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The gospel is not: Satan has out-witted us and many sin and cannot obey, so I will make a new command where you can scratch all that was written before about obeying God and now NO ONE has to obey anything.
Romans 8:7
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
The law is spiritual. It isn't like a traffic law. You obey a stop sign by stopping at an intersection. God says the whole is summed up in loving God with your whole heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself.
Try obeying that. The mind set on the flesh believes he obeys that by going to church, tithing, not drinking, cussing or smoking or adultery or killing or lying or stealing.
The law is spiritual. You cannot obey it in the flesh. You must first be saved and then walk according to the spirit. This means quit looking at your behavior as evidence you either are or are not obeying God. If you are in the flesh, you will set up an arbitrary set of rules you obey and think you are obeying God. Obeying God is much more than a set of rules you memorize and keep in your own flesh.