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What's the matter? Ah, yes: you're still angry that your attempted slurs by calling people "Putin apologists" just backfire right into your own, hypocritical, Putin-loving face. Oh well.Hmm, get back to me when you can debate properly and are past the adolescent diatribes. Pointless engaging with you until that happens. Until then (when or if it happens) you'll get no further responses from me. Fare thee well.
Remember, your war hero Zelinskyy's still waiting for you to get over there and die for him and your beloved Ukrainians out on their battlefield! He says to you, "Your talk is cheap! I need you over here to start proving that you're really pro-the Ukraine and anti-Putin!"
BTW, it's funny that the flag of the Ukraine which you leftards pretend to revere so much is really, when you think about it, just a 'lite' version of an LGBTQ+ flag--just a few less colors.