ECT What if there had been no tree of the law


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Bob Enyart - The Plot: The Tree

What if there had been no tree of the law (knowledge of good & evil)
could satan have have still tempted Eve to sin ?

What would the results have been if Adam & Eve sinned ?
The eating of the tree was the only thing that was said to cause death.

However, that didn't mean that other things they did were not wrong, without them even knowing it was wrong.
(Being naked, for instances.)

Naked without the law did not bring death.
Naked with the law did bring death.

In other words, there was no shame/guilt of their nakedness until AFTER they partook of the law, and THEN they realized they were naked and needed to be covered.

Paul makes a similar stance in Romans 7 when he explains that he did not realize lusting was wrong until the law came and revealed that lusting was wrong.


TOL Subscriber
A&E had knowledge of God's moral Law before they partook of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They were created and lived under the covenanted commands of God before the fall into sin.

The Tree of Knowledge does not represent God's Law (God's Word reveals and represents the Law) . . .

The Tree of Knowledge represents idolatry.

To partake or believe in anything other than the truth/Laws of God, is the practice of idolatry. A&E believed Satan and thought to serve themselves, despite God's commands.

That is idolatry.

That is sin.


New member
What if people stopped asking hypothetical questions regarding the events of ancient folktales which were told as poems and handed down orally?


TOL Subscriber
What if people stopped asking hypothetical questions regarding the events of ancient folktales which were told as poems and handed down orally?

Boo ! . . .

Many want to discuss biblical truths, even if you don't.



Bob Enyart - The Plot: The Tree

What if there had been no tree of the law (knowledge of good & evil)
could satan have have still tempted Eve to sin ?

What would the results have been if Adam & Eve sinned ?

Everything has a purpose and is there to help willing individuals to fulfill their earthly objective. The “tree” might be there more for our sake to make the sin “obvious”. Eve lusted after the fruit, coveted what the fruit could provide, was not being a help to Adam at the time, did not seek wise council, and believed what she wanted to hear.

Answer me this: Would you prefer to be in a situation where your eternal close relationship with god was dependent on your personal ability to obey God or in a place where your eternal close relationship with god was dependent on your accepting God’s charity?

way 2 go

Well-known member
Everything has a purpose and is there to help willing individuals to fulfill their earthly objective. The “tree” might be there more for our sake to make the sin “obvious”. Eve lusted after the fruit, coveted what the fruit could provide, was not being a help to Adam at the time, did not seek wise council, and believed what she wanted to hear.

sin before the fall :think:

Answer me this: Would you prefer to be in a situation where your eternal close relationship with god was dependent on your personal ability to obey God or in a place where your eternal close relationship with god was dependent on your accepting God’s charity?

kinda of like
bride of Christ where the Jews had to follow the marriage covenant
body of Christ where we have Christ's righteousness apart from works

thankful to be in the body of Christ :bow:


Well-known member
sin before the fall :think:


Well, when their eyes were opened to their sin they saw their nakedness, not their eating, which they had before they ate.

And the word used to describe the evil of the serpent, subtle crafty or cunning is the same world used for Adam and Eve, naked. Only the vowels are different and they were not introduced until the mid 600s AD.

So if nakedness means to be sinful for them as it does for the serpent, then it either means 1. they were created naked, that is, sinners, and GOD created them evil and thought it was good, or 2. they were already sinners before coming to the garden and only accepted it, that is, were ashamed by it, when their eyes were opened to it as bling seems to be suggesting.

And apropos this topic, eating of the tree of the knowledge of, (not experience of which they already had but still claimed to be righteous), good and evil, would apply to any and every experience which opens the eyes of a sinful elect to their sin so as to bring them to repentance.

Of course there are those whose theology depends upon GOD only creating evil people by putting them into Adam which HE did not need to do, as if such an idea was not a blasphemy against HIS loving nature at least just as blasphemous as suggesting GOD created A&E evil in the garden...

Peace, Ted


New member
Bob Enyart - The Plot: The Tree

What if there had been no tree of the law (knowledge of good & evil)
could satan have have still tempted Eve to sin ?

What would the results have been if Adam & Eve sinned ?

It is the Tree of Life that represents the Torah and not the tree of knowledge of good and evil

Look about half way down this page and above the picture of the Menorah in the paragraph that starts with Seven branches in bold font

way 2 go

Well-known member
It is the Tree of Life that represents the Torah and not the tree of knowledge of good and evil

Look about half way down this page and above the picture of the Menorah in the paragraph that starts with Seven branches in bold font

eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil brought death

Rom_3:20 For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death

way 2 go

Well-known member
Well, when their eyes were opened to their sin they saw their nakedness, not their eating, which they had before they ate.
before they ate they were completely innocence

And the word used to describe the evil of the serpent, subtle crafty or cunning is the same world used for Adam and Eve, naked. Only the vowels are different and they were not introduced until the mid 600s AD.

"lake" and "like" only one letter off
but very different

So if nakedness means to be sinful for them as it does for the serpent, then it either means 1. they were created naked, that is, sinners, and GOD created them evil and thought it was good, or 2. they were already sinners before coming to the garden and only accepted it, that is, were ashamed by it, when their eyes were opened to it as bling seems to be suggesting.

nakedness was not a sin with no knowledge of good & evil

And apropos this topic, eating of the tree of the knowledge of, (not experience of which they already had but still claimed to be righteous), good and evil, would apply to any and every experience which opens the eyes of a sinful elect to their sin so as to bring them to repentance.

sin is not enlightening

Of course there are those whose theology depends upon GOD only creating evil people by putting them into Adam which HE did not need to do, as if such an idea was not a blasphemy against HIS loving nature at least just as blasphemous as suggesting GOD created A&E evil in the garden...

Peace, Ted

everyone came from Adam after he sinned


New member
eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil brought death

Rom_3:20 For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death

This is not the point being made

The Tree of Life is the Torah and Christ is the end of the law

Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

The greek word translated as "end" is G5056 when looked up in a good OLD lexicon tells us the definition means Christ is the accumulated result (or a point aimed at) when the law is completely fulfilled.

In simple terms, when understood spiritually the law written on our hearts will bring forth Christ the tree of life from Christ the seed given unto us through the blessing of Pentecost. This is why Paul said the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death

All those clergy members who for years have been teaching you and everyone else how the tree of knowledge of good and evil represents the Law of God (AKA Torah) are teachers who still need to be taught the truth of the basic foundations of Christ in us our hope of glory. The " unfortunate truth" about them is they have become stumbling blocks and are interfering with Christ working within an individual to mature them into the fullness of Christ formed in us that is the high calling of our profession

If the Torah is fulfilled in us as God has intended it to be, (spiritually and not physically as the law is currently being taught by both jews and gentiles) Christ being formed in us will be the result.

BTW, it is the breaking of the commandment "thou shalt not' that results in death no matter what the "not" may represent