What does 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' mean?


OIC... Because men are raging bulls of testosterone that have no chilvery, integrity or brains outside of their nether regions, women dressing like they feel comfortable dressing makes them the cause of men stumbling.

I don't care about your obvious slant against men, a stumbling block is a stumbling block and dressing provocatively is sinful.
Deal with it :wave2:


I don't care about your obvious slant against men, a stumbling block is a stumbling block and dressing provocatively is sinful.
Deal with it :wave2:

Lol... I am a man!

I like curves and beauty and I can talk to a large breasted woman in a halter top while keeping eye contact the entire time.

Inner Beauty does matter most and I've come to find that a woman's dress and appearance is easily appreciated and then looked past.

Some guy somewhere is sick of the most alluring girls drama.

Once I figured that out, I simply move on and talk to women with one idea in mind...

They're people!

Their cloths and curves do not define them.


A feminized man, who thinks everything women do is justified because men do things.

Rotfl.... Crying with laughter...

You keep encouraging girls to dress less sexy and blaming them for our appreciation for beauty.

That's not my gig.

I'll treat a woman like a lady whether she's dressed in a bikini top and booty shorts or a burlap sack.

But hey, that's just how I was raised.




Im a woman, i dont look at other women with lust in my heart :)

Up until this point, we've expressed two opinions from two slightly different perspectives.

At this point, I have to tell you that your reply has pushed me over the humor cliff!!!

Did you type that with a straight face or did you realize how perfect and humorous your reply was as you constructed it?

Secretly, I think Crucible is disappointed by your answer....


........... Addition to my reply.......

Crucible beat me to the reply and confirmed my suspected implication of his possible reply.....

I'm going to literally die from laughter now!!!
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Rotfl.... Crying with laughter...

You keep encouraging girls to dress less sexy and blaming them for our appreciation for beauty.

That's not my gig.

I'll treat a woman like a lady whether she's dressed in a bikini top and booty shorts or a burlap sack.

But hey, that's just how I was raised.

You look at them with lust, just as they want you to. And you'll be damned if anyone tells you that isn't okay. 'Cry with laughter' at your own irony, you idiot. You aren't speaking from any religious perspective, but your worldly one :wave2:


Crucible beat me to the reply and confirmed my suspected implication of his possible reply.....

The fact that you lap up that lie tells me all I need to know about you, seriously. You wouldn't blame women for a single thing, but yet you just sacked it all on men posts beforehand. Go spread your nonsense to someone dumb enough to be duped by it.


You look at them with lust, just as they want you to. And you'll be damned if anyone tells you that isn't okay. 'Cry with laughter' at your own irony, you idiot. You aren't speaking from any religious perspective, but your worldly one :wave2:

I'm so very sorry saint Crucible. I believe in this thing called being honest and candid... Sorry, it's another character flaw I was raised with.


Crucible's Dream Girl

Crucible's Dream Girl

The fact that you lap up that lie tells me all I need to know about you, seriously. You wouldn't a blame women for a single thing, but yet you just sacked it all on men posts beforehand. Go spread your nonsense to someone who is an imbecile like yourself.

You are now my shining light of humor Saint Crucible.

Wait for it.....

Wait for it.....

Is this your Dream Girl Crucible?

Phone won't post it.....

To be continued later...
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Uh no, i dont want to have sex with other women, i guess what you said, means your bi, im not. (your implication that i have to be a nun to not want sex with other women, when i AM a woman)

So, you think the verse only applies to men, and women are exempt?

That's probably why you're all about that verse :rotfl:

The world of the apostles didn't include women showing their assets, so it made perfect sense that a man is committing adultery in looking upon another with lust because it required more than merely peering upon a woman.

Unlike today, where women have no qualms showing just about as much as they can get away with, for no other purpose than to entice men.
A double negative, and you can't concede to either.


So, you think the verse only applies to men, and women are exempt?

That's probably why you're all about that verse :rotfl:

The world of the apostles didn't include women showing their assets, so it made perfect sense that a man is committing adultery in looking upon another with lust because it required more than merely peering upon a woman.

Unlike today, where women have no qualms showing just about as much as they can get away with, for no other purpose than to entice men.
A double negative, and you can't concede to either.

Does this fit your world view Crucible? Is this the attire of your dream girl?



Jumping from one extreme to the next is nothing more than posing after having been defeated. It's what you libs are good at :wave:

Wow... You have judged my political views because I have expressed that women shouldn't be told how to dress.

I also expressed my love of guns.

I have accepted responsibility for my sexual attraction to women, as well as expressed that as a man, I do lust and take responsibility for such, while maintaining the stance of responsibility for that lust, instead of assigning blame.

I also separate sexual attraction from how I treat women and relate to them, while honestly noting that men and women are naturally attracted to one another in many instances.

Dude! You totally nailed it!!!!

No sarcasm..... at ..... alllllll.....

I feel religiously and politically free now.

After all, Jesus totally defined people's political views and told women how to dress.

Remember when Jesus called that one girl a whore and shunned her as a lib because He judges people with the same standards as the Pharisees?

Remember when Jesus focused on calling people morons and feminized men?

:Baffled: :Scratching head:


I have accepted responsibility for my sexual attraction to women, as well as expressed that as a man, I do lust and take responsibility for such, while maintaining the stance of responsibility for that lust, instead of assigning blame.

I didn't place blame on women, you just want to make woman utterly innocent when there is nothing innocent about dressing provocatively. Jesus didn't have to say anything about it because women didn't dress the way they do now. In fact, they never dressed the way they do now up until about a half a century ago, and you want to justify it by singing that same stupid songs one twirls for any other thing of women.

Nobody is blameless, and you all need to stop acting otherwise every time a woman is called to account for something- you fall from your alleged standing as soon as women are brought up, and then you want to sit there and talk about the Bible :AMR:



I didn't place blame on women, you just want to make woman utterly innocent when there is nothing innocent about dressing provocatively. Jesus didn't have to say anything about it because women didn't dress the way they do now. In fact, they never dressed the way they do now up until about a half a century ago, and you want to justify it by singing that same stupid songs one twirls for any other thing of women.

Nobody is blameless, and you all need to stop acting otherwise every time a woman is called to account for something- you fall from your alleged standing as soon as women are brought up, and then you want to sit there and talk about the Bible :AMR:


Out of all that I understand one thing.

I'm a Tigger. Signing off for the night with a TTFN, and gratitude for associating me with one of my favorite Disney Characters.


Goodnight Eeyore...


Guess who's not cracking a cold beer with me tonight... Starts with a C and ends with an ucible!


New member
Very simple:

It means what it says.

If you don't understand God is very sorry.

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Very simple:

It means what it says.

If you don't understand God is very sorry.

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Um, so David, Jacob and Abraham having multiple wives, but women only being able to marry one man until death do her part is clear?

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