ECT What is better about D'ism?


Well-known member
The question is answered above, but you have no comprehension skill. First you would need to define 'follow' and 2nd you would see that I don't. You are this way with the Bible, curiously!

Nobody but SDAs listen to Bachelor, much less are able to quote his specific positions.


New member
Nobody but SDAs listen to Bachelor, much less are able to quote his specific positions.

You'd be surprised how well informed on many various ministries and their doctrines many a MAD outside of TOL is.

Your too often narrow lens, is showing, once more :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8
Acts 17:11,12.


Well-known member
God promised Israel the land. You disagree with God.

That's not how it ends. There are things said over many periods of time, and there is nothing clear in the NT, which is where God 'spoke to us in these last days through His Son.'

That is the obnoxious thing about D'ism. Every line of the Bible has equal import at all times everywhere. That is what they think, and is not how the NT sounds.


Well-known member
But we are not here to debate your position about the land restoration. The question of the OP is what is better about D'ism in the sense used in Heb 9-10 about the new covenant being better, which we are now in? It is called the better things, the better covenant. Why?

Stop being evasive and dishonest and answer that.


New member
But we are not here to debate your position about the land restoration. The question of the OP is what is better about D'ism in the sense used in Heb 9-10 about the new covenant being better, which we are now in? It is called the better things, the better covenant. Why?

Stop being evasive and dishonest and answer that.

Why is it called better?

Because better is what The LORD promised Israel (through such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel) it would be.

You can close the thread now :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8
Acts 17:11,12


Well-known member
It was the physical earthly land.

NHNE doesn't begin until after the restoration and millennial kingdom.

There is nothing in the NT about the land because they were losing it exactly as Dan 9 said.

The restoration is the NHNE. All things is all things, not all of Judaism's things. The long reign of Christ is now. It is not another episode of Judaism which would crash the letter to Hebrews if it was.


Well-known member
What is the meaning of better in Heb 9-10?

This is so simple and you are totally evading the changes you need to make to believe it.


Well-known member

When will Israel be the revived, redeemed nation of priests God foretold through Moses? It has not happened yet so it must be yet in the future, else God was wrong.

We are the kingdom of priests.

Are you going to answer about 'better'? I guess not.