I'm reading these interesting articles by Bob and this other nut debating the existence of God. And although truly enlightning to read, I am again reminded how dangerious Mr. Enyart really is, or at least his hidden agenda. From a secular position as well as a christian position, we live in a free society-period. But I fear that Mr. Enyart and those that push his type of christian dicatorship agenda is only worsening the problem. We must never forget that man has a free will, no doubt about it, we have that choice, and God has granted us as a body of people and world a choice to live by our own terms. When you push a certain thought agaisnt anothers, that is wrong. I do not condone Bobs idea that all people who are committing adultery should be killed as he believes, I also should note does that include Bobs personal failures as well? Regardless of how much you'd like society to change to your point of view-Bob, you can't. People have to learn on their own, and if they create laws that you do not agree with, guess what, its the law, its what a society has decided is right for themselves and their nation. But my own problem is, why should someone like Bob who has had a real ill natured personal life, i.e., hookers, one night stands, drug user and the such be deemed so highly regarded?? (all documented in his on air program)I really believe we need to take a look at who we follow and understand their motives before indorsing a certain belief. To be fair, I'm sure Bob has not been with any hookers as of late, but I will say, I fear his agenda more than his personal life. For in his world individual thoughts would be regulated, artists would be banned from doing any ype of art that would not be allowed in a christian enviroment, books would be burned that were not christian, films would be destoryed that did not promote christian values. People need to think about these things before supporting a person. We live in a world of different cultures and different races and religions, do you argue to banning all religions?? Should we actually start killing muslims and sikkhs?? Not to mention the amish, well, maybe the amish. I hate following slow moving vehicles. But we must never forget that God has allowed free will and a free society and until he comes down here himself to make the changes, I will rely on my god given right to vote for my leaders, not those that share a narrow view point of life.