I know that you're away from the site for a little while, but as my own access is limited at the moment I'll address all of this now.
So if some puts on the internet what an institute says, it doesn't count to you, unless it's what you want to hear. Yeah, I know.
People can, and will, put whatever they want on the internet. I have no problem with that. My issue is with people who
believe everything they read on the internet without verifying it.
If you read a study on the internet, check it's authenticity and sources, make sure it hasn't been altered or taken out of context and check the credentials of the authors, then you have done research. If you just read a paragraph or two that's been stuck in the middle of a message board or website and start quoting it as gospel without bothering to look into the matter further, you haven't done research, you've listened to gossip. Pretty simple.
There's a reason why academic sources can't simply be URLs, you know.
I was only talking about polling fags, moron. Well, there was that homo dressed up as a cheap hooker (badly, I might add, he didn't have the legs for it) trying to pick up the drunk was asking me for change for a drink. Gotta luv Baltimore.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.
I know that, as this thread is about beanie, and it's clear how he just loves to be the center of attention.
Actually, he doesn't have that much choice around here.
All of them will go thru the thread because they crave attention.
I don't think so. I haven't seen comments from any of the people who I was thinking of, and even I skipped straight to the end.
But if not, it's because they heard some truth and couldn't stand it, being the compulsive liars they are. Poll you? You would skew it because you're a compulsive liar
Ah, I see. And you've obviously based that opinion on the great many conversations you've had with me?
I am not a compulsive liar. What makes you say that I am? Simply the fact that I am not heterosexual?
I'm a great example of a compulsive liar who is desperate for attention? What makes you say that?
You're not doing much for your claim of not making baseless generalisations here. All you've done is focus them on one person instead of an entire subculture.
Uh, well, yeah as you hang out with them. Of course, you and they will probably being lying.
Hang out with them, work with them, live with them. But, of course, every single one of us must be lying about our childhoods
just to throw you off the truth.

You're sounding a little paranoid there.
You've got the internet, use it.
What I want to know is what statistics
you are basing your statements on... not which ones exist. I can't google what's in your head.
Have you? Oh, wait, you'll probably lie.
Why would I bother?
One need not be a professional to be able to read and reason reports.
No, but you usually need to be able to understand them before you can use them as a basis for a diagnosis.
So long as you realize that I am superior, whatevah. You are a victim. I am a survivor. I will always be superior to you unless you change.
I am not, and never have been, a victim.
What two verses, retard? You won't argue because you have no case.
Those two famous Biblical verses that form the basis of the entire case against homosexuality. I won't argue with someone basing their negative opinion of homosexuality on Scripture unless I'm invited to... it's not my place. But if you're trying to base your case on science, you need to provide proofs. That's how science works.
The science and statistics have been presented on this website many times and you deny it in fear and self-loathing. Lots of it.
Nothing scientific or statistical has been presented by you.

And you're the one I'm asking.
How long have you been posting here, Rimi?
Now go cheat on your girlfriend with a man, ya know, like fomos do. Bet she's got a mean right hook!
I don't have a girlfriend. I have a boyfriend. And I have no plans to "cheat" on him.
No, you prove I'm lying about all the ones I've met, befriended and talked to.
No-one's saying you're lying. You're the one making the sweeping declaration of "lies!"
Here's something I don't understand: I don't know why they come here, homos, atheists, etc. Well, actually I do. I was doing some research on evolution/creationism and found several sites for atheists and homos. All these guys did was talk about what they were gonna do at some Christian site. They spent their time spewing offenses at Jesus Christ. Nothing deeper than that. Without us, they have nothing to discuss. Without Jesus they have nothing at all. Again, this goes for some homos sites, but I am speaking primarily the atheists. All the times I went there for about, oh a year, I never once stepped into their "discussions" because, hey, if I didn't like it I could leave. I didn't try to convince them or engage them because it was pointless. So, why do they come here? They have other places to go. But, no, you'll find them at every Christians discussion site. Sounds rather strange to me, unless they're willing to admit they're that boring.
It's good to know that you make baseless generalisations about everything, not just homosexuality.
There have been a multitude of threads where non-Christian TOL users explain why they use the site. If you can't find one, start another. We've all answered the question enough times that I'm more than sure no-one would mind filling you in.
Beanie is hateful towards Christians by bothering them when he knows they don't want him around.
Not everyone here wants Beanie to quit the board. Not every Christian finds the prescence of people who aren't identical to themselves "bothersome".