With one exception, the Christian forums I have been on there were far more dispensationalist-Christian Zionists active in posting that those with other Church theologies.
It looks like evangelical type Christians are more active in posting on Christian forums than other types of Christians.
And most of evangelical Christians are dispensationalist-Christian Zionists.
A study of information on the use of a literal interpretation of scripture, IQ level and church growth gives a framework for looking at the evangelicals in relation to other Christians.
Biblical literalism or low IQ: which came first? Biblical Literalism and IQ, By Razib Kahn
Razib used data from the General Social Survey for certain religious denominations and compared them to the proportion of followers in that faith who believe the Bible should be interpreted literally.
For example, of more mainstream denominations, the United Pentecostal
Church had the highest growth rate, 120, and the highest rank in
Biblical Literalism.
Then came The Assemblies of God, with a growth rate of 112, and Biblical Literalism rate of 76,
The Southern Baptists, also now dominated by dispensationalism, had a growth rate of 32 and a Biblical Literal rate of 60.
He says he got the IQ scores, apparently by denomination, from the
General Social Survey as reported by The Inductivist.
The denominations which are strongest in teaching a consistent literal view of scripture have
members whose average IQ level is a little lower than denominations who
do not teach a consistent literal view.
Kahn's study shows that a good way to grow church membership among people with an average or
very slightly below average intelligence level is to teach consistent
literalism in interpretation of scripture.
There are probably fewer Episcopalians, Presbyterian, Methodists, Church of Christ People, and Lutherans on Christian forums than there are people from the Assembly of God and Pentecostal churches. The Southern Baptists score fairly high too on use of the literal method of interpreting the Bible, but not as high as Pentecostals. Southern Baptists are almost all dispenationalist-Christian Zionist. Catholics are in the middle on literalist interpretation.
The one exception for the Christian forums I have been on is called Christian Wilderness Forum, which has few dispensationalist-Christian Zionists on it. It is not as active and large as TOL.
Among Christian Forums which are dominated by dispensationalist-Christian Zionists, some have moderators who monitor the posts for positions which are contrary to this theology, while others do not do so. I was booted out of Talk Jesus, which does not advertise itself as being dispensationalist-Christian Zionist, for posting on Dean Gotcher and using scripture to show that dispensationalism is wrong. The Talk Jesus moderator said that Dean Gotcher may be one who they are cautious of, and he was cautious of me too. Dean Gotcher is a leader of those interested in the remnant. Though he does not get into an explicit criticism of dispensationalism, he talks and writes about heresy and use of the dialectic in promoting it and I think this may be what alerted the Talk Jesus moderator, who may not have understood much of Gotcher, but knew many churches oppose him.