No where. You evade instead of discuss.
musterion is famous for evading.
No where. You evade instead of discuss.
Show us where in the Law of Moses it was unlawful?
•Why did Peter say it was unlawful to go to Cornelius if it was not? This was about SEVEN YEARS AFTER Christ had risen and given them the "great commission" which included Gentiles. Why did Peter still say it was unlawful for him to have come, and that Cornelius knew it? •Why did God need to use the vision (three times)? Peter already had the "great commission" which included Gentiles. What was the point of God telling him Gentiles were not to be counted as unclean when they'd already been sent to Gentiles SEVEN YEARS BEFORE? •Why was Peter rebuked by the other Jewish disciples for going to Cornelius (Acts 11:1-5) when they, too, knew of the "great commission" which included Gentiles? •Why didn't Peter not cite for them the "great commission," which included Gentiles, as his authority to go to Cornelius? •Why did Peter nor the eleven never preach to another Gentile again, so far as God's Word records? They had the "great commission," which included Gentiles. •Why did Peter tell Cornelius of Jesus about Nazareth sent to the Jews? More specifically...why did Peter not preach Christ crucified for Cornelius' sins and the sins of the whole Jew and Gentile world without distinction? |
Why do you always run away when faced with questions?
I asked you to show....
Here is what you said:.......Show us ........
I asked you to show....
Here is what you said:.......Show us ........
I asked you to show....
Here is what you said:.......Show us ........
Your "tongues" are counterfeit. Fake. Of the flesh if not of Satan. Start a new thread asking me how I know that.
When the MADists can't answer the questions, they do one of three things.
1) Insult you, call you names, mock you, and make it all about you, while they never attempt to answer the question.
2) Runaway and hide, and never answer the question.
3) They tell everyone they put you on ignore. They do this so they don't have to answer the question, but can keep posting in the thread.
Tongues are a sign for unbelievers, not for believers (1 Cor 14:22). But unbelievers are the LAST people you'd EVER babble your pookeepoo noise around. You save it for when you're among your fellow babblers, where it's safe and encouraging, where you can pat each other on the backs with pride in "our gift." In complete 180° contradiction of the Bible.
But you and your tongues-cult will just keep on ignoring the old dusty busted wineskin of the Bible in favor of new words from "God."
You are a fraud.
Wrong thread.
Yeah, you're on the wrong thread. It's far beyond the ken of a thieving carnal child like you.
Thats because they juggle scripture to make it fit their criteria.
The Corinthians were carnal babes. They spoke in tongues though.
The Corinthians were carnal babes. They spoke in tongues though.
They had the true gift. You do not.
Its working for me, so I'll keep speaking in tongues. You are welcome to doubt and do without. Makes no difference to me.