Lovely post there OnFire.
Rimi: Maybe they're hoping he'll read how disgusted they are by him and he'll go away.
A better thing would be to either just ban him from TOL as an unrepentant homosexual or put him on ignore....but where would the fun be in that for those who love to bait him so that he will enter the conversation and they can continue in their particular penchant of demeening him?
Rimi: How would you handle him from here on out? Say you got what you want and everyone was on board ... how do you see a dialogue with him?
You would have the choice to dialogue with him purely as another human being, which makes him one of God's creations...therefore with civility, even though not in agreeance with his particular choice of lifestyle.
Plenty of us have chosen to take this road.
If you didn't want to do that, then just put him on 'ignore' and don't dialogue with him at all in any form.
Simple choices.
It seems clear that nothing anyone who has chosen to demeen Beanie is going to bring him into the why not move on and leave him alone instead of starting stupid 'hate' and 'unChrist-like' polls such as this...unless this is your way of making yourself feel good.
Rimi :This isn't heaven, Julie. This is TOL. Heaven wouldn't have him.
Hey...It's becoming more evident every day since that first poll re whether it was Christ-like to call him a faggot, that TOL is nowhere near heaven my friend.

Not that I was ever under the illusion that it was anyway...heaven is a perfect place. TOL and many professing Christians here are far from perfection, including myself.
There are some who just behave more Christ-like than others to all people.
And you are right...heaven would not have him,as he is now a Buddhist and so not believing in the one true God. And he would have to stop being a practicing homosexual if he did choose to accept God.
Rimi: In this case, many do shake the dust and move on . . . but the little chap keeps following and interjected himself.
I would find it very hard to not interject my thoughts if a poll such as this was to be set up.
Once again...simple solution choices to be made...ban or ignore.
Rimi: He's very rude. Oh, and stupid too to keep hanging around when it's clear that he's not exactly welcome.
Do you mean 'rude' as in calling people horrid names etc? Or rude in that he posts anywhere he wants to, as is allowed him by TOL and their choice to allow homosexuals and atheists onto the site?
There are some who are welcoming to him as a fellow human. I include myself in that group.
Rimi:But, typical homo, he just thrills at the attention. He's a pig.
Hey...Beanie didn't start this stupid poll up, did he? So who managed to get the attention of everyone who has since posted in this thread? The original poll starter. Beanie then came in to comment on the poll as most would in his case.
Once again Rimi.. a very simple solution...Don't start up a disgusting poll/thread such as this and there is one less place for him to interject in.
I have found in my conversations with Beanie, limited as they have been, and in viewing his posts overall, that he is far from being a 'pig'.
Rimi: Beanie does not trust God, he is buddhist and homo. He needs to deal with his own issues first and be humble before God.
Yes..I agree with the points you have just posted...but maybe his problem isn't 100%with God really, as much as it is with those who proclaim to be Christ-like and followers of God. It is evident that some individuals are only Christ-like in their own interpretation of this mode of being, which to many other Christians here, is wrongful interpretation.
Rimi: Beanie is hateful towards Christians by bothering them when he knows they don't want him around.
Once again...ban or ignore...simple.
Rimi ; But sure enough, the little homo did what he always does and evaded and eluded.
Plenty of heterosexuals on TOL do that as well...none of us are perfect.
Rimi: He is not fit to teach Scriptures. Satan knows the Scriptures quite well, too, Julie. Would you like to invite him to teach alongside beanie?
I don't see Beanie 'teaching' per se, rather 'calling us Christians out' on the way we profess to be Christians and then not behaving as such in some particular instances...and if we are innocent of this behaviour, then what does it matter from whom the 'call' came, homosexual, atheist, agnostic, or satanist?
If Beanie calls us out on something from scripture and a fellow brother/sister in Christ does the same, from the same scripture or interpretation of it, does that mean then that Beanie is wrong?
Not in my book it doesn't.
I know that satan knows the scriptures well...and he can even blind very good Christians to the rightful interpretation of them if they let him tempt them by working on their own little penchants or things they will not let go of..
Rimi: Maybe they're hoping he'll read how disgusted they are by him and he'll go away.
A better way than hoping that he will go away would be to stop continually posting threads like this one and others of the same ilk, or just 'ban' him or ignore him. So easy!
There are plenty who don't mind him being here on this free board...and don't necessarily agree with his way of living or his views on God, but we live peacefully with him, intstead of constantly at war with him.