What Denomination/Religion Are You?


-Reformed Baptist
-Believer of Archaic 'Ologies' Nobody Talks About Anymore
-Born in the Wrong Century
-Oh Wait, Never Mind Because I'm Straight Up
-Augustinian and Predestinarian.



Well-known member
No label, I am is the awareness we all share, beliefs are elemental stops along the path to awaking to who we are and where we came from, at the narrow gate or eye of the needle ones camel better not be packed with labels or impossibilities.


Eclectic Theosophist
A primer in Eclectic Philosophy.......

A primer in Eclectic Philosophy.......

In other words, he's a "spiritualist/occultist Cultist."

A 'spiritualist' is simply one that believes or trusts in the great Infinite Spirit as the Creator and sustainer of life, who holds that spiritual reality, ethics, morals, principles and eternal laws have greater value and import than a path of extreme materialism. A spiritualist maintains the preeminence of Spirit over the material realm. Traditionally the term was applied to those within the Spiritualist movement and Spiritualism in general arising in the 19th century,...but those religious principles and spiritual precepts found within Spiritualism still hold as universal in nature, these principles also maintained within traditional-orthodox Christianity. So, as far as religious ethic, morals, meanings and values....there is little difference (but in some issues over 'spirit-communication' and 'cosmetics') Both schools also hold to the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, a primary spiritualist theme. Remember,...God is SPIRIT. We are the offspring of God who is the Father of spirits. Our religious traditions and its writings include the reality of spirit-communication/inspiration by which certain universal principles are affirmed. Both schools affirm the reality of spirit-communication in ancient and modern times.

See: What is Spiritualism?

As far as occultist goes,...I'd recommend learning the real meaning behind that,...for 'occult' simply means -

1. of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.

2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.

3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.

4. hidden from view.

5. a. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.
b. of a nature not understood, as physical qualities.
c. dealing with such qualities; experimental:
occult science.


We must note the broad range of the word 'occult', and that just because something is 'occult' in nature, does not mean it is 'satanic' or 'demonic'. In this sense, the study of 'occult wisdom' or 'occult science' is but the study of hidden truths, secrets or knowledge that is not ordinarily or visibly observed, but can be perceived or realized experimentally/experientially. This is supported by the fact that hidden or invisible realities are the substratum upon which visible forms and realities rest or are mirrored thereby....just like "as above, so below",...."as below, so above" (the visible world and its forms mirror what is in the invisible realms). - this is a fundamental occult saying. There is nothing wrong with the study of 'occult science' or 'occult teachings' then,...if it is a true study of hidden knowledge or the esoteric wisdom the pervades the order and structure of the universe.

Also, your use of the word 'cultist' is a hyped exaggeration, since you cannot pin me down to any one particular cult, since I'm a true universalist and ECLECTIC. (go over that again...slowly).

See: Eclecticism :) - also for any wondering about GM's claim of me being a Urantia Book cultist...I fully address this charge here. - any sputtering of this charge is just the same ole 'spin' since it comes from a mentality suffering 'grid-lock'. The Urantia Book (UB) is just one of many religious books I find interesting, having its own unique terms, nuances and a wonderful cosmology to boot. I freely contribute and moderate the UB thread for the mere pleasure of inspiring dialogue on the entire breadth of religious topics that the book covers and goes into great detail with. It includes the entirety of what the Bible covers, plus much MORE.



1. selecting or choosing from various sources.

2. made up of what is selected from different sources.

3. not following any one system, as of philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems.

Also, eclecticist:

[ih-klek-tuh-sist] . a person who follows an eclectic method, as in philosophy or architecture.

- Eclectic (Dict.com)


For a greater expansion on 'Eclectic Philosophy' go here.


New member
I use to be a Baptist until I discovered the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Now, I am just what I should be, a Christian. No religion needed.
Robert... can't you just play nice? Your not going to win friends...or souls with that critical attitude. I fail at this too... but we need to see that Jesus shed His blood for people of all nations...Not everyone is going to look like us, nor believe exactly the same. Sometimes, we need to be like the blind guy that Jesus healed. Rather than argue theology, he said basically "All I know is that once I was blind...but now I see...Wooohooo Praise God!"

Oh...btw I am a member of a church called Brethern in Christ'. I have attended many many different types of churches (for single visits)including Catholic. You might be surprised how much you have in common with other believers.


New member
Thanks...i would live to pop in and worship with you sometime. Presently stuck in a snow storm in SD though.


New member

I used to go to a baptist church once in awhile but I broke away from that because it no longer meshed with my beliefs. Actually I didnt even know the bible so I went just because. Wasn't very often either mind you. Maybe went to church uhm 20 times in my life, spaced out over long periods. I havent stepped foot in one since I was born again; which is funny to me.
You should try us out again sometime. There's always room for one more queer duck in our pews. Ha... not saying you are 'queer' but we all are individuals. Some you get aling with better than others. And... you aren't expected to believe everything exactly the same as others.