Bah . .
You cannot argue against the Truth I post, but only object to my gender.
Without any consideration that I have a Godly Christian husband that oversees my witness.
The fact you use the term godly proves how blind he and you are.
Bah . .
You cannot argue against the Truth I post, but only object to my gender.
Without any consideration that I have a Godly Christian husband that oversees my witness.
The fact you use the term godly proves how blind he and you are.
Glorydaz, try to connect the dots.
Adam disobeys God
God covers Adam and Eve with Skins.
In the process of time Cain and Able brought their offerings to God.
Cain brought an offering of veggies and God rejected the offering.
Able brought a prepared lamb as an offering which God accepted.
It is more than obvious that God took the skins from animals and covered Adam and Eve, and in your zeal to discredit "original sin", which is biblical,you deny CONTEXT of scripture.
Scripture teaches scripture you know ,here a little there a little, line upon line, and precept upon precept.
ROFL!Glorydaz, try to connect the dots.
Adam disobeys God
God covers Adam and Eve with Skins.
In the process of time Cain and Able brought their offerings to God.
Cain brought an offering of veggies and God rejected the offering.
Able brought a prepared lamb as an offering which God accepted.
It is more than obvious that God took the skins from animals and covered Adam and Eve,
ROFL!and in your zeal to discredit "original sin", which is biblical,you deny CONTEXT of scripture.
If only you would stop adding to it, and stop trying to force it to say something it does not.Scripture teaches scripture you know
There is no scripture that says the skins used to cover Adam were gotten from a bloody animal sacrifice made by GOD.But those who have an axe to grind will often deny the clear teaching of God's Word to prop up their false beliefs.
The RCC has a bunch of "historic teaching" too.My dear, most of Christendom agrees with the biblically sound theology, Nang, brings to this topic.
If those of this forum don't agree, it does not negate that she is teaching historic, Christian doctrine.
:blabla: :blabla: :blabla:
The problem is that you do not have a dot of scripture anywhere saying that the skins GOD covered Adam's nakedness with was from an animal that GOD killed.
Neither you, nor Nang, nor anyone else has been able to show a single place in scripture where the skins GOD covered Adam with are referred to as a blood sacrifice for Adam's sin.
Original sin does not hinge on the skins made to cover Adam being a bloody sacrifice.
You can still have your original sin even though GOD did not make a bloody animal sacrifice to cover Adam's nakedness.
I do have a zeal of discrediting what is not in scripture when folks present their assumptions as some sort of scriptural fact.
Scripture does not say that GOD sacrificed an animal to cover Adam's nakedness.
Scripture does not say that GOD needed to sacrifice an animal to cover Adam, or forgive Adam.
There is not any legitimate doctrine of scripture that hinges on the skins HAVING to be a bloody animal sacrifice made by GOD.
Why you keep insisting that it has to be that way is beyond me, especially when you are unable to find any scripture that says the skins were from a bloody animal sacrifice made by GOD.
If only you would stop adding to it, and stop trying to force it to say something it does not.
The only thing that is UN-scriptural is what you keep adding to scripture what scripture does not say.What you just said is accept your UN-scriptural opinion which has zero scriptural support. No thanks I will stay with scripture and reject your opinion.
There are only 2 options here.
So why would anyone want to force it into the story of Adam being covered with skins GOD provided them?
There is no scripture that says the skins used to cover Adam were gotten from a bloody animal sacrifice made by GOD.
Let me put it this way .......... if the skins used to cover Adam's nakedness were NOT from a bloody animal sacrifice, would it make any of the rest of scripture untrue?
So why would anyone want to force it into the story of Adam being covered with skins GOD provided them?
Why would you add "bloody" or "sacrifice" to embellish your argument?
Is it possible you instinctively recognize the predictive nature of this act of God in foreshadowing the establishment of the sacrificial system and the final bloody sacrifice of Christ on the cross? Can you be uncovering the gospel in Genesis as it was preached to Adam and Eve in seed form?
Yes there is a verse that says the skins were from an animal - Gen 3:21KJV
Where the Word does not specifically lead us to believe otherwise, the natural, face-value interpretation is to be accepted. Especially if the passage is historical narrative.
For example: notice that Genesis specifically leads us away from interpreting the word "day" as a long age of time by the use of qualifiers like "morning and evening" and "first day, second day, etc." Also notice the absence of qualifiers surrounding this verse about "coats of skins".
All scripture is true. Even this verse that talks about animal skins. The Lord began teaching that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins" even to the recently fallen Adam and Eve. Had He not preached to them, and given them the promise of a Saviour (Gen 3:15KJV), they would have had no opportunity to be saved or to pass hope on to their children. And, as we all know, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." All who are saved are saved by the blood of Christ. (Whether Adam was saved or not, we are not told)
1Ti 2:5KJV, Heb 9:26KJV, Col 1:23KJV, Act 10:43KJV, Psa 45:17KJV
It is you who want to force OUT the clear teaching of Christ's sacrifice to all of fallen mankind. You would have some men climb over the wall of the Kingdom another way rather than enter in at the gate.
The best reason to accept the clear and simple explanation of animal skins is that God chose to show Adam that his best attempts were inadequate but that He, Himself, would provide a covering suited to him in His plan of Redemption as it would unfold. If it were anything else, we would have no clue as to what it would be and this verse, and its eternal meaning, would be lost to us.
Not true.
3. God could have simply said, "Let there be skins to cover the man and woman."
Is there a need for blood to be shed for the forgiveness of sin ? According to scripture without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin so I believe it is a HUGE difference it makes.
It proves Adam fell out of fellowship with God and God made a way back for Adam. Just as in our salvation Jesus makes the way possible for forgiveness of sin.
But anyway, remission of sins before the Cross was a temporary passing over of sins.
Remission of sins after the Cross is a complete forgiveness of sins.
Nah, that goes away from the very character of God's requirement of blood to atone for sin. If we are going to guess, I ain't going for your lame intellectually dishonest guess. Come on honeygirl! Why would He say "let skins be cuvrun" God is consistent which is why we can deduce the fact that animal blood was shed, death for the first time entered into the creation.
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She is TOO literal in her sense of some passages, and not literal ENOUGH in her sense of other passages.
It's that Hybrid she and hers hold to - their every departure is from that kind of Too Literal Here/Not Literal Enough There.
Thing is, despite their ever finger pointing at all but one another - ever - nevertheless they all easily take great offence to having this pointed out to them.
Even ribbing them is taken TOO literally by them :chuckle:
One cannot reason with such.
The Lord Himself failed with such.
It is...what it is.
In contrast, this side of the Cross, the remission is not a passing over, it is a forgiveness.
The same word but two different meanings - one before the Cross, one after.
ME embellishing????Why would you add "bloody" or "sacrifice" to embellish your argument?
I see the story as written. I believe the story as written. I see grace in the story as it is written. I don't need to embellish the story at all by adding stuff like sacrifice, blood, or forgiveness to see that GOD provided them skins to cover them, period.Is it possible you instinctively recognize the predictive nature of this act of God in foreshadowing the establishment of the sacrificial system and the final bloody sacrifice of Christ on the cross? Can you be uncovering the gospel in Genesis as it was preached to Adam and Eve in seed form?
No one is denying GOD provided them with skins. The story actually DOES says that.Yes there is a verse that says the skins were from an animal - Gen 3:21KJV
This is a slanderous bald-faced lie.It is you who want to force OUT the clear teaching of Christ's sacrifice to all of fallen mankind.