Great question Frank, and I noticed it was ignored like Turbo's was. The fact is that no such verse or verses exist. The Bible doesn't say that all murder victims go to hell. I assume Granite has been deeply investigating the lives of each of these victims and is ready to determine which ones have a relationship with God and which ones don't. The real reason they continue to posit this stuff is their hatred of the Lord, and not because they are interested in discussing the matter. That is why Granite steadfastly refuses to answer the questions that have been asked of him thus far. Interesting responses here, and can't wait to listen to Bob's show!
Hello, Pastor. I have been away, so we haven't spoken for a while.
Please explain to me where I misunderstand you, or where my logic is wrong:
1. All men go to eternal punishment, unless they accept the gift of grace given by Jesus.
2. Therefore, if any of the murder victims at Virginia Tech did not accept Jesus, they are now suffering eternal punishment.
I will take it for granted that the murderer was not "saved", so he will suffer eternal punishment.
It is highly likely, given the number of victims, that some were not beliving Christians, so this is not really a theoretical question. Some of the victims, if I understand your theology properly (again, please correct me if I have you wrong) will end up in Hell. Nobody here was claiming that you think "all murder victims go to Hell", only that the "unsaved" go to Hell, and some of the victims (like an Israeli professor) were unsaved.
There are some historical examples that are even worse. A particularly painful one:
1. Nazis who participated in mass murder end up in Hell.
2. Anybody who grew up in a Christian country, and still rejected Jesus, ends up in Hell when they die.
3. Jews who lived iin Christian Europe rejected Jesus, so when they died they went to Hell.
4. Therefore, Jews who were murdered by Nazis ended up in Hell, along with the Nazis that killed them.
What part of these statements do you not agree with? Is there some flaw in my logic here? Or perhaps this is wha you believe - it is just the way the world works, whether we like it or not.