
Well-known member
It's not about race at all, its about politics: "Trusting dictatorships has backfired again. The Chinese regime cares only about its power. This crisis also focuses attention on how authoritarian regimes infiltrate & exploit global institutions like WHO, as with the UN and Interpol." -- Garry Kasparov, https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1246851007881109504

OK....... imagine that you are the President. Some of your own people are being harassed, threatened and even attacked by moronic scum criminals who blame them for a sickness which started far far away. Advisers tell you that this is happening because they are Asians and the sickness is being blamed on an Asian race for this. So if you use the professional's terms for this sickness it might just help to reduce attacks on your own people...... just a bit.

You could refuse, because, damn...... you surely do have the facts right.

But there's an underlying problem......... the worse this situation becomes, so the angrier people might become, and you surely do need to think about your own Asian communities'; safety and security..... no?

It's your call.......... :)

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It's your call.......... :)

Politicians have to be diplomatic by necessity. One aspect of diplomacy requires that politicians cannot state certain facts openly, no matter how obvious they may be. It is clear that Trump has dialed back the rhetoric on China re the virus, and we can come up with some good reasons why.

I'm not a politician myself, so I don't have to be diplomatic. And I will say that the Asian people I know would be quicker than I am to tell you about the threat that the Chinese government poses to the people of China, to the region, and to the world.


Well-known member
Politicians have to be diplomatic by necessity. One aspect of diplomacy requires that politicians cannot state certain facts openly, no matter how obvious they may be. It is clear that Trump has dialed back the rhetoric on China re the virus, and we can come up with some good reasons why.

I'm not a politician myself, so I don't have to be diplomatic. And I will say that the Asian people I know would be quicker than I am to tell you about the threat that the Chinese government poses to the people of China, to the region, and to the world.

I actually had a cab driver in Shanghai tell me that China is run by a gang of criminals. I was shocked. First of all- that he spoke English. Secondly, they he was willing to say that out loud.

The CCP has a real problem. They've opened up to the West. Their people, despite local censorship, are getting aware of what the rest of the world is like. As long as the economy is booming, they can keep things under control. If the economy slows down too much, people will get hungry. And hungry people are not calm people. If anybody understands that- it's the CCP.


Well-known member
While China's government certainly is to blame for the widespread nature of this virus occurring so quickly, the fools who are assaulting or even shaming Asians merely because of their ethnicity are just as stupid as KKK or BLM jerks.


Well-known member
Politicians have to be diplomatic by necessity. .................................
................................I'm not a politician myself, so I don't have to be diplomatic.

Sure. People who are neither leaders nor the voice of the media can be more relaxed with their views, subject to laws like incitement and torts like slander etc.
But leaders have a duty of care and responsibility for their people, all their people, and careless talk can make a huge difference to how some citizens think and act. That is obviously why President Trump has decided to stop calling this illness 'Chinese' or anything like that.

It can't really matter what individuals on a specialised forum call this illness because they won't influence enough people's actions, I'm guessing, but the media, press and leadership ..... that's something else.

I expect that our countries' defence laboratories (like Boscombe Down, UK) have been and are working overtime on researching the emergence of this virus, and they will eventually discover enough to point blame where it is due. Just now China is sending thousands of respirator system to the US and other countries so maybe we'll be working together for now.

But if Asian folks are being harassed by evil thugs and morons because of careless naming, then the weight of our police forces, courts and law should be chucked very hard at them. And the name callers can live with the results of their choices of names.


Well-known member
While China's government certainly is to blame for the widespread nature of this virus occurring so quickly, the fools who are assaulting or even shaming Asians merely because of their ethnicity are just as stupid as KKK or BLM jerks.

Hear hear.
It's happening in Europe as well.......... there sure are some wicked thinking thugs out there. Dreadful.


Well-known member
I expect that our countries' defence laboratories (like Boscombe Down, UK) have been and are working overtime on researching the emergence of this virus, and they will eventually discover enough to point blame where it is due.
I don't know that Patient Zero has been or even can conclusively be identified but one man has been identified as having contracted COVID-19 on November 17th, 2019:


Regardless: it is still the Chinese Virus, geologically; which is how such pandemic organisms are traditionally named. The Spanish Flu (thought to have originated in Kansas) was called such because Spain was, at the time, the only country openly acknowledging honest statistics in the news, so other sources quoted them so much it came to be commonly called: "Spanish Flu." Most countries censored their stats, due to WWI.


Well-known member
I don't know that Patient Zero has been or even can conclusively be identified but one man has been identified as having contracted COVID-19 on November 17th, 2019:


Regardless: it is still the Chinese Virus, geologically; which is how such pandemic organisms are traditionally named. The Spanish Flu (thought to have originated in Kansas) was called such because Spain was, at the time, the only country openly acknowledging honest statistics in the news, so other sources quoted them so much it came to be commonly called: "Spanish Flu." Most countries censored their stats, due to WWI.

Yep...... fair enough comments all........ but let's wait until its all over before using such tags. That's all. Innocent Asians are being picked upon.

This virus might just have mutated naturally, but if it was engineered......... Wow!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
For those who think the US is handling this well, I suggest you read the following:

I wonder how the assessment of how well we're doing would be if NYC was more reflective of the rest of the country?

When you say "the US isn't handing this well",

aren't you really saying "the US is handling this about as well as most other countries and far better than some EXCEPT for those idiots in NYC who chose to ignore the warnings from their mayor and their governor"?

iow, remove the outler caused by NYC and examine the data again and see what kind of results you get


Well-known member
No need. I am up to date on the trump passing the banana republic blame game. He, Faux News and the GOP own every death for enabling trump’s incompetency. He may not have lit the match, however, he poured gasoline on the fire ...

Hi.... again. :)
That's the most damning accusation that I have read...... The BBC shows his speeches and updates all the time. No newscasters here are allowed to offer any opinions at all, they can only report news, but the involuntary body language and NVGs say it all.

Here's one for you....... Today the BBC has reported that the purchasing of guns and ammo has gone sky high in the USA. Apparently people are beginning to feel insecure about the effects of any depression which might result from the economic shut-down. Are you hearing that kind of news where you are?


Well-known member
I wonder how the assessment of how well we're doing would be if NYC was more reflective of the rest of the country?

When you say "the US isn't handing this well",

aren't you really saying "the US is handling this about as well as most other countries and far better than some EXCEPT for those idiots in NYC who chose to ignore the warnings from their mayor and their governor"?

iow, remove the outler caused by NYC and examine the data again and see what kind of results you get

First of all, your solidarity with other Americans is noted.

Secondly, right now
NY 4,159 dead
NJ 917
Mi 617
Ca 350
Fl 236
La 477

So yes, NY is "ruining it" for everybody. After all, 500 or 1,000 dead per state is small change. If this was sports, that would work. But this isn't sports, and it is only a question of time before the numbers in other states get alarming.

How many states do you think will have over 1,000 dead 1 week from now? Let's get your prediction. Here's mine: I expect it to be at least ten states. My fear is that it will be many more. A week is a long time.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
First of all, your solidarity with other Americans is noted.

less solidarity than before my governor chose to take ventilators and PPE from the hospitals in my part of the state

So yes, NY is "ruining it" for everybody.

Not NY


my county has 26 confirmed cases, 0 deaths

and now, zero ventilators and PPE

I wonder if the low incidence has something to do with the fact that the major economic driver in the county is an army base, and a great deal of the population are pretty good at taking orders?

After all, 500 or 1,000 dead per state is small change. If this was sports, that would work.

it would not only "work" it's the goal

i'm amazed at how few people understand that "flattening the curve" never had the intended goal of eliminating the curve

We are all going to be exposed to this eventually. Many of us will test positive. Many of those will develop symptoms. Some of those will develop life-threatening symptoms. Some of those will die.

How many states do you think will have over 1,000 dead 1 week from now? Let's get your prediction.

i couldn't begin to guess

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hi.... again. :)
That's the most damning accusation that I have read......

not surprising coming from Rusha - she's harbored an irrational emotional, visceral hatred for the orange man since day one

The BBC shows his speeches and updates all the time.

you're a TV addict, aren't you?

the CBC radio and the overnight BBC radio hour have never, in my listening, aired him talking - they report on what he's said, occasionally, but I haven't heard his voice on the radio in years

and I threw my TV out in 2004

i encourage you to do the same


Well-known member
my county has 26 confirmed cases, 0 deaths

and now, zero ventilators and PPE

I wonder if the low incidence has something to do with the fact that the major economic driver in the county is an army base, and a great deal of the population are pretty good at

Or maybe you live in a less populated area. But I get you- if those idiots somewhere else get sick, it's their own fault, and you don't give a dern for them. Let's hear it for patriotism, humanity, and good old Christian feelings!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Or maybe you live in a less populated area.

very much so

But I get you- if those idiots somewhere else get sick, it's their own fault, and you don't give a dern for them.

Oh, I give a dern for them, I'm just disgusted that their carelessness now is going to put at risk those who weren't

Should I give a dern for those idiots in Italy? Should I insist that my governor ship over to Italy all of the medical supplies they lack? We could do it. New York alone has the capacity to supply all of the equipment the Italians lack.

Is it uncharitable, unChristian, inhumane of us to refuse them?

God's Truth

New member
I don't know that Patient Zero has been or even can conclusively be identified but one man has been identified as having contracted COVID-19 on November 17th, 2019:


Regardless: it is still the Chinese Virus, geologically; which is how such pandemic organisms are traditionally named. The Spanish Flu (thought to have originated in Kansas) was called such because Spain was, at the time, the only country openly acknowledging honest statistics in the news, so other sources quoted them so much it came to be commonly called: "Spanish Flu." Most countries censored their stats, due to WWI.
Right, blame it on the heartland of America. I doubt that. Sounds like the perfect lie.

God's Truth

New member
I wonder how the assessment of how well we're doing would be if NYC was more reflective of the rest of the country?

When you say "the US isn't handing this well",

aren't you really saying "the US is handling this about as well as most other countries and far better than some EXCEPT for those idiots in NYC who chose to ignore the warnings from their mayor and their governor"?

iow, remove the outler caused by NYC and examine the data again and see what kind of results you get

Wow, profound.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Right, blame it on the heartland of America. I doubt that. Sounds like the perfect lie.

It's one of several unprovable hypotheses that are usually put forward

like the others, the Kansas one has some small amount of evidence to support it