Well? We're Waiting...........

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From OK Doser : "I believe every fag has the right to be executed, swiftly, publicly and
painfully ". How very "Christian" of you .
Now replace the word "fag" with : " I believe every fag (Jew) has the right to be executed ,
swiftly, publicly and painfully ."
Heil OK Doser ! Sieg Heil! You sound just like Adolf Hitler ! I'm not a "fag ", but I am a Jew,
though a non-observant, secular, agnostic one. Hey, OK Doser, where and where should I report
for execution ? And how are you going to execute me, and the other several million Jews in America ? And then, when are you going to go to Israel to execute all the Jews there ? Some of them are"fags" too .
YOU MAKE ME SICK !!! How dare you call yourself a "Christian"? I know atheists who are far more Christian than you are .

retards like you shouldn't be executed

they should be shipped off to an island so the rest of us don't have to put up with them

The Horn

Culture Warrior, the only "gay agenda" is to be treated decently by society, not discriminated against , not persecuted by the government, and to have the same rights straight people have. Is this too much to ask for ?
Right-wing bigots use the term "gay agenda" as an excuse to paint all gays as evil , lecherous child molesters who lie in wait to "recruit" kids into the "homosexual lifestyle", and to "oppress" anyone who is opposed to gay rights, despite the fact that homosexuality is inborn , just like heterosexuality , and it's impossible to "recruit " someone who is heterosexual into the "gay lifestyle". It's also impossible to "cure" a gay person of homosexuality , and so-called "gay conversion therapy " is a dangerous fraud which can cause serious mental problems and even lead to suicide .


Culture Warrior, the only "gay agenda" is to be treated decently by society, not discriminated against , not persecuted by the government, and to have the same rights straight people have. Is this too much to ask for ?

Aren't you just the cutest thing when you put on your victimization act and play so innocent. There's a tad bit more to the 'gay' agenda such as changing and thus destroying our society's invaluable institutions as well as the indoctrination of innocent children, but then I see that you've addressed that below.

Right-wing bigots use the term "gay agenda" as an excuse to paint all gays as evil , lecherous child molesters who lie in wait to "recruit" kids into the "homosexual lifestyle", and to "oppress" anyone who is opposed to gay rights, despite the fact that homosexuality is inborn , just like heterosexuality , and it's impossible to "recruit " someone who is heterosexual into the "gay lifestyle". It's also impossible to "cure" a gay person of homosexuality , and so-called "gay conversion therapy " is a dangerous fraud which can cause serious mental problems and even lead to suicide .

You've made it clear numerous times that you're not a homosexual, yet you seem very comfortable speaking for them. I've refuted every one of your statements in my WHMBR! threads, if you would like to debate me point by point, you know which thread to do it in.

I didn't think so.

BTW: About those atheists that you and Tattooed Theist know that are more "Christian" than many Christians...

The Horn

(Lack of ) Culture Warrior, gay people are and have been victimized for ages all over the world .
I'm sick and tired of homophobes whining that gay people are doing just fine in America, have equal rights, etc.
Conditions certainly have improved for them, and they have been gaining rights, but there are still forces of bigotry in America which are determined to roll back the clock and take all these rights away from them . And YOU, sir, are an enabler of homophobic bigotry .Shame on you !!!


Not being able to address my previous post, De Horn tries another approach:

(Lack of ) Culture Warrior, gay people are and have been victimized for ages all over the world .

And since the legalization of homosexuality, those who engage in homosexual behavior and promote the child molesting 'gay' agenda still are being victimized (rampant diseases and substance abuse, not to mention premature death) by the movement that they're a part of.

Christianity is a sexually confused person's best friend, as it help's that person leave that deathstyle behind.

I'm sick and tired of homophobes whining that gay people are doing just fine in America, have equal rights, etc.

It's depressing to see so many lost souls in our society, hence they're far from "doing just fine".

Conditions certainly have improved for them,

Gotta love those government subsidized drugs that help those with AIDS live a few years longer ey De Horn?

and they have been gaining rights

There's much work to be done, as abolishing the age of consent (i.e. being able to rape underage youth with immunity) still hasn't materialized like the LGBTQ movement had hoped.

but there are still forces of bigotry in America which are determined to roll back the clock and take all these rights away from them . And YOU, sir, are an enabler of homophobic bigotry .Shame on you !!!

Christians should probably be burned at the stake for such hatred shouldn't they De Horn?

Say it, come on, say what you're really thinking.

The Horn

(Lack of ) Culture Warrior , the notion that gay men are automatically pedophiles was debunked long ago. The overwhelming majority are NOT . In fact, the vast majority of pedophilles are HETEROSEXUAL.
No, I don't want Christians to be executed for being opposed to gay rights , or for saying nasty things about them. I just don't want homophobic bigotry to be encouraged or tolerated.
Homophobes have the right to say awful things about gay people, but no right to escape censure for
making bigoted comments about them.
Freedom of speech in America means that the government may not persecute anyone for free speech. It doesn't mean that people who say vile, bigoted things have freedom for being called every name in the book for this . You say it,and you must reap the Karma of your bigotry .


(Lack of ) Culture Warrior , the notion that gay men are automatically pedophiles was debunked long ago. The overwhelming majority are NOT . In fact, the vast majority of pedophilles are HETEROSEXUAL.

I just wish that a 'gay' man (note how De Horn won't use the world 'homosexual', they never do) would come forward and say that he has never raped a child or had the desire to rape one.

No, I don't want Christians to be executed for being opposed to gay rights , or for saying nasty things about them. I just don't want homophobic bigotry to be encouraged or tolerated.
Homophobes have the right to say awful things about gay people, but no right to escape censure for
making bigoted comments about them.

ie. why can't we all just get along.

Freedom of speech in America means that the government may not persecute anyone for free speech. It doesn't mean that people who say vile, bigoted things have freedom for being called every name in the book for this . You say it,and you must reap the Karma of your bigotry .

Back to that 'gay' man telling us that he doesn't rape children. When can we expect that testimony?

The Horn

A Culture Warrior, no, I don't rape children .Donald Trump does this, and he is being indicted for raping a 13 year old girl. This is NOT a phony charge. He brought this on himself .


A Culture Warrior, no, I don't rape children .Donald Trump does this, and he is being indicted for raping a 13 year old girl. This is NOT a phony charge. He brought this on himself .

So you're finally admitting that you're a practicing homosexual? If so, thank you for your honesty about that as well as saying that you're not a child molester.

Now, if a sexually confused child were to come to you and ask your advice on homosexuality...

BTW, yes, Donald Trump is an accused child rapist. I've been posting that story in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread for months now. Have I mentioned that Donald Trump is a good friend of your LGBTQ movement?


the only "gay agenda" is to be treated decently by society, not discriminated against , not persecuted by the government, and to have the same rights straight people have. Is this too much to ask for ?

That's what the gay and feminist agendas both say, and we know it's nonsense because their profession is to rub themselves in everyone's faces and force their biases everywhere.

You know it as well, and woman know it as well, and everyone on here- the fact is that people are willing to lie if it benefits them or strives against who they are against.

You're as a much a facade as the deception you perpetuate.

The Horn

No, I'm not "admitting " my (non-existent) homosexuality . But if a young person did come to me saying he or she was gay, I would urge them not to be ashamed and not to give in to attempts to "cure" them. And to tell whoever tried to do this to go to hell !
You keep assuming I'm gay just benches I loathe anti-gay bigotry . This is getting ridiculous !


No, I'm not "admitting " my (non-existent) homosexuality .

(So much for "gay pride").

But if a young person did come to me saying he or she was gay, I would urge them not to be ashamed and not to give in to attempts to "cure" them. And to tell whoever tried to do this to go to hell !

So you would help lead a sexually confused child down a path of self-destruction (HIV/AIDS, STD's, substance abuse, suicide, murder, all of those thing that youth has to look forward to as an active homosexual). What size of a millstone do you think would fit around your neck De Horn?



You keep assuming I'm gay just benches I loathe anti-gay bigotry . This is getting ridiculous !

That's why I use the word "homosexuailst", even if you're not a sodomite, you promote the LGBTQ agenda.

The Horn

Cultureless warrior, being gay does not cause AIDs, nor is it in any way a death sentence. Unsafe sex causes the kind of diseases which kill SAOME gay people. Gay people do not commit suicide because they are gay, but because of the way they are made to feel guilt and shame by bigots .
There are p;entry of elderly gay people in the world . You're just trotting out the same old long discredited myths about homosexuality. Yawn.
And I repeat - I am not gay. I have never had gay sex, nor do I inted to at any time in the future . I asm attracted to the opposite sex, and the opposite sex alone.


I've refuted De Horn's lies so many times in my WHMBR! threads, why not do it again here? All the information that I'm providing can be found in the index on page 1 of my WHMBR! Part 4 thread.

Cultureless warrior, being gay does not cause AIDs,

The unnatural behavior is responsible for the 'gay disease', HIV/AIDS.

nor is it in any way a death sentence.

Even though government (i.e. taxpayer) subsidized medications can prolong the life of someone who has contracted AIDs, many homosexuals die prematurely due to AIDS related diseases.

Unsafe sex causes the kind of diseases which kill SAOME gay people.

A large percent of those homosexuals who have HIV don't even know it.

Gay people do not commit suicide because they are gay, but because of the way they are made to feel guilt and shame by bigots .

Sexually confused youth (your LGBTQ movement calls them "gay youth") are especially at risk for suicide because they're told by your movement that they were born with same sex desires/gender identity issues and that there is no way out.

There are p;entry of elderly gay people in the world .

There's a term for those people: "abstinent" (or they were lucky and didn't catch AIDS from the little boys that they were raping).

And I repeat - I am not gay. I have never had gay sex, nor do I inted to at any time in the future . I asm attracted to the opposite sex, and the opposite sex alone.

Then act like a man and quit defending this perversion!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you're finally admitting that you're a practicing homosexual? If so, thank you for your honesty about that as well as saying that you're not a child molester.

Now, if a sexually confused child were to come to you and ask your advice on homosexuality...

BTW, yes, Donald Trump is an accused child rapist. I've been posting that story in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread for months now. Have I mentioned that Donald Trump is a good friend of your LGBTQ movement?

You really have got gay on the brain haven't ya?


The Horn

Paxvobiscum, the only gay people who commit suicide because of their homosexuality are the ones who have grown up in Christian families, or in other religions such as Islam, which condemn homosexuality .
Non-religious gay people do NOT commit suicide . They are perfectly happy with themselves , as they should be . In Europe, where there is much greater tolerance of homosexuality and where Christianity has far less power and influence than in America, gay people do not commit suicide .
In America, gay Christians are made to feel horrible guilt, which is absolutely criminal. Many have been subject to dangerous and fraudulent "gay conversion therapy ", which should be illegal, not only for minors .
There is no such thing as an "ex gay ", only unfortunate gays who have been brainwashed . They always revert .


Well-known member
That's what the gay and feminist agendas both say, and we know it's nonsense because their profession is to rub themselves in everyone's faces and force their biases everywhere.

You know it as well, and woman know it as well, and everyone on here- the fact is that people are willing to lie if it benefits them or strives against who they are against.

You're as a much a facade as the deception you perpetuate.

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