Some of the verses are about not conforming. Such as in not conforming to the pattern we see in the world that is set against God. Rather we should be transformed in the renewing of our mind. We need to approve of the things God wants us to.
But these things are understood by those who forsake sin in favor of living for God. And these are those who understand their need for repentance and the grace of God in Jesus Christ who died for them for the forgiveness of their sins and that we would be granted the gift of eternal life. We leave sin which leads to death and in its place we have obedience which leads to righteousness and eternal life.
Terms like "conformance" and "obedience" and "repentance" are terms that the religious controllers like to use because they imply a need (and false justification) for discipline, and punishment, and control. Exactly those things that self-assumed human "authorities" want to inflict upon everyone else. But that isn't the message of Christ.
The message of Christ is a message of freedom from this kind of bondage. Through Christ we are set free from the presumed need and judgments of human authorities and their lust for discipline, and punishment, and control. Because through Christ, we recognize God's spirit within us, as being
a part of us. And as we turn ourselves over to that spirit within, any presumed need for discipline and punishment and control is dispelled. And we are free.
This is why I reject the religion of the authoritarians as a false religion, intent on enslaving us rather than freeing us. And it's why I will not pretend that God wrote the Bible, and that the Bible contains "God's authority". And this decision is borne out every time I talk to people who believe in this false religious authoritarianism, because they are obsessed, endlessly, with a contempt for humanity, and they prattle on, endlessly, about how we deserve to be condemned, and punished, and corrected, and controlled, at all times. They do not know Christ, even though they call themselves Christians. They worship their holy books and use them to condemn themselves and everyone else. They are lost to their own fear and egotism. And I will not join them.
But the scripture and the church may both be helpful for your spiritual growth, because they are from God.
Everything is from God. And everything can be helpful to us, spiritually, given the right attitude and circumstances. But everything, including religion and the Bible, can be used to do great harm to ourselves and to others, too. And that harm begins when we make a false idol of the Bible and of our religion by imbuing them with the authority of God, Himself. An authority that these things do not possess.
There are verses in the Bible that tells us about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you you know you are temple of the Holy Spirit and that you are saved and born again, and that you have been forgiven your sin which you can overcome and leave in the past.
And with it, we can also leave behind the religious idols, and the human "authorities" that pretend themselves to be divine, or that we wrongly deem divinely righteous. And the self loathing and condemnation that our previous religiosity and adherence to these religious controllers have poisoned us with.
Not a spirit guide Holy Spirit. Although the Holy Spirit will lead you in all righteousness.
That sure sounds like a spirit guide to me. One that renders the religious guides impotent.
Look, I'm not condemning religion. I'm just pointing out that if we have found Christ (God's spirit within) we don't need religion, anymore. I understand that we a will still falter, and forget, and lose our grasp and faith in that spirit of God within us sometimes, and that there are some religious tools that can help us to reconnect with Christ, and hold onto that connection to the divine spirit within. And we should use those tools for that purpose.
But unfortunately,
it is a constant failure of religion and religiosity that it wants to take God's place within us and in the world, instead of stepping aside and helping us find the truth of God within ourselves. It constantly falls victim to the illusion of it's own presumed divine authority. And as it does so, it begins to presume itself to be God's truth, and to make us dependent upon it's self-assumed "divine religious truth", instead of upon God's real spirit of love and truth that dwells within each of us. When that happens, religion does not seek to set us free, but to enslave us to itself. And there are a great many Christians who have become thusly enslaved.