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Legalism when discussing theology (I believe) refers to salvation (justification) by keeping the law rather than salvation by grace through the sufficient work of the blood of Jesus Christ. Although I've never talked to Bob, I don't think he believes that a person is saved by keeping the law and thus is not a legalist. Now, if you are defining legalist as an advocate or adherent of moral legalism, then lump me in there too...please.Originally posted by cgregory
You seem legalistic as well as enyart, you see mto want to follow the law, which as a jew we feel or tend to feel is outdated for us today. And when it comes down to it, its just a book we should learn by, I don't buy everything it says because its just insane to believe it. I'll stick to my Rabbi.
That's not to say that the law is irrelevant. The law is very relevant, especially for you. Before we are saved, the law is our schoolmaster - teaching us right and wrong. After we are saved we have the law-giver living inside of us showing us right and wrong, and thus the law manifests itself naturally. So Bob, or whoever else, appearing legalistic probably just means that they have a Holy God living on the inside giving testimony of the law through the Word of God. That's a good thing.
If I'm misrepresenting Bob, or Knight, or whomever, someone jump right in and correct me.
You are really a Jew? I'm really surprised that you and your Rabbi set aside the Torah so readily.