That is not what I said, is it?
I said ......
That is not what I said, is it?
I said ......
Why do you "remove" Leviticus?
Jhn 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
And this was demonstrated when Jesus forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery.
Law demanded death, but Jesus offered grace. Same today!
Do you follow everything Jesus said in the red letters?
Are there some things you cannot do?
I know what you're leading up to. Let the context dictate who Jesus is speaking to, and why he's saying it.
So go ahead and quote what you have in mind.
The bolded part is all that MAD wackos attempt to do. You are guilty of the same thing you accuse us of.
Don't be a hypocrite.
There was a time when Jesus was explaining the hypocrisy of the pharisees interpretation of the law, he wasn't teaching observance of the law.
Mads love to jump on these instances to try and prove that he was teacher of the law. Nope, he wasn't.
Poor dandy
Responding to the OP...
What is my opinion of MAD:
I don't agree with the two-gospels doctrine that underlies MAD, but I can certainly see how one could support it from Scripture as well as most mainstream doctrinal positions.
For me, the wheels come off of MAD when you look at history. It isn't that the belief doesn't exist in the annals of history. It's that the people who ascribed to a Paulian two-gospels approach, historically, were repeatedly and vigorously rebuked, debunked, and opposed by the bishops of the early churches. There's actually quite a bit written about it. It just isn't positive.
What is my opinion of MAD-ists:
Aside from one former acquaintance, who I considered a bit of an oddball, the only Mid-Acts Dispensationalists I've encountered have been on this board. It doesn't seem quite right to try to paint a whole group based only on internet interactions.
Anyway, the interactions have been mixed. My initial experience was very negative, with a few individuals being rude and condescending. I've found a few people since then who are better mannered and willing to talk.
In general, though, the community here seems to have an us-vs-them mentality. Frankly, at this board, MAD-ists appear to engage in a form of internet bullying, wherein the community will flood certain threads with off-topic posts, emoji's, and incendiary commentary to intentionally de-rail the thread.
Made up. You've been shown many verses, where the Lord Jesus Christ taught the law, directly out of the OT, demon.Nonsense.
There was a time when Jesus was explaining the hypocrisy of the pharisees interpretation of the law, he wasn't teaching observance of the law.
Mads love to jump on these instances to try and prove that he was teacher of the law. Nope, he wasn't.
Responding to the OP...
What is my opinion of MAD:
I don't agree with the two-gospels doctrine that underlies MAD,
Made up. You've been shown many verses, where the Lord Jesus Christ taught the law, directly out of the OT, demon.
No, twit.
Jesus pointed out where the law was taught wrongly, but he himself was not a teacher of the law.
Twit, you muse, tough "man,"little candya? Of course, you effeminate Penty, fruit cake types, would not say that to my face, would you, dopie carrot top weakling? No, you wouldn't....
No, you pudgy little punk, he taught the law, right from the OT. But your daddy the devil, keeps telling you, "Deny, my little demon son."
Twit, you muse, tough "man,"little candya? Of course, you effeminate Penty, fruit cake types, would not say that to my face, would you, dopie carrot top weakling? No, you wouldn't....
No, you pudgy little punk, he taught the law, right from the OT. But your daddy the devil, keeps telling you, "Deny, my little demon son."
My name and address has been on this site for over a year now.
I haven't yet seen you comin' up my drive to test yer theory, blowhard.
You won't find it in scripture, W.
Give it up.