New member
First you come on TOL vaunting some "deep things of God" that you know and others don't, you brag about how God cures cancer and raises the dead through you and that validates your theology, and now you are saying you know more of the Word of God than I do regarding the elemental doctrines of Heb. 6 and assume I got what I do know from professors and clergy. You also claim you are entitled to more from God because you are more base and foolish.
All that adds up to one thing: you are not full of God but full of yourself. It's plain to everyone who listens to you but you will not be able to see it until you humble yourself before God.
More presumption coming from you because you have no idea of what I know and understand yet you think you do based on what I have posted on TOL, as if that is the sum total of what I understand. Really dude, and you complain that I insult you. Get over yourself already. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to what I understand but hey if you see me teaching false doctrine please show me how. I'm always eager to be corrected.
At this point I don't see that you have anything to offer me but if you feel you do you can burn the midnight oil in summarizing what you believe. If you can't boil each point down to a single sentence and feel you need to ramble on and on to get your point across you need to work on your communication skills because you are never going to get an audience, especially here on TOL. You aren't the first to come on here with some book you have written that you think is the cat's meow and you certainly won't be the last. If you want to gain an audience you need to work harder than just control A, control C, control V a book you wrote before. Otherwise you will be preaching to the wind. Notice how many people have responded to your thread? Two. That should tell you something.
God bless,
Once again you have all the answers but you still have no works and without works your faith is dead.... do you need the scripture for that?
There is not a Christian anywhere who should not be capable of and expected to mature into the elders that James speaks of that the church turns to in order to be healed. There is nothing that I have done that should not be seen coming from all of the churches everywhere. Unfortunately provable miracles unaided by anything but divine presence, are for 99.9% of the church relegated to history or when there was certain movement of God such as the early Pentecostal movement.
FYI seeing and participating in miracles is supposed to be normal and the reason why it is not is because of all the Christians influencing others with their theology who like you do not worship in truth. The reason why you do not know the truth is because your manner of how you study the scriptures is flawed and is against the commandments of God. As Isaiah has prophesied you have not learned the method he taught thus you have been snared and have fallen backwards instead of moving forward.
See if you wrap your head around this....... the only reason why Christians still have to deal with sin and why miracles have all but disappeared is because of the lack of truth coming from the pulpit. Until you admit that you will never be able to successfully deal with why you and those who share your beliefs remain separated from divine works of God
Today you are either a member of those who are the problem or you are among the first on the scene today with the truth who were prophesied of to appear during this time period.
God has not changed since the time of the apostles and if what is "called the truth" by you and those who share your beliefs was the same as the truth that the apostles taught, all of you would be seeing miracles instead of being part of the miracle-less church you belong to
Get it?