-looks like rusha brought both her friends
no question here
i are an idiot :banana:
-only idiots respond to polls
He evidently doesn't know who is on the list. Why would he blindly condemn groups he knows nothing about simply because someone insinuated there was bad people on a list?
you are also a racist
-he will not be the republican nominee
-he won't spend the money
-why should he?
-only idiots respond to polls
Maybe, but the polls have been pretty reliable so far this primary season.
-the republicans are 40% of the electorate
-trump is 30% of the republicans
-trump is 12% of he electorate
-most of the idiots will vote for the democrat
so, to protest against trump, you're gonna vote for hillary?
or, you could write in bammy for a third term! :banana:
-a good business man knows he must cut his loses
So, not Drumpf (#MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain). This is more about ego and brand than it is about business.
Anyway, I think it's probably too late to stop him now. Too many vanity projects, not a serious enough rival still in the running.
Apparently something Trump can't do for you is tell you anything about the KKK.lain:
He's such a joke.