That is just the opposite of what Paul taught.
It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.
(1 Corinthians 15:44 NKJV)
But which comes first, the natural body or the spiritual body?
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural and afterward the spiritual. (1 Corinthians 15:46 NKJV)
I believe that I Corin. 15:44 is talking about those of us who became descendants of Adam because Paul was talking to the brethren who followed Christ. He was telling them that the process of resurrection is real ... and, of course, Lord Jesus was able to completely demonstrate God's method or plan for carrying it out.
The first sown of humanity was Abel. The blood of Abel's dead body cried out to God from the ground where it was sown. In my opinion - what applied to Abel and applies to those of us today did not apply to Adam and woman.
In the same way that male and female both existing within the one male bodily form of Adam does not apply to any of us who came after them.
Now some of I Corin. 12 and forward say that Christ demonstrated that resurrection for humanity was a fact.
I Corin. 12:38-40 make it clear that each seed is given a body of its own.
Now the question is ... what is meant by "seed" and "its own body" ?
I believe this verse is saying that the offspring of every creature is each given a specific body of its own. A bird has one type and a human has another. All living flesh is not alike. Even the angels, which are not flesh, have a body different from other creatures. It was God's choice how each creature would look.
Of course, God chose to make man after HIS own image. Genesis 1:26,27 The human type image with which Jesus appeared.
Therefore if that God given body received at conception dies it becomes a planted seed that can be resurrected. Jesus took on mortal flesh so he could go through the process to make WAY for us to follow him into his kingdom.
I Corinthians 15:45-48 are the most fantastic verses for they compare the nature of the first man Adam ... with the nature of the Messiah, who was also referred to as the last Adam.
quote: It is written: The first man Adam was MADE A SOUL.
This is what I described ... the spiritual Adam was then made into a living soul with the addition of his body. Gen. 1 and Gen.2
quote: the last Adam (speaking of the promised Messiah -Jesus) was made a quickening spirit.
To me this means that Christ was a spirit that had the ability or a command or power to "quickeneth." The Christ who was born of woman was given the power to quickeneth flesh! He proved this ability by healing mortals, forming living eyes for them, raising people from the dead, and ultimately picking up his dead body and quickening IT and then appearing with it alive and walking around. IOW quickened.
Hers is I Corinthians 15:46 with my take within (...). BTW, this verse is not a question of how ... but rather a statement of how be it or we'd say: how it is.
Howbeit that (who came as Messiah) was not first which is spiritual
I perceive it this way: The Messiah who was spiritual and eternally God and with God was not the first Adam who came ... but rather it was created Adam who came into the world first.
I make this conclusion based on the verse that follow
I Corinthians 15:47
The first man is of the earth (the ground),
earthy: (but) the second man (the Messiah)
is the LORD of HEAVEN.
As is the earthy (the first Adam),
such are they also that are earthy (those born as Adamic descendents):
and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
IOW, descendants of the first Adam are like Adam.
BUT, the heavenly will be like the heavenly. I think this may refer to the bodies awaiting us in heaven for us to put on when our inner spirits are rescued from mortal death into eternal life. These heavenly bodies, which God has ready for us, are mentioned in 2 Corin. 5:1-2!!!
This next verse describes the culmination of resurrection:
I Corinthians 15:49
quote: And as we have borne the image of the earthy (the first Adam - our father and mother), we shall also bear the IMAGE of the heavenly (being our new risen and glorified parent).
Do you remember Jesus asking this question: Who is my mother and my father? Then he pointed to the people in front of him saying something like this: These are my mother my father my brothers and sisters. Jesus was saying that humanity had been his conduit for him to enter into this world and thus his lineage could be traced from Adam to David ... to Mary.
Well, those of us resurrected might point to Jesus and say: This is our father our mother our brother now that we are born again through him as our conduit into his kingdom.
I'm so sorry that I get so long ... I'm just always full of words.