ECT We are not Israel, but the Body of Christ


TOL Subscriber
Thx Nang, but may I add: use the existing self-organizing passages of the NT about the whole Bible. Rom 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 15, Gal 3, 4, 2 Cor 3-5, Acts 13, 26, Heb 8-10. The organizing ideas of the Bible ARE ALREADY RIGHT THERE.

Yep . . .

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Rightly divide" has nothing to do with hermeneutics. It was borrowed by D'ists, but is about church admin. go see the context.

State exactly what is wrong with the passage just used or shut up. There is no point in repeating what I already know about you unless you explain. Make the conversation step forward, OK?

Barking orders don't work around these parts pardner. If ya can't take the heat, perhaps you ought to pack your bags and get outta Dodge?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You need to talk to more non-Christians. That is about the last contradiction in mind, if they ever get there.
This was a stupid thing to say.

As if whether works is required for salvation isn't a major point of dispute! Whole demoninations are defined by that exact issue.

And why would I discuss an internal Christian doctrinal dispute with non believers? That would be getting the cart before the horse, don't you think?

It is not all the domain of MAD to have 'resolved' this. It was resolved long ago, in fact, if you know what you are talking about they are not exactly on the same topic.
You think one IS talking about salvation and that the other IS NOT talking about salvation. Whichever one you pick will define the whole rest of your doctrine on everything from water baptism to when the rapture will occur.

Resting in Him,


To "rightly divide" the Word of God, is to carefully read it, exegete it, and compare scripture with scripture to come to Truth.

And they often make the mistake of correlating things that aren't actually related. I've noticed this plenty- I've also noticed the failure to understand symbolism when it occurs.

They use the phrase like a creed- as if they have some sort of decoder that others don't, or that others do not aim for proper exegesis. It's part of their pretentious nature really- asking people including Christians themselves if they are saved, as if they have a higher truth.

They don't know much about what proper Christianity is- the irony behind it all. If they did, they would know for example that denying we are Spiritual Israel is as fundamentally heretical as denying the Trinity :rolleyes:


TOL Subscriber
And they often make the mistake of correlating things that aren't actually related. I've noticed this plenty- I've also noticed the failure to understand symbolism when it occurs.

This is one of the dangers of attempting to be literalists.

They use the phrase like a creed- as if they have some sort of decoder that others don't, or that others do not aim for proper exegesis. It's part of their pretentious nature really- asking people including Christians themselves if they are saved, as if they have a higher truth.

Yes, they practice superstition and have gnostic leanings.

They don't know much about what proper Christianity is- the irony behind it all. If they did, they would know for example that denying we are Spiritual Israel is as fundamentally heretical as denying the Trinity :rolleyes:

You are so right . . .

I suggested the wisdom of reading about "Theology Proper" one time, and was roundly put down and ridiculed for doing so. :angrymob:

Lazy afternoon

Is that supposed to thwart GOD's promises to Israel?

No, you just think of the wrong Israel.

God thinks of His Spiritual people.

Why would God destroy His spiritual people Israel when He punished Jerusalem?

By your thinking, He did.

Now you want God to bless a people who deny His Son.



TOL Subscriber
Except it is, and if you disagree than physical Israel is thata way :wave2:

There was no salvation for Gentiles in the dispensation of the gospel except through Israel's fall (Romans 11:11 KJV)! And for Gentiles such as we in the dispensation of the grace of God, their is absolutely nothing to do with a cast away Israel Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV, Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV).