Okay, maybe this dominoe analogy will be helpful then.
Let me try to explain in terms of the dominoe analogy how I think our will works. (You won't like it so get ready

I think that it works something like this.
For most natural processes things work EXACTLY like when some guy sets up one of those fancy dominoe displays and knocks the first one over. It can get as complex as the guy setting it up wants for it to get but when it's all said and done all the dominoes (assuming they've been set up properly) will inevitably fall in their turn, not before and not after. There is no such thing as a stuborn dominoe which defies the laws of gravity, enertia and friction; one dominoe falls which causes one or more other dominoes to fall and so on. It is a chain reaction which has an outcome that is as certain as certain as can be. This is what is commonly refered to as "Causal Determinism" (CD) and is what it seems to me that you position logically leads to.
I however, do not think that our choices work this way at all. For our choices I think it is more like there is a causal chain that leads up to a decision point where the domnioes stop falling until I decide which to knock over next. The dominoes may apraoch a branching off point that has two or more possible directions and everything that has lead up to that point is completely compatible with going in any ONE AND ONLY ONE of those directions. And when it does, by the force of my own will, then that sets off a new causal chain reaction that terminates again at the next "decision time" branch off point.
Now I've written this right off the top of my head and while it sounds right for now, I reserve the right to modify my comments at any time.
Resting in Him,