Berean Todd
You routinely spit on the Scriptures,
No I don't. I challenge the interpretation of them. Why are you people so afraid to question things???
and defend heathens rather than brothers in Christ,
I defend people based on my agreeing with them during whatever topic is being discussed, not what their religion may happen to be. If Zakath says the sky is blue and Tye says the sky is brown, am I supposed to automatically side with Tye, even though he is wrong, simply because he is a Christian?
What kinda stuff they teaching at your church, Homes?
while saying that it is not your place to share the Gospel despite the fact that Christ has commanded us all to do just that.
I'll leave that for you.
While I at least pray that you are truly a brother in Christ, it sure seems at times as though you're batting for the other team.
I didn't know we had teams. I thought we were all God's children, whether we acknowledge it or not.