Where is the toying GM?
Again, what are you trying to accomplish?
Where is the toying GM?
You're an Agnostic, what do you have to gain by choosing sides?
Are you suggesting that non-believers should never read and discuss scripture?
I'm curious to know what it is that I am called to believe. Christ tells me to believe Him. Believe what? That Christ died for just a few folk? Believe that there is a separate Gospel for the Israelites?
It appears that Christianity is in schism.
Ask questions, if you will. However, you're pretending to be some sort of makeshift Bible Scholar. Why? You must have an "end goal" in mind?
I only quoted 1 Cor 15 - what's your problem? If I 'pretend' to be a scholar when I contend with the Calvinist's I don't see you rebuking me.
I don't want to contend with you GM. I'm just putting my two-penneth in. That's all.
Well, I really think posters should take whatever you say, with a grain of salt. You're an Agnostic after all, stop pretending. You're a phony.
Are you avoiding the upshot of 1 Cor 15 GM?
If you truly have a desire to be saved, seek after that. Stop wasting your time and others time on your games.
Sonnet, you're pretending to be something your not. Doesn't that bother you?
You are verging on ad hominem...that I can't possibly have anything worthwhile to say because I'm not a believer. That isn't relevant.
You could just respond to the point about 1 Cor 15.
I'm not pretending anything sir.