What Dictates What You Believe?

God's Truth

New member
Mark 14:36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Jesus' blood takes away the sins of the world; yours does not.

Jesus puts us in him so he can put us in the Father; you do not.

You are not the one sent from above.

You are not the one who came from heaven born from a virgin. No matter what, you are not.

Ben Masada

New member
There are many basic Bible truths that most real Christians accept.

Once, Jesus declared that the Truth is the Word of God. (John 17:17) The Word of God given to Israel only and to no other People on earth. (Psalm 147:19.20) By the way, throughout Jesus' public life, he always referred to the Tanach as the Word of God. Furthermore, Jesus never even dreamed that the NT would ever rise.


New member
What Dictates What You Believe?

No matter how one cuts the deck the interpretation comes from man. Why wouldn't it be possible that it's not meant to be a literal translation? Where does it say that it's literal? Just because we see it one way does not negate other viewpoints. That is conceited. It's like saying the angle of a house I'm looking at is more correct than the angle of another person on the other side.

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God's Truth

New member
No matter how one cuts the deck the interpretation comes from man. Why wouldn't it be possible that it's not meant to be a literal translation? Where does it say that it's literal? Just because we see it one way does not negate other viewpoints. That is conceited. It's like saying the angle of a house I'm looking at is more correct than the angle of another person on the other side.

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Jesus gives understanding---the same understanding and knowledge---to those who obey.


New member
What Dictates What You Believe?

Jesus gives understanding---the same understanding and knowledge---to those who obey.

I used to think the same thing. I'm glad I was wrong. Jesus can be seen as an extended metaphor for the soul. The literal translation is popular because most really don't understand the significance so it remains buried and rejected. We get our interpretation from the church and we don't think they could be wrong. Remember when we thought the earth was flat? It's easy, convenient and more palatable to the masses to believe the literal understanding but deep down we all know there is something wrong. What's wrong is the missing of our genuine unconditional self-worth. There are many many substitutes but nothing can replace the soul. The gate to life is 100,000 times more narrow than expected.

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God's Truth

New member
I used to think the same thing. I'm glad I was wrong. Jesus can be seen as an extended metaphor for the soul. The literal translation is popular because mist really don't understand the significance so it remains buried and rejected. We get our interpretation from the church and we don't think they could be wrong. Remember when we thought the earth was flat? It's easy, convenient and more palatable to the masses to believe the literal understanding but deep down we all know there is something wrong. What's wrong is the missing of our genuine unconditional self-worth. There are many many substitutes but nothing can replace the soul. The gate to life is 100,000 times more narrow than expected.

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Jesus says he gives understanding to those who obey, and you say you used to believe him.

You should have kept believing him.


New member
What Dictates What You Believe?

Jesus says he gives understanding to those who obey, and you say you used to believe him.

You should have kept believing him.

Well that is true but it's not literal. There is no way I'm going back knowing what I do now. Without the soul we feel worthless and we combat this with trying to obey rules. We're trying to become good enough but it doesn't last because it is a false version of self-worth. True self-worth comes from the soul and it is unconditional, universal, undivided. Jesus born of a virgin is symbolic of this purity but the literal translation misses the point because it proposes there is something more important. Yet what could be more important than the infinite and eternal value of the soul which is God, heaven and salvation in itself?

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God's Truth

New member
Well that is true but it's not literal.

It is literal.

There is no way I'm going back knowing what I do now. Without the soul we feel worthless and we combat this with trying to obey rules. We're trying to become good enough but it doesn't last because it is a false version of self-worth.

What you are saying goes against God's Word.

I have the written Word that says that. What do you have? Please tell me what you have.

You have something you came up with from your own imagination, or maybe from some other book?

True self-worth comes from the soul and it is unconditional, universal, undivided. Jesus born of a virgin is symbolic of this purity but the literal translation misses the point because it proposes there is something more important.

Yet what could be more important than the infinite and eternal value of the soul which is God, heaven and salvation in itself?
Jesus was literally born of a virgin. Jesus' Father is God.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All that come to Christ as repentant sinners to be saved by him, are given the Holy Spirit.

It is the Spirit led Christian that receives the guiding and the teaching of the Spirit. John 14:26 also John 16:13.

God's Truth

New member
All that come to Christ as repentant sinners to be saved by him, are given the Holy Spirit.

It is the Spirit led Christian that receives the guiding and the teaching of the Spirit. John 14:26 also John 16:13.

That is right---repentant sinners---sinners who repent of their sins.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That is right---repentant sinners---sinners who repent of their sins.

There is no such thing as being completely repent of all sin.

If you were a Christian you would confess that you fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.

In the judgment you will disappear in a puff of smoke.

God's Truth

New member
There is no such thing as being completely repent of all sin.

If you were a Christian you would confess that you fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.

In the judgment you will disappear in a puff of smoke.

You should be more careful how you judge, for Jesus says that is what will happen to you, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

All fall short means ALL HAVE TO repent of their sins.

Which sins do you keep doing and will not stop doing?

How is it you think you can keep doing those sins and it is okay and worthy?

God's Truth

New member
Robert Pate,

Could you very carefully explain each of these scriptures to me? Could you explain them in detail?

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

God's Truth

New member
Robert, why would Paul tell the believers not to be deceived?

What does Paul mean by wrong doers will not inherit the kingdom of God?

God's Truth

New member

Could you explain to me these scripture, too?

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

What does Paul mean when he says anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs and there is no favoritism?

Don't you think that these scriptures in Colossians say the same as what Paul says to the Galatians and the Corinthians about not being deceived?

Do you wonder for a minute if you have been deceived when you tell me I am going to Hell because I do not sin, but you who says you cannot stop sinning is going to heaven?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Robert Pate,

Could you very carefully explain each of these scriptures to me? Could you explain them in detail?

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

Because you will not confess that you fall short of the glory of God you are a wrongdoer. You are a deceiver 1 John 1:8. You are deceiving yourself and are trying to deceive others.


New member
It is literal.

What you are saying goes against God's Word.

I have the written Word that says that. What do you have? Please tell me what you have.

You have something you came up with from your own imagination, or maybe from some other book?

Jesus was literally born of a virgin. Jesus' Father is God.

I used to think the same thing but again, that is one out of several possible interpretations. I went and found out the truth for myself and discovered God is much bigger and better than the literal interpretation of Jesus. People think the Bible is the final word but it's just the beginning. The enemy wants to enforce limits and boundaries because then we will never question the status quo. We will think everything is normal and assume the authorities have the correct interpretation without thorough questioning because of fear. The adversary devalues by restricting awareness of the true identity of the soul at all costs. It doesn't want us to know the whole truth. It only tells us that we are sinful but rarely mentions the infinite and eternal part of us that takes away our sins. That wouldn't be profitable.

God's Truth

New member
Because you will not confess that you fall short of the glory of God you are a wrongdoer. You are a deceiver 1 John 1:8. You are deceiving yourself and are trying to deceive others.

Jesus would not have saved me if I did not admit I was a sinner, confess, AND REPENT.

God's Truth

New member
I used to think the same thing but again, that is one out of several possible interpretations. I went and found out the truth for myself and discovered God is much bigger and better than the literal interpretation of Jesus. People think the Bible is the final word but it's just the beginning. The enemy wants to enforce limits and boundaries because then we will never question the status quo. We will think everything is normal and assume the authorities have the correct interpretation without thorough questioning because of fear. The adversary devalues by restricting awareness of the true identity of the soul at all costs. It doesn't want us to know the whole truth. It only tells us that we are sinful but rarely mentions the infinite and eternal part of us that takes away our sins. That wouldn't be profitable.

There is a way to get understanding, and it is to obey Jesus' teachings.