Sure, you can stand at the pulpit and tell how God sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins, and give verses that speak to that.
Or, you can hear the person's need, and point them to the light of the Gospel. It's personal. You can relate to your own life before you were saved, and give your own testimony....relating how your life has changed. How you now have hope of eternal life (which most people understand quite well).
The Gospel is bigger than just one text. The Gospel of Grace is what all sinners can relate to, because they aren't required to stop sinning in order to be saved. They aren't required to forgive others in order to be forgiven. They aren't required to go through any rites or rituals in order to be saved. It's a gift...and the very goodness of God leads people to turn to Him for His mercy and Grace. They just need to know that God accepts them just as they are.