What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

What did you think of the movie... "The Passion"?

  • 5 out of 5 stars! - AWESOME!!!

    Votes: 32 57.1%
  • 4 out of 5 stars! - Very Good.

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • 3 out of 5 stars! - Good

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • 2 out of 5 stars! - Mediocre.

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • 1 out of 5 stars! - Not so good.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 0 out of 5 stars! - AWFUL!

    Votes: 3 5.4%

  • Total voters


New member
I loved the movie.I took the movie personally,just to know that my savior Jesus took that kind of abuse for me(a sinner)because the fact is he died for all sinners.i cried off and on through the whole movie.AWESOME movie.


Formerly Shimei!
We were not there when Christ died for our sins. "The Passion" movie is as close as we are going to get to seeing what the price of sin is and what Christ had to endure for us. The movie is an opportunity to understand the magnitude of the ugliness of our sin that Christ bore in His body for our sakes. Jesus paid the price in full. The cost of sin is death (separation from God). God the Son was the sacrifice and He paid the price. This movie is the best visual that you will see of what took place.
Accepting Christ as our Savior we can come out from under the law and be saved by grace.

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

Isaiah 53:4-6
Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
6All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.


New member
Great movie. I saw it twice- our church reserved a showing, and my wife and I went to see it a couple of days before to make sure it was OK for my teenage boys (it is R rated, after all). I cried more the second time than the first. Most moving scene to me was when Mary ran up to him after he fell and Jesus says triumphantly, through all the blood and sweat and misery, "see mother - I make all things new!" I wept.

Does anybody understand the symbolism of the little demon Satan was carrying around in the scourging scene? I think I got most of the other symbolism in the movie, but that one escapes me.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by SteveT

Does anybody understand the symbolism of the little demon Satan was carrying around in the scourging scene? I think I got most of the other symbolism in the movie, but that one escapes me.

I think it was to mock Christ and His re-birth?

Maybe it was to mock Mary holding Jesus as a child. Not sure.


New member
Originally posted by Freak

Sozo, have you voted yet?

Why would you ask me that? You already bore false witness about me concerning my opinion of this film.


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

Why would you ask me that?
Because you have said the following about the movie:

Originally posted by Freak

Sozo, you saw the movie. Were you deceived?

Originally posted by Sozo


I had honestly hoped that the movie would give the message of the gospel, but it fell short.

Maybe some good will come of it, but I doubt it.

A movie that presents the death and resurrection of Christ is denounced by someone (Sozo) who claims Christ. Go figure.


New member
The beating and crucifixion of Jesus is not the fulness of the gospel.

We are not saved by His death. The resurrection scene lasted about 20 seconds.

Beyond all that, my suspicions are already being realized by the amount of cohesiveness between evangelicals and Catholics.

This movie is a catalyst for an ecumenical apostasy.


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

The beating and crucifixion of Jesus is not the fulness of the gospel.
The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is the gospel, see 1 Cor. 15:3-4. Furthermore...the movie portrayed the resurrection, in a powerful manner, as atested by others.

We are not saved by His death.
Let me test to what you believe to God's Word:

Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

The resurrection scene lasted about 20 seconds.
The resurrection scene was powerful. Who cares if it lasted 1 minute or 20 seconds or 5 minutes. The fact is this: the resurrection of Christ was honored and promoted!

Beyond all that, my suspicions are already being realized by the amount of cohesiveness between evangelicals and Catholics.

This movie is a catalyst for an ecumenical apostasy.


New member

You have denied Jesus. There is nothing left to discuss with you. You are not a brother in Christ. You are the enemy, an idolator, a liar, and a flake.

You have been deceived. God has nothing to do with this film.


New member
Originally posted by Sozo


You have denied Jesus.
Nope. I support Jesus who is God. I have embraced Him as Lord of my life. You, on the other hand, have rejected Him:
Originally posted by Freak

Sozo, you saw the movie. Were you deceived?

Originally posted by Sozo


I had honestly hoped that the movie would give the message of the gospel, but it fell short.

Maybe some good will come of it, but I doubt it.

A movie that presents the death and resurrection of Christ is denounced by someone (Sozo) who claims Christ. Go figure. Only devil worshippers and homosexuals (which you may be one, I don't know) would hate the Passion and claim its a tool of the enemy.

There is nothing left to discuss with you. You are not a brother in Christ. You are the enemy, an idolator, a liar, and a flake.
Just because you align with the homosexuals who hate this film don't bash me bozo.

You have been deceived. God has nothing to do with this film.
You say this despite what other believers have stated on this thread. You're a stupid monkey.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Polly said:
I am sincerely grateful for such a movie that would cause the Lord's crucifixion to hit home more, so as to help me never to take for granted or become numb to such an extraordinary act of love. I also look forward and hope to read the biblical accounts of this with a deeper appreciation.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Blub blub blub!

Blub blub blub!

Shimei said:
We were not there when Christ died for our sins. "The Passion" movie is as close as we are going to get to seeing what the price of sin is and what Christ had to endure for us. The movie is an opportunity to understand the magnitude of the ugliness of our sin that Christ bore in His body for our sakes. Jesus paid the price in full.
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King of the jungle
Super Moderator
SteveT said
Great movie. I saw it twice- our church reserved a showing, and my wife and I went to see it a couple of days before to make sure it was OK for my teenage boys (it is R rated, after all). I cried more the second time than the first. Most moving scene to me was when Mary ran up to him after he fell and Jesus says triumphantly, through all the blood and sweat and misery, "see mother - I make all things new!" I wept.

Does anybody understand the symbolism of the little demon Satan was carrying around in the scourging scene? I think I got most of the other symbolism in the movie, but that one escapes me.
That scares me a little SteveT because I was so exhausted after seeing it the first time I don’t know for sure if I can handle it a second time. I guess I’ll find out because we are going as a church next Sunday.

It was weird, because Knight’s family and mine saw it together and after it was over we all just sort of zombied out of the theater and went our separate ways. We couldn’t even talk about it right then, it was just too fresh and painful and wonderful, and terrible.

I totally lost it at the exact place that you did, when Jesus fell down, and there was the flash back to young Jesus falling down. Man that was tough! Just too hard to take.

One thing it did for me was to make me realize that I have forgotten just how horrible it all was for Mary. Sometimes we Protestants tend to almost look down on Mary because we feel the Catholics deify her, but how foolish for us to do that because of some peoples misconceptions. It has nothing to do with Mary! It helped me see her in a whole new light. She is indeed the “Most blessed of all women” but at a high cost.

Oh and as to the little baby at the scourging scene, I agree that it was a mocking of the nativity and of Mary, showing that he, Satan thought he would win in the end. WRONG!


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Lion

It was weird, because Knight’s family and mine saw it together and after it was over we all just sort of zombied out of the theater and went our separate ways. We couldn’t even talk about it right then, it was just too fresh and painful and wonderful, and terrible.
Wow! The same thing happened with us. We went to see it with my parents. I had expectations of us all coming out of the theater saying stuff like, "Awesome! That movie rocked!" But the fact is, I think it "rocked" us a little harder than we had anticipated. It was as if we were unprepared for just how "awesome" this movie would be and what kind of impact it would have on us. I think I can truly say that my love for the Lord is greater because of the reality of Christ's love that this movie helped bring home to me. The Lord is good. May His name be blessed forever!
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Good acting by some, not so good by others. Great visual effects. I shed a tear knowing Christ was actually scourged worse than the movie depicted. Overall, I look at it as another movie in a line of movies about Christ, just more graphic when it came to his physical punishment than the others I've seen. It doesn't seem to me that any movie at any time could ever do justice to Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. I would be surprised if many truly come to Christ as a result of this movie. Other movies I've seen that aren't about Christ did a lot better job connecting me with the main character than this movie did connecting me with the character of Christ. I wonder if the same will be the result for unbelievers that see it?

In case you miss Tye (or even if you don't), here's rfburnhertz, Tye, and me before the show.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by wholearmor

In case you miss Tye (or even if you don't), here's rfburnhertz, Tye, and me before the show.
:wave: Howdy people in the photo! It's hard to get a good spamathon going without Tye. :(