What is faith?


Well-known member
My feeling is that we should obey the 1050 NT commands.

And somewhat like Ab, we have to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit when a strong conviction comes upon us to help in some situation.

Suppose someone in front of you in the queue is short 1$. You may feel strongly convicted to give them that 1$ as an act of service. One should obey these promptings too. This is an act of faith because this is done for Christ, and we know He will more than make up for this little act of service.

We should do right....and I've never met a true believer that doesn't want to do what's right. We know what's right because our conscience has been purified by faith when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us.


Well-known member
We should do right....and I've never met a true believer that doesn't want to do what's right. We know what's right because our conscience has been purified by faith when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us.

What you say is correct.

That is why I wonder if God's Truth has some particular act of obedience in mind beyond what all Christian's accept as normal obedience.

God's Truth

New member
He spoke to Jews, and many of those rejected him.

"[Obeying] the ceremonial works just to go to the temple where God's Spirit... “
That is your own personal theology.

You are badly mistaken. People could not go to the temple if they were ceremonially unclean.

It is clearly not what Jesus taught--at least not in any literal sense.

Jesus KNEW God, in my opinion. He did not have to BELIEVE in him, for this word is applicable to human beings, not the Son of God.

Do WE have to “believe” in our own father? Or our Heavenly Father?

I say no.

That is just nonsense.

God's Truth

New member
My feeling is that we should obey the 1050 NT commands.

And somewhat like Ab, we have to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit when a strong conviction comes upon us to help in some situation.

Suppose someone in front of you in the queue is short 1$. You may feel strongly convicted to give them that 1$ as an act of service. One should obey these promptings too. This is an act of faith because this is done for Christ, and we know He will more than make up for this little act of service.

What exactly don't you want to obey that Jesus says?

God's Truth

New member
What you say is correct.

That is why I wonder if God's Truth has some particular act of obedience in mind beyond what all Christian's accept as normal obedience.

You just put down obeying Jesus, and now you are for it?

We have to obey all of Jesus' teachings.

We have to obey Jesus to be saved, and to stay saved.

Why are you going against me?

I believe Gory is dazed about it.

I think you are too.

God's Truth

New member
We should do right....and I've never met a true believer that doesn't want to do what's right. We know what's right because our conscience has been purified by faith when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us.

We should do right?

We have to do right.

God's Truth

New member
Just look at this confused bunch.

I say we have to obey Jesus' teachings, and gory dazed and steko eat popcorn, and Iouae counts the commands sarcastically; and then gory says we should obey, as if it is a choice.


Well-known member
Just look at this confused bunch.

I say we have to obey Jesus' teachings, and gory dazed and steko eat popcorn, and Iouae counts the commands sarcastically; and then gory says we should obey, as if it is a choice.

I don't count the commandments sarcastically. I take each and every one of them seriously.

I think they were eating popcorn, while waiting for your reply. I saw no evil in that.

I am totally for obedience, but in all innocency, I wanted to know if there was anything SPECIFIC above and beyond normal Christian obedience, that you had in mind.

My apologies for upsetting you by my question.

But in your flurry of replies I still am no closer to WHICH SPECIFIC COMMANDS in the NT you say we should obey? Surely no Christian would have a problem with the 1050? Why not just say in your answer "Yes we should keep all 1050" or "No we only need to keep these but not those".

Surely it is not unreasonable to ask for a COMPREHENSIVE LIST of things to obey?

God's Truth

New member
I don't count the commandments sarcastically. I take each and every one of them seriously.

I think they were eating popcorn, while waiting for your reply. I saw no evil in that.

I am totally for obedience, but in all innocency, I wanted to know if there was anything SPECIFIC above and beyond normal Christian obedience, that you had in mind.

My apologies for upsetting you by my question.

But in your flurry of replies I still am no closer to WHICH SPECIFIC COMMANDS in the NT you say we should obey? Surely no Christian would have a problem with the 1050? Why not just say in your answer "Yes we should keep all 1050" or "No we only need to keep these but not those".

Surely it is not unreasonable to ask for a COMPREHENSIVE LIST of things to obey?

You just must not know what I have been through with gory dazed. She is against me in all ways.

I do not know how many commands there are, and I do not see why someone would count them.

We have to obey all of Jesus' commands.

They are easy to obey and no counting required.


Well-known member
I have learned something in this thread and that is that people seem to have a natural aversion and maybe even a repulsion toward one simple little word: OBEY. Watching people squirm over nothing more than this simple little word, OBEY, has been as enlightening as it has been amusing. I truly believe that in the recesses of the mind that really is all this is, that is, a natural animosity toward the word OBEY. :crackup:

God's Truth

New member
I have learned something in this thread and that is that people seem to have a natural aversion and maybe even a repulsion toward one simple little word: OBEY. Watching people squirm over nothing more than this simple little word, OBEY, has been as enlightening as it has been amusing. I truly believe that in the recesses of the mind that really is all this is, that is, a natural animosity toward the word OBEY. :crackup:

I think you are right about that.

God's Truth

New member
You'd better get to work....that's quite a list. Maybe you should stop spending so much time on the computer and actually get out there and DO SOMETHING. Talk is cheap.

It is easy. Just as Jesus says.

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

1 John 5:3
In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,


Well-known member
What you say is correct.

That is why I wonder if God's Truth has some particular act of obedience in mind beyond what all Christian's accept as normal obedience.

She thinks we are saved only when we obey the "commands" (some she discounts as not for her). She doesn't think salvation is a gift, but it must be earned with our obedience. She simply says we have to obey "everything", except, of course, those that make "no sense"....like selling everything and giving it to the poor, in order to be saved and to stay saved.


Well-known member
I have learned something in this thread and that is that people seem to have a natural aversion and maybe even a repulsion toward one simple little word: OBEY. Watching people squirm over nothing more than this simple little word, OBEY, has been as enlightening as it has been amusing. I truly believe that in the recesses of the mind that really is all this is, that is, a natural animosity toward the word OBEY. :crackup:

I think this is a good summary of the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

I DO SQUIRM at the word "obey".

I was born wanting to do my own thing.
"Obedience" is totally contrary to my nature.

To subject yourself to anything or anyone is the greatest sacrifice a person can make, even when that sacrifice is to God.

God's Truth

New member
She thinks we are saved only when we obey the "commands"

We have to repent of our sins.
(some she discounts as not for her).

Jesus fulfilled the old law, and gave us the commands for the new covenant.

She doesn't think salvation is a gift,

The gift is that we no longer have to clean ourselves just to go to a temple to worship God. Jesus' blood cleans us just by our believing it does, and we become the temple. That does not mean we do not have to obey God. It means we do not have to get circumcised, and give animal sacrifices.

but it must be earned with our obedience

Jesus saves us all on his own, and he chooses those he saves. He saves those who obey him.

She simply says we have to obey "everything", except, of course, those that make "no sense"....like selling everything and giving it to the poor, in order to be saved and to stay saved.

Jesus does not tell everyone to do that. Jesus had an earthly ministry, and his disciples traveled with him. They are the ones who had to give up their homes and follow him.