Well-known member
Hi to all , and why do most feel that the gifts of Pentecost are for today ?

#1 , Are your daughters and sons SHALL Prophesy , Acts 2:17 !

#2 , Are the young men SHALL see visions , are they ?

#3 , Are your Old men SHALL dream , dreams , are they ?

#4 , Are there Wonders in the heavens ?

#5 , Are we seeing signs in the earth in the earth beneath , Blood and Fire !

Where the Greek word " SHALL " appears is in the IMPERFECT TENSE as Pentecost began and then stoppe!

This is the BIGGEST BLUNDER of Acts 2 ism , is there Failure to see that Israel was set ASIDE and for 2000 years are all Idle as to there message , the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached in Matt 4:17 !!

This is why Pentecostalism try to GIBBERISH there WAY and say that it is a Languages , when it is NO Language AND it should be A Language , because on the Day of Pentecost , they were Languages and not GIBBERISH in Acts 2:8 !!

The Pentecostals are like the RCC and there Apostolic Seccession and there POPES plus there KJV-ONLY belief of the bible .

In Eph 4:11 the Holy Spirit gave the gifts some Apostles , Prophets , and some Evangelists , and some Pastors and Teachers and verse 12 says for the PERFECTING of the saints for the Work of the Ministry and the EDIFYING of the Body of Christ !!

Not for the EDIFYING of Pentecost , or Baptism or for speaking in Languages !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi to all , and why do most feel that the gifts of Pentecost are for today ?

#1 , Are your daughters and sons SHALL Prophesy , Acts 2:17 !

#2 , Are the young men SHALL see visions , are they ?

#3 , Are your Old men SHALL dream , dreams , are they ?

#4 , Are there Wonders in the heavens ?

#5 , Are we seeing signs in the earth in the earth beneath , Blood and Fire !

Where the Greek word " SHALL " appears is in the IMPERFECT TENSE as Pentecost began and then stoppe!

This is the BIGGEST BLUNDER of Acts 2 ism , is there Failure to see that Israel was set ASIDE and for 2000 years are all Idle as to there message , the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached in Matt 4:17 !!

This is why Pentecostalism try to GIBBERISH there WAY and say that it is a Languages , when it is NO Language AND it should be A Language , because on the Day of Pentecost , they were Languages and not GIBBERISH in Acts 2:8 !!

The Pentecostals are like the RCC and there Apostolic Seccession and there POPES plus there KJV-ONLY belief of the bible .

In Eph 4:11 the Holy Spirit gave the gifts some Apostles , Prophets , and some Evangelists , and some Pastors and Teachers and verse 12 says for the PERFECTING of the saints for the Work of the Ministry and the EDIFYING of the Body of Christ !!

Not for the EDIFYING of Pentecost , or Baptism or for speaking in Languages !!

dan p

Until you read, "receiving the holy spirit today" by VP Wierwille, you are drowning in your guesswork.


Well-known member
Until you read, "receiving the holy spirit today" by VP Wierwille, you are drowning in your guesswork.

Hi , and will you comment on Acts 1:6 or on Acys 2:17 ?

Or are you GUESS as you write ??:madmad::madmad:

dan p


Well-known member
All of them. Where does it say they are obsolete?

Hi , and it says so in 1 Cor 13:8 that Prophecies shall fail , Languages shall CEASE , AND kNOWLEDGE , it shall vanish away and anyone that claims they are still in operation is an INFANT , verse 11 !!

It seem that many like yo be in DIAPERS !!




New member
Hi to all , and why do most feel that the gifts of Pentecost are for today ?

#1 , Are your daughters and sons SHALL Prophesy , Acts 2:17 !

#2 , Are the young men SHALL see visions , are they ?

#3 , Are your Old men SHALL dream , dreams , are they ?

#4 , Are there Wonders in the heavens ?

#5 , Are we seeing signs in the earth in the earth beneath , Blood and Fire !

I responded to this yesterday in another pente bashing thread you have.

Where the Greek word " SHALL " appears is in the IMPERFECT TENSE as Pentecost began and then stoppe!

I already asked you to explain how you understand it as being in the imperfect tense. How can it be something that was happening in the past, when it hadn't happened at all yet? That wouldn't make any sense at all.
It's as if you're understanding the text as having been written today, not 2000 years ago LOL. In other words, you're understanding from the text that these things were happening during the time of the apostolic church, but have now ceased, even though the timing of the tense in scripture is future. And so it is you who are saying that these things were happening and have now ceased, not Peter.
This just goes to show just how desperate you are to put all the gifts of the Spirit in the past.

Now...... "shall prophesy" is 'future active indicative". It is something that will happen (future), sons and daughter will do it (active), it is definitely going to happen as determined by God who spoke through Joel (indicative). And from context, it is happening now as witnessed by the crowds, and as explained by Peter.
With the dreaming dreams and seeing visions, the voice is middle, probably because these are experiences that people have no control over. They simply participate in them as and when they happen.

Whether or not the gifts are meant to be temporary is to be understood by the context. The fact that the prophecy mentions the end of this world, dictates that the outpouring will continue on until the end of the world. This is absolutely undeniable.

So let's look at it further.

Matthew 24:29-30
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

We see the same kind of apocalyptic events being described by Jesus, and then he is revealed in power and glory.

1Cor 1:2-7
3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, 5 that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, 7 so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ

Now this is significant because Paul didn't know when Jesus would be revealed, but he understood that the church should not be lacking in the gifts of the Spirit while waiting for Jesus to be revealed.

This is the BIGGEST BLUNDER of Acts 2 ism , is there Failure to see that Israel was set ASIDE and for 2000 years are all Idle as to there message , the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached in Matt 4:17 !!

Made up. Nowhere to be found in scripture.

This is why Pentecostalism try to GIBBERISH there WAY and say that it is a Languages , when it is NO Language AND it should be A Language , because on the Day of Pentecost , they were Languages and not GIBBERISH in Acts 2:8 !!

1 Corinthians 14:2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.

What part of "no one" do you not understand?

The Pentecostals are like the RCC and there Apostolic Seccession and there POPES plus there KJV-ONLY belief of the bible .

Pentecostals churches do not have leaders demanding absolute authority, and neither are they KJV only. In our town we have joint fellowship gatherings with baptists, methodists, anglicans, united reformed and other non denominational churches.

In Eph 4:11 the Holy Spirit gave the gifts some Apostles , Prophets , and some Evangelists , and some Pastors and Teachers and verse 12 says for the PERFECTING of the saints for the Work of the Ministry and the EDIFYING of the Body of Christ !!
Not for the EDIFYING of Pentecost , or Baptism or for speaking in Languages !!

So why are you tearing down the work by limiting the God to using human persuasion in order to win souls?

1 Cor 2:3-5
I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

You've got a chip on your should against pentecostals. The reason will either be a bad experience, a bad pentecostal church, no desire to pursue faith and power, an unhealthy interest in hyper dispensationalism leading the pride of knowledge etc who knows what the reason is, but you are so bitter.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hi to all , and why do most feel that the gifts of Pentecost are for today ?

#1 , Are your daughters and sons SHALL Prophesy , Acts 2:17 !

#2 , Are the young men SHALL see visions , are they ?

#3 , Are your Old men SHALL dream , dreams , are they ?

#4 , Are there Wonders in the heavens ?

#5 , Are we seeing signs in the earth in the earth beneath , Blood and Fire !

Where the Greek word " SHALL " appears is in the IMPERFECT TENSE as Pentecost began and then stoppe!

This is the BIGGEST BLUNDER of Acts 2 ism , is there Failure to see that Israel was set ASIDE and for 2000 years are all Idle as to there message , the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached in Matt 4:17 !!

This is why Pentecostalism try to GIBBERISH there WAY and say that it is a Languages , when it is NO Language AND it should be A Language , because on the Day of Pentecost , they were Languages and not GIBBERISH in Acts 2:8 !!

The Pentecostals are like the RCC and there Apostolic Seccession and there POPES plus there KJV-ONLY belief of the bible .

In Eph 4:11 the Holy Spirit gave the gifts some Apostles , Prophets , and some Evangelists , and some Pastors and Teachers and verse 12 says for the PERFECTING of the saints for the Work of the Ministry and the EDIFYING of the Body of Christ !!

Not for the EDIFYING of Pentecost , or Baptism or for speaking in Languages !!

dan p

A few years back the Pentecostal/Charismatics were acting like
drunks in their church! Laughing, falling down on the floor, making
animal noises, etc! Kenneth Copeland, Rodney Morgan Howard-Browne,
Kenneth Hagin, etc, were all involved with this "Craziness"
going on in their churches! They not only watched their church
people doing these things, they also participated in this madness
themselves! They claimed it was of God! Check out "Youtube"
and see these kinds of activities going on!


New member
A few years back the Pentecostal/Charismatics were acting like
drunks in their church! Laughing, falling down on the floor, making
animal noises, etc! Kenneth Copeland, Rodney Morgan Howard-Browne,
Kenneth Hagin, etc, were all involved with this "Craziness"
going on in their churches! They not only watched their church
people doing these things, they also participated in this madness
themselves! They claimed it was of God! Check out "Youtube"
and see these kinds of activities going on!

2000 years ago there were christians in a church at Corinth who were abusing the gifts of the Spirit, getting drunk in church, disrespecting the poor, and proud about sexual immorality, and behaving carnally. Paul still addressed them as fellow saints, though. Read about it in the bible.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I see you arenot basing your arguments on scripture?

A few years back the Pentecostal/Charismatics were acting like
drunks in their church! Laughing, falling down on the floor, making
animal noises, etc! Kenneth Copeland, Rodney Morgan Howard-Browne,
Kenneth Hagin, etc, were all involved with this "Craziness"
going on in their churches! They not only watched their church
people doing these things, they also participated in this madness
themselves! They claimed it was of God! Check out "Youtube"
and see these kinds of activities going on!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
2000 years ago there were christians in a church at Corinth who were abusing the gifts of the Spirit, getting drunk in church, disrespecting the poor, and proud about sexual immorality, and behaving carnally. Paul still addressed them as fellow saints, though. Read about it in the bible.

So, are you a "Pentecostal?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The drunkenness, animal sounds, falling all over the place a few
years back, was not of God! It was a scene from a "Bedlam Scenario!"
Do you agree with what those phonies were doing?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Those who were participating in that madness were under some
form of delusion, mass hypnosis, fakery, or some other, UnGodly

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Churches of today need only to be preaching/Teaching, and spreading
Paul's Gospel! And, stay away from false drunkenness, falling on the floor,
making animal sounds and other unseemly goings on, in the church building!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One need only look on "Youtube" to see what the Pentecostal/Charismatics
have been up to in the the past several years! Benny Hinn and his ilk have
been presenting a "circus side show" for the naive, and ignorant souls that,
unfortunately come in contact with these, "Charlatans!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Watch some late night cable and see these type guys, selling their wares!
Miracle waters, and other, "Snake oil merchandise!" Benny Hinn mentioned
once that, people were placing their dead relatives bodies in front of the TV
and pressing their "dead hands" on the TV screen, hoping to raise them
from the dead! Hinn also said that, each member of the Trinity had their
own Trinity! Hinn and his fellow "Fakes" make a horrendous amount of
money off of the, "hopeful Naive and Ignorant!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's a plethora of "Fakesters" out there today! People need to read/study God's word (The Bible) Especially,
I would impress it upon people to pay close attention to, "Paul's writings" (Romans through Philemon!) They will find the
way to eternal life, if they hear the true "Grace Message" and respond in faith in Christ, as their Lord and Savior! It's
through "Paul's Gospel" we find the truth for today!


Well-known member
Hi , and will you comment on Acts 1:6 or on Acys 2:17 ?

Or are you GUESS as you write ??:madmad::madmad:

dan p

I did comment in your thread on Acts 1:6, until you read it and realize this age of grace is now in effect and remains so until after I Thessalonians 4:13-18, that is all you will get.

Do you read your own posts?

Or are you GUESS as you write ??

What is that supposed to mean? English grammar is taught in schools for a reason.

Learn to express yourself more clearly, or reread your posts before you post them.

Acys 2:17
What? Acys?

Is that a book in your Bible?

Do you mean Acts 2:17? If so, you could type it so.