Was Lazarus A 'Bum'?


Well-known member
So, two (you plus Christ) instead of one (Christ alone)?

You might want to rethink.

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
As I said, without Christ I can do nothing. And it's his righteousness, not my own. If I am being saved, then the righteousness of Christ will be seen in and through me and my heart will be changed by the power of the spirit to be more like that of Christ's.


Well-known member
Not me.

Romans 8:1

Col 2:13

Well that's between you and God, I don't think like you.

Revelation 20

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

And this next verse is Paul!

2 Corinthians 5

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.


Well-known member
I didn't say necessarily belong to, I said doctrinally influenced by.

You ignored my answers to YOUR questions. Typical dishonest cultist who doesn't want to show her hand.
Ok well what denomination can I be influenced by if I've only ever read the Bible?

I'm telling the truth, you made me out to be a liar before, and I wasn't lying and showed you.

I can't show you this, but I speak the truth, I've only ever read the Bible, so what church or denomination is that?


I believe that we are judged on what we do, I can't judge others as I don't know their life. So it's best to give if we can, even just enough for a bit of food. It's not much to us, but it might be all they eat that day.

My story is a bit complex, as it wasn't what it would have seemed on the surface. It was a slow progression from being secure to being on the street, and I was stuck in a sort of Limbo for a few years going in and out of homelessness and never getting to where I was in the beginning.

Sometimes it was a one month stretch homeless, other times it was three and even six months. I would find a place to stay for a short while, but nowhere that I could set any roots in or save money. It's ironically expensive living in such circumstances- and when I didn't have a job, sometimes I chose to do things I shouldn't have. I stole out of cars for change and sheds for food and creature comforts. I didn't take anything I didn't need to survive because I didn't want people to get suspicious. It also allowed me to 'farm' the same places when I needed more.

There was a time I was working at a donut shop in the early mornings for a while and when I got off, I'd go to this abandoned house and switch out my clothes. Because there was nothing else to do, I took a nap, and woke up with a guns pointed at me from a window- it was the police.
They decided to let me go after having been vindicated by the uniform from my work, but then they found me in another house two days later :freak:

It just goes to show how ridiculous a person's situation is being on the street- even having a job is no 'cure' to one's situation.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
As I said, without Christ I can do nothing.
One can do good and bad whether they are with Christ or not.

And it's his righteousness, not my own.
Keep repeating that and ask yourself how that lines up with your "we will be judged by our actions".

the righteousness of Christ will be seen in and through me
You have that backwards.
GOD will not see the righteousness of Christ through you, but will see you through the righteousness of Christ. If you rely on the one (hint: one, not two. Additional hint: the one ain't you).


Well-known member
I didn't say necessarily belong to, I said doctrinally influenced by.

You ignored my answers to YOUR questions. Typical dishonest cultist who doesn't want to show her hand.
I've been influenced by Jesus Christ, what do you want me to say? I've only ever read the Bible and never attended church sermons.

So what church can have influenced me? I don't know!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What did I say that was incorrect?

What US citizen does not have access to a free high school education?

Or maybe it was the second part, that you think was wrong.
Was that it?

Do I need responsible parents in order for me to not have kids outside of marriage?

Not sure why you keep going on about not having kids outside of marriage. Regardless of what you think about sex out of wedlock it's going to happen, a lot. That's simple fact. What you're simplistic about is the myriad reasons why people find themselves in poverty and homelessness and it's not all self inflicted by any stretch.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're arguing from consequences. Bad logic.

Because X solves problem Y, X is justified. No, sir. You're wrong.

I'm arguing from reality. Take away aid for the poor and those out of work and the poverty rate would increase exponentially, fact. If you think that's justifiable then up to you although hardly a compassionate attitude, else explain how you could do away with the benefits/welfare system and ensure a way whereby people in need received help. That'd be some feat...


Well-known member
My story is a bit complex, as it wasn't what it would have seemed on the surface. It was a slow progression from being secure to being on the street, and I was stuck in a sort of Limbo for a few years going in and out of homelessness and never getting to where I was in the beginning.

Sometimes it was a one month stretch homeless, other times it was three and even six months. I would find a place to stay for a short while, but nowhere that I could set any roots in or save money. It's ironically expensive living in such circumstances- and when I didn't have a job, sometimes I chose to do things I shouldn't have. I stole out of cars for change and sheds for food and creature comforts. I didn't take anything I didn't need to survive because I didn't want people to get suspicious. It also allowed me to 'farm' the same places when I needed more.

There was a time I was working at a donut shop in the early mornings for a while and when I got off, I'd go to this abandoned house and switch out my clothes. Because there was nothing else to do, I took a nap, and woke up with a guns pointed at me from a window- it was the police.
They decided to let me go after having been vindicated by the uniform from my work, but then they found me in another house two days later [emoji33]:

It just goes to show how ridiculous a person's situation is being on the street- even having a job is no 'cure' to one's situation.
I'm so so sorry that you've been through that, and people judge others on what they do like stealing for food when it's a necessity to survive. Whilst sitting in their warm homes with plenty, they haven't got a clue! Thanks for sharing that with us :)

Your post has shown me that the way I believe is right. And that it's good to help where we can. We can easily judge others, and our flesh does this. But Christ within doesn't, I truly believe that our Lord Jesus would help where he saw the need if he could. God is love, and if we have the love of God in our hearts then we will help others. Just like the good Samaritan and not walk past. As I said even a little food helps, as I'm sure know. My husband was really grateful to the man who helped him, and he has never forgotten him.

Hearing what you have said, and knowing what my husband went through and knowing his heart. Has only strengthened me and I'm going to try to do more when and if I can.

Can I ask you something? When did you start to believe in God? If you don't mind telling me :)



Well-known member
One can do good and bad whether they are with Christ or not.

Keep repeating that and ask yourself how that lines up with your "we will be judged by our actions".

You have that backwards.
GOD will not see the righteousness of Christ through you, but will see you through the righteousness of Christ. If you rely on the one (hint: one, not two. Additional hint: the one ain't you).
If Christ is manifest within our hearts, then we will be living by the will of God and we will be overcoming sin by the power of the Spirit. If he's not, then we won't be.

That's what I believe,


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If Christ is manifest within our hearts, then we will be living by the will of God and we will be overcoming sin by the power of the Spirit. If he's not, then we won't be.

That's what I believe,
I am going to assume that you believe Christ is manifest within your heart, and that others see Christ through you.
So, do you ever do bad things?


Well-known member
It's all about you living up to the example of Christ for you.
Nope it's about living up to the example of Christ to please God and to help others through him.

1 Peter 2

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:*Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed*himself*to him that judgeth righteously:


Can I ask you something? When did you start to believe in God? If you don't mind telling me :)

I was never a 'true atheist'- I always had a belief in God.

But, I wasn't really a Christian either.
Christ was a mild fascination in my mind, but that was it really.

If there is a 'beginning' to the journey, it was about eight years ago when I was slam drunk and called a Catholic priest.


It sounds weird
I was in a bad way during that time and didn't really have the best opinion of the small protestant churches I had grown to know.

However, before I fully joined it's laity, I found myself in a reformed Baptist church. So, sweet irony :)


Well-known member
I am going to assume that you believe Christ is manifest within your heart, and that others see Christ through you.
So, do you ever do bad things?

Christ is manifest the hearts of all who are born of God. And his life will be seen in and through them.

Yes I do, I'm just flesh, being saved by the grace of God through faith, but hopefully I'm not wilfully sinning. My conscience is strong and I fear God. If I know it's wrong before God, then how can I just carry on doing it regardless?


Well-known member
I was never a 'true atheist'- I always had a belief in God.

But, I wasn't really a Christian either.
Christ was a mild fascination in my mind, but that was it really.

If there is a 'beginning' to the journey, it was about eight years ago when I was slam drunk and called a Catholic priest.


It sounds weird
I was in a bad way during that time and didn't really have the best opinion of the small protestant churches I had grown to know.

However, before I fully joined it's laity, I found myself in a Reformed Baptist church. So, sweet irony :)

You've certainly been through some trials in your life. It's great that you have come through!

I've been through a fair bit, but I've never been homeless. I believe that God let's us go through what we do, so that we understand others and know what suffering they are going through and we will have more compassion.

I believe it's right to help anyone when we can regardless. As we don't know their life. But the reason I asked you is that question is this, some of those who are homeless, could believe in and belong to God. And Jesus says this

Matthew 25

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave.thee.drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?.And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

But, I still think it's right to help anyone, no matter what they believe if we see the need. And in doing so we get a chance to bring Christ to others.

That's the way I believe anyway :)

Thanks for explaining.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Yes I do,
I know.
Isn't Christ still within you when you do bad?
Or do you think He jumps out of you to let you do bad, and then jumps back in you again?

Tell us again how Christ, the one with perfect righteousness, is seen through you, the one with imperfect righteousness?????
I ask because I see some say what you say and I'm not sure they realize what they are saying.
Either you can do both good and bad with Christ within you, or (since you say you still do bad sometimes) you do not have Christ within you at all.

Se what I mean?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're asking me for my solution to poverty in my country?
That's a tall order, brother. But I'll try.

If you don't want to be permanently poor in America...

1. Graduate high school
2. Get a job.
3. Don't have kids before you're married.

Not committing crimes, and not doing drugs also helps.

those were so basic and so inherently understood by society forty years ago that they didn't have to be articulated


you have retards like artie arguing that they're not realistic

:idea: maybe the first step is to get of retards like artie