What is the Gospel?



And the world goes to pot while so many argue over what the so called 'gospel' is. Wonderful job folks.

Simply shared, its the goodnews of love's saving grace, how we receive this grace into our lives, imbibing and transforming us to be extensions of same love to all. The fruit of this love ought be seen in all those who CLAIM to have accepted and choosen to be 'transformed' thereby, who by their own lives of example of service reveal the 'Christ' to all men, and not just by mere 'lip service' or any exclusive claim of being 'saved' by some religious formula or pet creed.
did you read my Samaritan account post?

Jesus explains how to inherit eternal life.


Eclectic Theosophist
did you read my Samaritan account post?

Jesus explains how to inherit eternal life.

You'll have to link me to it, if it was directed to me personally :)

I just tire of some religious antics and mentalities, hence my critiques and observations. Jesus good news was a message about and of God's KINGDOM, and repentance was the way into it, then living by the laws, principles and ethics of that kingdom, governed by the Spirit. Basic fundamentals here, while you can entertain or dissertate any other concept or related doctrine if you like. Knock urself out.

As far as the Samaritans go, you know they were not high on the respect list of the so called 'formal' Jews, but Jesus gave to them living water as well, and granted them at least some bread crumbs that fell from the tables of inheritance.

The good news is universal, no one owns 'God', but everyone has their 'version' of Jesus, no doubt ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
Bowl of cherries......

Bowl of cherries......

Yes,....I read over it. To most here though, its another 'apples or oranges' argument :) - cherry picking welcome lol

Of course,....the universal law is love itself, and the practice of its ethic and motive, which is what the Shema and 10 commandments are a summary of. If you love with all your heart, you will love all (The Creator and all his Creation). One can claim he knows 'God' all he wants intellectually, but you dont know 'God' unless you know him in nature and spirit, which then grants you interior knowledge of HIS WILL.

But to direct back to the subject here,....the universal gospel is the summation and repletion of the goodnews and glad tidings of God's love to man, in the building of his kingdom in our midst. The realization of this 'gospel' will be the full demonstration and enjoyment of the reality of this kingdom being LIVED, being RELATED in every aspect and dimension of existence.

Labels, denominations, lapels and church hats can be left at the door. - 'God' is not impressed. Nothing against those,.....or choosing a particular brand, sect or doctrinal bend,....just make sure you have a heart that is pure, hands that are clean, and are loving and serving all of life, DOING GOOD to others. Thats the ticket that gets you thru life, and opens your way to inherit all God has, and all God IS.


Well-known member
Yes,....I read over it. To most here though, its another 'apples or oranges' argument :) - cherry picking welcome lol

Of course,....the universal law is love itself, and the practice of its ethic and motive, which is what the Shema and 10 commandments are a summary of. If you love with all your heart, you will love all (The Creator and all his Creation). One can claim he knows 'God' all he wants intellectually, but you dont know 'God' unless you know him in nature and spirit, which then grants you interior knowledge of HIS WILL.

But to direct back to the subject here,....the universal gospel is the summation and repletion of the goodnews and glad tidings of God's love to man, in the building of his kingdom in our midst. The realization of this 'gospel' will be the full demonstration and enjoyment of the reality of this kingdom being LIVED, being RELATED in every aspect and dimension of existence.

Labels, denominations, lapels and church hats can be left at the door. - 'God' is not impressed. Nothing against those,.....or choosing a particular brand, sect or doctrinal bend,....just make sure you have a heart that is pure, hands that are clean, and are loving and serving all of life, DOING GOOD to others. Thats the ticket that gets you thru life, and opens your way to inherit all God has, and all God IS.
Freelight, those last three posts are great, and I totally agree, God doesn't look at a denomination, he looks at the heart. He doesn't want flowing robes and glamorous hats etc, ornate churches etc. God wants our hearts, and our vessels to be cleansed from within. We are God's temple, made by his hand ready for his use.

And he wants those who love him to live it out and bring his love to others, and if we truly follow Jesus and truly love God, then we will love all that he's created and have hope for everyone, and have a forgiving caring loving heart, because if we truly belong to Christ, then he will be with us helping us to overcome the flesh and this world and we will be changed to be more like him, loving and caring and being there for others, regardless of who they are. A new creature bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit instead of the works of the flesh which should be being put to death in our hearts through Christ Jesus by the power of the Spirit.


Eclectic Theosophist
Freelight, those last three posts are great, and I totally agree, God doesn't look at a denomination, he looks at the heart. He doesn't want flowing robes and glamorous hats etc, ornate churches etc. God wants our hearts, and our vessels to be cleansed from within. We are God's temple, made by his hand ready for his use.

And he wants those who love him to live it out and bring his love to others, and if we truly follow Jesus and truly love God, then we will love all that he's created and have hope for everyone, and have a forgiving caring loving heart, because if we truly belong to Christ, then he will be with us helping us to overcome the flesh and this world and we will be changed to be more like him, loving and caring and being there for others, regardless of who they are. A new creature bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit instead of the works of the flesh which should be being put to death in our hearts through Christ Jesus by the power of the Spirit.


I've always agreed with you in spirit :)

God is ONE.

Now as far as different terms, symbols and analogies within the broader spectrum of religious studies,...thats where I sometimes play and hone my studies, but these are but electives along the path of a more universal cosmic approach to the unity and diversity within all creation.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" - purity of heart and love for God is fundamental/essential to life.

'Good news' cannot have anything 'bad' in it, but a good measure of conventional theology has bad elements.

God's Truth

New member

And the world goes to pot while so many argue over what the so called 'gospel' is. Wonderful job folks.

Simply shared, its the goodnews of love's saving grace, how we receive this grace into our lives, imbibing and transforming us to be extensions of same love to all. The fruit of this love ought be seen in all those who CLAIM to have accepted and choosen to be 'transformed' thereby, who by their own lives of example of service reveal the 'Christ' to all men, and not just by mere 'lip service' or any exclusive claim of being 'saved' by some religious formula or pet creed.

Jesus IS love.

Jesus IS the truth.

You wander from that truth then you wander from love.

You make for yourself a false god when you pick and choose what you want to believe about God.


Well-known member
I used that account because it says clearly how to inherit eternal life literally.
I agree, I also believe that we have to endure to the end to be eternally saved as Jesus says.

If we live by the will of God and obey him, loving God with all our hearts and our neighbour as ourselves then we will live. Because God will send us his Holy Spirit which brings us from death to life, and he will be keeping us alive in God as long as we carry on living by God's will and remain in his goodness and denying ourselves, we are also to take up our cross and truly follow Jesus, partaking in the sufferings of Christ to bring the truth and love of God and the life of Christ to others and keep our faith till the end, regardless of what we go through and by God's grace we can overcome.


I agree, I also believe that we have to endure to the end to be eternally saved as Jesus says.

If we live by the will of God and obey him, loving God with all our hearts and our neighbour as ourselves then we will live. Because God will send us his Holy Spirit which brings us from death to life, and he will be keeping us alive in God as long as we carry on living by God's will and remain in his goodness and denying ourselves, we are also to take up our cross and truly follow Jesus, partaking in the sufferings of Christ to bring the truth and love of God and the life of Christ to others and keep our faith till the end, regardless of what we go through and by God's grace we can overcome.

I wanted make sure that most churches are not claiming what Jesus says about salvation.

Do you guys realize you and I are not His followers because we don't agree with their core of salvation, according to them?

I cannot even used the word because if I do, I will be banned.


Well-known member

I've always agreed with you in spirit :)

God is ONE.

Now as far as different terms, symbols and analogies within the broader spectrum of religious studies,...thats where I sometimes play and hone my studies, but these are but electives along the path of a more universal cosmic approach to the unity and diversity within all creation.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" - purity of heart and love for God is fundamental/essential to life.

'Good news' cannot have anything 'bad' in it, but a good measure of conventional theology has bad elements.
I know you like to study, :) But I'm just a simple woman, a wife daughter, mum, nana sister (naturally and in God) and a friend and I'm happy to be like that. I like to read a few different things but I just really rely on the Bible, I believe that God has everything in there that we need to know. And I wait for God to show me what I need to know.


Well-known member

I've always agreed with you in spirit :)

God is ONE.

Now as far as different terms, symbols and analogies within the broader spectrum of religious studies,...thats where I sometimes play and hone my studies, but these are but electives along the path of a more universal cosmic approach to the unity and diversity within all creation.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" - purity of heart and love for God is fundamental/essential to life.

'Good news' cannot have anything 'bad' in it, but a good measure of conventional theology has bad elements.
I've read some of the book of Enoch, that's really deep, I liked it, I know he was of God and what I read, I believe was of the Spirit.


Well-known member

I wanted make sure that most churches are not claiming what Jesus says about salvation.

Do you guys realize you and I are not His followers because we don't agree with their core of salvation, according to them?

I cannot even used the word because if I do, I will be banned.
I'm not sure what word you mean, but don't say it if you are banned for using it. Yes I know that most here see me as unsaved, I don't feel like that about anyone, I have hope for everyone, no-one is called unsaved in the Bible, Jesus came to save as many as he could, so I don't like calling others unsaved but rather everyone is savable if they believe in the word of God, the ministry of reconciliation, the truth through Christ Jesus. I know that I'm not perfect, and that it's only by God's grace that I'm being saved daily and that I'm being helped to turn away from this world of sin. Without God and Christ I couldn't do it.

I don't care what others think of me, they don't know my heart and only God can judge that. I only care what God thinks of me and I know that I have to live right before him and not hold hardness and forgive as I've been forgiven for what I did in ignorance, but now that I know the truth, I believe that I will be judged on what I do good and bad. I know that I'm truly blessed and I want everyone to have the love and peace in my heart that I have and I have hope for everyone, everywhere.


I'm not sure what word you mean, but don't say it if you are banned for using it. Yes I know that most here see me unsaved, I don't feel like that about anyone, I have hope for everyone, no-one is called unsaved in the Bible, Jesus came to save as many as he could, so I don't like calling others unsaved but rather everyone is savable if they believe in the word of God, the ministry of reconciliation, the truth through Christ Jesus. I know that I'm not perfect, and that it's only by God's grace that I'm being saved daily and that I'm being helped to turn away from this world of sin. Without God and Christ I couldn't do it.

I don't care what others think of me, they don't know my heart and only God can judge that. I only care what God thinks of me and I know that I have to live right before him and not hold hardness and forgive as I've been forgiven for what I did in ignorance, but now that I know the truth, I believe that I will be judged on what I do good and bad. I know that I'm truly blessed and I want everyone to have the love and peace in my heart that I have and I have hope for everyone, everywhere.


You are still missing my point.

You know I agree with you too.

that account is all about producing a good fruit.

We have duty to spread the core of Christianity or Jesus' teachings, not the church doctrines.

what kind of reaction you get when you talk about producing a good fruit?


Well-known member

You are still missing my point.

You know I agree with you too.

that account is all about producing a good fruit.

We have duty to spread the core of Christianity or Jesus' teachings, not the church doctrines.
Absolutely, I totally agree, Jesus is the only way. There are so many denominations because they have changed the word and the way to suit man.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Forgiveness of ALL of our sins and entering into God's Heavenly Kingdom isn't based on our efforts, but, on Christ's death and resurrection on the cross. God only requires that we, hear the Gospel and place ALL our faith, in Christ and not ourselves. No one will gain entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom of God by their own works/deeds.This is what the Gospel teaches us.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Do you guys realize you and I are not His followers because we don't agree with their core of salvation, according to them?
Ummm, not with us, but with scripture.
You reject most of scripture.
ALL of scripture is for our learning, not just your favorite cherry-picked little portion while you ignore and reject the rest.
You can't even be honest with your disagreement.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Forgiveness of ALL of our sins and entering into God's Heavenly Kingdom isn't based on our efforts, but, on Christ's death and resurrection on the cross. God only requires that we, hear the Gospel and place ALL our faith, in Christ and not ourselves. No one will gain entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom of God by their own works/deeds.This is what the Gospel teaches us.
That's true, GM.
Just look at the foolish ones going on and on about themselves and what they are to do, but little to nothing about what the Lord Jesus Christ did in their stead.
To them, Jesus was just sent to be an example of what all men should be and it's all up to you to meet that standard.
All to no avail as no one can meet that standard and will fall short.