SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
Did he tell Barn he doesn't want to see him when he is angry?
He would turn green, and I don't think they allowed people of color in Mayberry.
Did he tell Barn he doesn't want to see him when he is angry?
The rummy didn't get the "Andy Griffith Show" reference. I wonder what causes that, brother STP? Too much "Oprah," Donahue," "Dr. Phil," or "The Edge of Night?"
Nope we did steaks at SaltGrass. They were good.
ANd I tried to do dutch, but she insisted. I was either going to be rude, or let her pay.
Our schedules didn't match up after that.
Reality is a tough thing for both of you. Let's just say, being a man of honor and giving my word, what I have pieced together about Jacky boy, and the image he projects, are far cries from each other. While not that much was directly disclosed to me about the man, I put things together quickly between the lines, and have some surmising that will be pretty dead on.
I CHOOSE not to expose him. But man, is it tempting at times..... When someone goes so far out of their way to JUST be obnoxious, you really wanna slap a thug down, you know?
He acts like Bill Bixby, after being caught speeding in Mayberry.
He acts like Bill Bixby, after being caught speeding in Mayberry.
Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11:13 KJV) not Peter (Galatians 2:8 KJV). Paul was given the dispensation of the gospel (1 COrinthians 9:17 KJV) and later the dispensation of the grace of God to us Gentiles (Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV)If you follow Paul's teaching, you follow the same teaching Peter gave the Jews.
You don't know what you are talking about. If anyone's causing divisions it's the 30,000+ so called denominations.So why do you create factions and dissensions. Never read Gal 5:19-21???? Didn't think so.
Divisions and factions are not Spiritual results.
The unity of the Spirit is sevenfold and I do endevour to keep it. If you are of one of those denominations you most likely don't.Never read Ephesians 4? Paul taught proper faith and spiritual maturity brings UNITY not divisions.
You're wrong about me 1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV. Rightly dividing the word of truth is not promoting division, but the approved unto God necessary method of study. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJVBut you wish to promote divisions, and play like you are righteous for it?
I believe all scripture recognizing that while all of the Bible is FOR me, it's certainly not all TO me or ABOUT me.That's what I thought.... It's a cult. Only uses SOME of scripture, Paul's and only SOME of Paul's, the parts they like.
My view on salvation is simple. Trust the Lord believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and be saved. It is the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16 KJV).I can't help it that you guys won't ever discuss the points of the weaknesses of your view on salvation.
He would turn green, and I don't think they allowed people of color in Mayberry.
Did he tell Barn he doesn't want to see him when he is angry?
This means you have nothing substantial to submit.Ok, nice.
you don't consider a neg rep substantial?
Divisions and factions are not Spiritual results.
Never read Ephesians 4? Paul taught proper faith and spiritual maturity brings UNITY not divisions.
But you wish to promote divisions, and play like you are righteous for it?
That's what I thought.... It's a cult. Only uses SOME of scripture, Paul's and only SOME of Paul's, the parts they like. ..........
Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11:13 KJV) not Peter (Galatians 2:8 KJV).
ANd he went to the pillars of the "Jewish" church, and they did not find his message to be any different than his was. AND PETER DID PREACH TO GENTILES AND JEWS else the Galatians conflict never happened.Paul was given the dispensation of the gospel (1 COrinthians 9:17 KJV) and later the dispensation of the grace of God to us Gentiles (Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV)
Which is how EVERY idiot without an argument begins their defense.You don't know what you are talking about.
If anyone's causing divisions it's the 30,000+ so called denominations.
You didn't address the actual argument.The unity of the Spirit is sevenfold and I do endevour to keep it. If you are of one of those denominations you most likely don't.
You're wrong about me 1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV.
Then in Jesus church, that is after Melchizedekian order, no Jew or Gentile (even Paul said this...) you would not be separating yourself from the Jews. That's patently STUPID to try to hold that you don't create division and factions. It's patently IDIOTIC to say you follow PAUL and ignore the comments HE MADE THAT SHOW YOUR INTERPRETATION WRONG ON OTHER VERSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Rightly dividing the word of truth is not promoting division, but the approved unto God necessary method of study. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
I believe all scripture recognizing that while all of the Bible is FOR me, it's certainly not all TO me or ABOUT me.
Do you accept the gospel of John as belonging to all of us? Is John's comments about Christ true or not?My view on salvation is simple. Trust the Lord believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and be saved.
It is the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16 KJV).
W you should believe your own thesis. Repent, and join a bible believing church.
Great, einstein. ...
Which is how EVERY idiot without an argument begins their defense.
Paul is the apostle OF the Gentiles. Why do some people have such a hard time with that little word?Great, einstein. I mean seriously, that brown is purchased, isn't it? That he was sent to the GENTILES does not mean he went with a different message.
You don't want to see that it's different because you'd have to chuck your religion that you've devoted all of your time and money to out the door.I've already presented that argument in these discussions. NONE OF YA would address it then either.
What did Peter preach to the one house of Gentiles he ever went to:Acts 10:35 KJV. Oh noes, trouble for het: Paul preached Titus 3:5 KJV. Those are in direct opposition to one another: DIFFERENT!ANd he went to the pillars of the "Jewish" church, and they did not find his message to be any different than his was. AND PETER DID PREACH TO GENTILES AND JEWS else the Galatians conflict never happened.
And you?See what I mean about y'all are incomplete and selective? You have to friggin edit the story to make it suit YOUR desires. You don't change YOUR theology to suit the Bible.
ad homWhich is how EVERY idiot without an argument begins their defense.
Don't be ignorant. Paul was committed and given dispensations. Over and over Paul exhorted us to follow him, hold fast what we've heard of him consider what he says, preach no other gospel, teach no other doctrine, on and on...And your recent, last 50 years in existence, theological view, isn't just another of the so called denominations. Don't be dumb. Don't play dumb. You are smarter than that.
If they never received the love of the truth that they could be saved, why should they not perish?If you are right, then gentiles for 1960 years have all gone to hell because they followed the wrong gospel.
Pretty stupid considering salvation by grace is the gift of God!How idiotic is that?
There is no unity outside of the sevenfold unity of the Spirit. Do you endevour to keep it? Do you believe water baptism is for today?You didn't address the actual argument.
you spoke an aside to it.
You made a personal attack to enforce your lack of argument.
The unity comes by holding fast the form of sound words that we have heard of Paul (2 Timothy 1:13 KJV). Paul used the term doctrine 23 X. It's crucial for unity! What you want is unified religion and you can't have it (2 Timothy 2:19 KJV).Paul taught that UNITY came through works, not knowledge. He also taught that the important Knowledge that led to Unity came through works. I gave you the scripture. You may need an online bible to read it, you have obviously redacted it in your paper one.
Of course it does, when you 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV, we will 1 Corinthians 1:10Seriously?
1Co 1:10
Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.
I don't believe that the order of Mel has anything to do with the Body of Christ. :idunno:Then in Jesus church, that is after Melchizedekian order, no Jew or Gentile (even Paul said this...)you would not be separating yourself from the Jews.
I don't, but you are.That's patently STUPID to try to hold that you don't create division and factions.
I don't believe I am interpreting anything.It's patently IDIOTIC to say you follow PAUL and ignore the comments HE MADE THAT SHOW YOUR INTERPRETATION WRONG ON OTHER VERSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe every word of the KJB. The pure words of the Lord are my final authority.You use scripture where and when it's convenient. You bend it to your view, not bend your view to it. You make yourself your own God and Savior when you do that.
I don't see any.Address the arguments.
we shall seeWell, we can agree on the words here, although you mean it in a way I whole heartedly find to be false.HEY we found ONE thing to agree on... maybe that's progress.
John1:31 KJVDo you accept the gospel of John as belonging to all of us?
True.Is John's comments about Christ true or not?
If it were written TO me, yes.Would you accept 1 john 4:16-18 that says if you failed to have the proper love you were not saved?
It's not about whether we love, but that God loved us Romans 5:6 KJV, Romans 5:8 KJV, Romans 5:10 KJV, 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV, Galatians 1:3-5 KJV, Galatians 2:20 KJV, Ephesians 2:4 KJV. Want more?If not would you accept the same comment or corroborative comment from PAUL?
If not why would you deny paul because he agreed with Paul????
You should really care more about frogs.The 1 john verse says that if you fail to have proper love, you aren't saved. I dont' give a flying frogs butt WHAT nor how HARD you believe something.
I'm saved by grace through the faith OF Jesus Christ/by the gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJVAre you going to disagree with Jesus and with Paul both and claim to be saved by Jesus under Paul's teachings???
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJVBelieve what.
We don't edit God's word.You mean, "you know if you read the selected parts of the Bible we read, and avoid the ones we can't answer for!"
I get it.
It's important when you edit God's word and eliminate Christ's Church, that you not let people catch you at it and make you admit to it.
Y'all are so cute....... I mean, really...> God's little editors.
W you should believe your own thesis. Repent, and join a bible believing church.
How can you be joined to two churches at once?
you don't consider a neg rep substantial?