What ever happened to...


Well-known member
Well I've given you verses that clearly show that the Spirit was in the prophets, and if the Spirit was within them and they obeyed God and kept their faith till the end, then there is no way they went to hell.

And there's this

Genesis 5

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

If Enoch walked with God and God took him, then there's no way Enoch went to hell.

Anyway I can't believe the those strong men of God, went to hell. We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

This is better and we could look at Moses and Elijah too but in all three cases it does not state categorically that any of them went to Heaven in fact Elijah writes a letter to a king after his whirl chariot wind experience. Moses' body was not found but no mention of going to Heaven and Enoch walked with God but we are not told where they walked to. What we do know is that Jesus (God) said no one has gone into Heaven:

John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man.

And Jesus also said that He was the door through which all must enter:

John 10:9
I am the door. If anyone enters in by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and will go out and will find pasture.

In fact read all this and you will see that when Jesus says ALL WHOEVER came before Him were thieves and robbers, or just hirelings (I think before I called the Prophets thieves and robbers but I meant hirelings, sorry about that) The hireling (prophets etc) run away when faced with real danger and the flock scatters. The flock only recognises Jesus words and no one elses.


Well-known member
You need to learn how to put in your own words what you would like to say. This isn't a time for a video.

I thought they put a lot of effort into making that. It's not easy making good films, especially about the Bible. Have you ever tried to make a film? I have tried a few times and it's hard to achieve something that is professional looking/sounding.

God's Truth

New member
I thought they put a lot of effort into making that. It's not easy making good films, especially about the Bible. Have you ever tried to make a film? I have tried a few times and it's hard to achieve something that is professional looking/sounding.

It would have been good if you would have told me something about it first.


Well-known member
It would have been good if you would have told me something about it first.

Oh, it's a portrail of the parable we discussed. Just for enjoyment. I was trying to find a testimony of man who said he had died and had seen the Abyss but it was years ago and I couldn't find it and found this instead and thought you might like watching it as well?

God's Truth

New member
Oh, it's a portrail of the parable we discussed. Just for enjoyment. I was trying to find a testimony of man who said he had died and had seen the Abyss but it was years ago and I couldn't find it and found this instead and thought you might like watching it as well?

Okay, sounds good. I will watch it today.