I don't know how people can survive and work for so little. The equal of 10.00 hourly almost seems too low for a normal life in America, I can't imagine 1.90 avg.
It wouldn't work in the U.S. at 1.90u.s. they could buy one can of potted meat@ .50, a small box of crackers .75 and one .25 pack of cool-aid,one piece of fruit @.30=1.80per day U.S.,,,leaving .10 per day times 30 days and you have a bag of sugar for the cool-aid.
It's the direct opposite of everyone making 5-20 million across their lives. In the U.S. you could maintain life,but nothing more on 1.90 a day,no,h.t.o.,gas,car,home,ect.ect. they would have to filter and boil water out of the rivers and streams.
On the other hand in the nations where they do only make 1.90 a day and they can buy a can of potted meat for a penny they could get 30 cans for .30. If all the other foods were also this cheap they could buy a months worth of groceries for a weeks salary,1.90x5 9.50-10.00 so they still have a bout 20.00 left across the month for rent,lights,gas for Vespa ect.
So because of the state of economy in the U.S. it would equal extreme poverty,while in other nations it is a comparable lifestyle to the same amount of good's we spend thousands of dollars on. Imagine .10 a gallon gas,penny loaves of bread and 4.00 light bills and at a 1.90 a day with a budget and one could save a fair retirement.
At the end the U.S. economy needs to,has to crumble. And while it is crumbling the economies in the other nations would need to rise to the same level ours crumbles to so that we pay the same price for the same can of potted meat as the rest of the world.