What God Requires for the Salvation of Fallen Man


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Messiah provides an automatic activation device. It opens at the appointed time, in the appointed place and for the appointed sinner.

I know this from experience. It is only by experience that it can be understood. If at some future date your chute opens then you'll understand.
What if the person doesn't want to have the chute open?


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The Way, the means and the power of the evangelism are beyond the horizon of your understanding, obviously.

Or perhaps your understanding is wrong.

Tell me Truster, can God save someone who doesn't want to be saved?


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The fact you ask the question means that you could never understand the answer.
The fact that you refuse to answer means that you're scared of what the answer means.


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You do not ask to gain understanding, but to set a trap, just as pharisees did to Messiah.
No, I ask to expose you for the fraud you are. Those who read this thread will know what a coward you are, because you refuse to answer basic questions.

By the way, how is what I'm asking supposed to be in the same manner as what the Pharisees asked? They wanted to trip Him up so that they could bring Him before the authorities before His time. I simply want to know what you believe so that I can point out your errors.

If you claim your beliefs are not in error, then there's no reason you shouldn't be willing to share them. Unless of course you plead the fifth, in which case, why are you even on here...

If they are possibly in error, then why wouldn't you want them checked, to see where they are wrong, so that you can strengthen your beliefs, and better serve God?


New member
No, I ask to expose you for the fraud you are. Those who read this thread will know what a coward you are, because you refuse to answer basic questions.

By the way, how is what I'm asking supposed to be in the same manner as what the Pharisees asked? They wanted to trip Him up so that they could bring Him before the authorities before His time. I simply want to know what you believe so that I can point out your errors.

If you claim your beliefs are not in error, then there's no reason you shouldn't be willing to share them. Unless of course you plead the fifth, in which case, why are you even on here...

If they are possibly in error, then why wouldn't you want them checked, to see where they are wrong, so that you can strengthen your beliefs, and better serve God?

The fact my Elohim and Saviour knows my intentions and my thoughts pleases me and gives me comfort.

Who shall lay anything to the charge of Elohim's elect? It is Elohim that justifieth.
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I most certainly do not believe your Calvinist gospel.

What you believe about God and his Son Jesus Christ is what is going to send you to hell. You are without faith in God. It is not possible to have faith in a God that damns people to hell before the are born. Nor is it possible to have faith in a Christ that has failed to atone for the sins of the world.

What you have faith in is Calvinism.
You teach that sinners Christ died for are still lost, hence denying that His Death Saves them He died for!

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You dont believe the Gospel pate, how could you when you dont believe Christ death saves sinners He died for ?
It saves those who repent. Those who reject his salvation will not be saved.


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Messiah provides an automatic activation device. It opens at the appointed time, in the appointed place and for the appointed sinner.

It won't open if the person it's given to doesn't connect the battery to the device.


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Unbiblical nonsense . .
Who cares if it's unbiblical when we're using analogies? Parachutes aren't biblical either, so why are you just now complaining?

As far as the nonsense part, the Bible says one must believe the gospel message to be saved. To use an analogy, when someone believes the gospel message it's like putting a battery into a device.

When people are conceived in their mother's womb, they are alive to God. After they're born, and grown a little, they reach a point in their life where they know what is right and wrong, and they have the opportunity to choose between the two, but instead of doing right, they choose to sin, and because they did, sin revives in them (whereas before sin was dead because of Christ's sacrifice), and they die to God.

To use my analogy, they are born with the battery plugged in, then they come to the point where they have a choice to either leave the battery in, or unplug it. When they unplug it, they die.

However, when the person hears the gospel message, they have the option to accept it and believe or reject it and perish, and if they choose to believe it, they are again made alive to God.

Analogy: hearing the gospel is like giving the person's capacitors a charge, providing them with enough energy to either put the battery back in, or to throw it away forever. If they put the battery in, then it brings them back to life.

patrick jane

No, I ask to expose you for the fraud you are. Those who read this thread will know what a coward you are, because you refuse to answer basic questions.

By the way, how is what I'm asking supposed to be in the same manner as what the Pharisees asked? They wanted to trip Him up so that they could bring Him before the authorities before His time. I simply want to know what you believe so that I can point out your errors.

If you claim your beliefs are not in error, then there's no reason you shouldn't be willing to share them. Unless of course you plead the fifth, in which case, why are you even on here...

If they are possibly in error, then why wouldn't you want them checked, to see where they are wrong, so that you can strengthen your beliefs, and better serve God?
Buster only comes to TOL to judge others, add his own words to scripture and attempt to preach his own false gospel. He only has a handful of scriptures and he uses a few "key words" - he treats everybody as an unlearned child