The woman caught in the act of adultery. The law demanded death, but Jesus forgave.
If Jesus upheld the law, she would not have been forgiven.
You can't have Jesus randomly forgiving sins if he was upholding the law.
1 Corinthians 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
Get a life, W. You seriously haven't got a clue.
The demonic punk, on orders from his daddy the devil, asserts "Answering questions about the law, is not teaching the law."
Wrong, you serpent. He taught the law, taught the 12 to keep it, and all of his followers, fulfilled it, "100%," to be qualified to be the propitiation(satisfactory sacrifice).
candya: My "Jesus" kept the law, but never taught anyone else to keep it...What is propitiation?
You wicked, clown, demon.............
Get a life? Good one, you loafer, drain on the world.