But I have been through the list of talking points of MAD and the above played no part. It was the multiple gospels, the separation of the church, the fragmentation of the coherence of the NT, etc.
You in particular have a dysfunctional mentality when it comes to proof, about the DofJ. You have concocted your own brew of faith vs sight, which is not about proof. It is about how the OT is fulfilled "in Christ" and his mission vs in Israel. There are proofs both ways, but the NT never meant anything out side of "in Christ."
The thing that bugs me is that belief that the DofJ can possibly be what Christ was speaking of because of "the two towers" left at the temple. 99.9% of it happens , but oh, look, the two towers. Never mind the coherence of that event with Hebrews about what was happening to the old covenant. How many times is God going to go back and forth and back and forth with Israel and then dashing it then restoring it then dashing it? It mocks what happened.
What bugs me is the 'extension of the OT into early Acts' based on as much misunderstanding of Acts 3 as Rom 11.
What bugs me is the absolute absence of comment on Acts 13's vision of all of the above. It is competely unified with early Acts and earlier, but is fractured into Paul material for the nations, not Peter material for the Jews or something.
What bugs me is the idea that Jews and Gentiles are dealt with in either/or conditions. D'ists cannot see unity because they don't do theology "in Christ."
What bugs me is the people who won't go back and read what has now been here 1.5 years. I don't know where their memory is or what they are here for.
I don't know why people would fuss about one kind of gift or sign and not the tons of things that happened in the DofJ as found in Mt24A etc.