Hello Jacob,
Do I not what? Not even the elders of my own church?
you said: 'recognize any arbitration authority in regard to reading the scripture and fellowship with brothers in Christ'
so my question again restated... do you not submit to the elders of your community in regards to 'reading the scripture and fellowship'?
If you (or someone else in your community) believe that your understanding of scripture is correct...that is, the Truth, and it contradicts what your elders or someone in your community hold as Truth, do you submit to the correction of your elders? Do they?
First off, the church is not my church, it is Christ's church. Secondly I respect every single one of the elders in my church. Third, what do you mean by "arbitrate"?
By arbitrate, I mean to definitively settle the dispute (whatever it may be). Having been definitively settled... is it therefore binding on those who acknowledge the authority of the arbiter...?
Remember, no one in the church "Lord's it over others" when they are submitted to Christ.
if by 'Lords it over others' you mean elders who start thinking the Church is there to serve them rather than they the Church, I would agree with you. Any who did, would be abusing their office.
I have no problem with any of the elders. And I don't know what you mean by arbitrate. Do you mean like a lawyer?
More like a judge ( in the sense of the judges in Israel before kings..)
Do you mean like when one person says mean things and someone needs to settle who is in the right? That is not a church scenario.
While that kind of scenario might come under the purview of an arbiter, I am more interested in a dispute over the Truth, that is, the Faith that has been once, for all, delivered to the saints...
At least not one I know of. I'm trying to understand your word arbitrate. Arbitrate over what?!
The central tenants of your Faith. not being familiar with your particular community I will use one of mine as an example...
It has been taught (and believed) in the Church catholic that the Eucharist is truly the body and blood of Christ. If I (or some other member of my community) began to teach that this was not so, based on my own interpretation of scripture... yet chose to remain 'Catholic', there would be a dispute within my community. The elders in my community have the authority to correct, rebuke and even excommunicate me if I continue to teach contrary to the Truth that they uphold.
now with that example in mind... who, if anyone, in your community has the authority to correct, rebuke or in the most serious cases... expel a member from your community?
Well, you and I have not had a dispute over doctrine.
I think that authority within the Church is an important doctrine; but I would agree that, so far, we have been discussing it, and not been in a dispute.
And usually looking at scripture helps someone to see their false view.
sometimes but not always... else we wouldn't have the confusion of doctrine amongst Christians that clearly exists.
But it's not something to argue about if people disagree. The Bible can only mean one thing in any given case. But the applications if not even the understanding by different people may differ.
Does the Truth matter?
Does it matter if Jesus is or is not God? Does it matter if the 'table of Lord' is truly a sharing of Christ's body and blood or merely a symbol? Does it matter if we are saved by faith that loves, or faith alone? Does it matter if Jesus was truly the Christ, or if Christ is some other being that took over his body?
I could go on... my point being that TRUTH matters, because Jesus IS the Truth. And if someone is misrepresenting the Truth that is Jesus, then we SHOULD dispute it.
It doesn't make anyone right or wrong, it just means that we continue to seek meaning in scripture, why we believe what we believe, and what scriptures says about it. I believe we are mature enough to examine scripture and talk about it together.
I would hope so as well.
If you believe I should be submitted to a Catholic arbitration you are wrong.
I believe that the bishops in the apostolic churches (this would include but may not be limited to, Catholics , Orthodox and Copts) are the legitimate elders of the Church, so yes I think that all Christians should submit to their teaching/correction.
Here is one reason why: 1John 2:19
'They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us. Their desertion shows that none of them was of our number.
Which to me, reads that
remaining within the apostolic community is vital.
I don't know of issues and councils beyond that, except maybe Catholics learning what scripture says about different ideas or things that they adopted that were not scriptural.
Look up great councils of the church if you're interested.... do you think any Catholic 'ideas or things' contradict scripture? If so why?
But remember this first council... the decision was in regard to Gentiles in Gentile lands. At least that is how I understand it. But I am a Gentile by birth and yet circumcised. And not for my salvation either.
It was to the gentiles, in that they were not to be required to become 'judaized' but it was ALSO to those that had thought otherwise prior to the council.
Those that, prior to the council, believed that the gentiles needed to be circumcised in the flesh, now HAD to submit to the authority of the council in the matter (or leave the community). Wouldn't you agree?