Makes me laugh when I see stuff like this, because I remember when the thread below was in this forum.
When a few anti madsters moved in, the mads got all upset. I think I may have posted in that thread once by mistake, and immediately apologized for it and left. I wondered what would happen if it was the other way round.
Thanks for showing everyone.
Likewise, and you're right.
Yours was a simple request.
It should have been honored.
But there is more going on here than supposedly attempting to help you see the light.
There is the cult like way of some within Mad - the cult like way of very few - against anyone who does not hold their view, or speaks against it; right, or wrong.
Very few Mads outside of TOL...are like that.
Very few.
Regretabbly...the many, many Mads outside of TOL - who are nothing like that, end up viewed otherwise.
You made a simple request.
Grace would have honored it.
There is no way around this fact.