Ukraine Crisis

Arthur Brain

Well-known member


like marbles on glass

First: FTX wasn't caught funneling millions of Ukrainian Aide [sic] dollars to US Democrats.

The theory spread from white supremacist Hal Turner to Twitter and right-wing media, eventually being amplified by Elon Musk and Fox News
After the cryptocurrency exchange FTX filed for bankruptcy protection on November 11, right-wing outlets spread a baseless conspiracy theory drummed up by a white supremacist radio host claiming that FTX’s downfall was related to CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s donations to the Democratic Party and FTX’s role in supporting relief efforts in Ukraine.
Multiple outlets have confirmed that Bankman-Fried had made a number of high-dollar personal contributions to Democratic campaigns during the 2022 midterm elections. However, there is currently no evidence that FTX was laundering taxpayer money or private funds through Ukraine and into Democratic campaigns. A Ukrainian official has also refuted the conspiracy theory, calling it “nonsense.”
The conspiracy theory appears to have originated from white supremacist Hal Turner on November 11, when Turner published a post to his radio show's website. The post asserted without evidence that “tens-of-billions in American ‘Military Aid’ to Ukraine” was actually invested into FTX by the Ukrainian government, and then reinvested into Democratic Party campaigns. In the post, Turner also claimed that “to some observers,” this appears to be "pure, criminal, money-laundering, and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.”
A Twitter thread that linked to Turner’s content and was retweeted thousands of times was then posted on November 11. The same unsubstantiated theory was subsequently amplified by embattled Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who posted content that seemed to originate from 4chan to support this theory.
Second: there was talk about a peace accord before FTX went down. You can easily Google how Russia was requesting peace talks in October, how the G20 address by Zelenskyy laid out a plan for peace, how President Biden is willing to follow Ukraine's lead as winter approaches for both countries, and more. This idea of peace talks has been drumming along before the FTX debacle. Conspiracy theorists are willing to find conspiracy in every perceived coincidence. The Gateway Pundit really has you twisted around its little finger, it's sad to see.


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First: FTX wasn't caught funneling millions of Ukrainian Aide [sic] dollars to US Democrats.

The theory spread from white supremacist Hal Turner to Twitter and right-wing media, eventually being amplified by Elon Musk and Fox News
After the cryptocurrency exchange FTX filed for bankruptcy protection on November 11, right-wing outlets spread a baseless conspiracy theory drummed up by a white supremacist radio host claiming that FTX’s downfall was related to CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s donations to the Democratic Party and FTX’s role in supporting relief efforts in Ukraine.
Multiple outlets have confirmed that Bankman-Fried had made a number of high-dollar personal contributions to Democratic campaigns during the 2022 midterm elections. However, there is currently no evidence that FTX was laundering taxpayer money or private funds through Ukraine and into Democratic campaigns. A Ukrainian official has also refuted the conspiracy theory, calling it “nonsense.”
The conspiracy theory appears to have originated from white supremacist Hal Turner on November 11, when Turner published a post to his radio show's website. The post asserted without evidence that “tens-of-billions in American ‘Military Aid’ to Ukraine” was actually invested into FTX by the Ukrainian government, and then reinvested into Democratic Party campaigns. In the post, Turner also claimed that “to some observers,” this appears to be "pure, criminal, money-laundering, and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.”
A Twitter thread that linked to Turner’s content and was retweeted thousands of times was then posted on November 11. The same unsubstantiated theory was subsequently amplified by embattled Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who posted content that seemed to originate from 4chan to support this theory.
Second: there was talk about a peace accord before FTX went down. You can easily Google how Russia was requesting peace talks in October, how the G20 address by Zelenskyy laid out a plan for peace, how President Biden is willing to follow Ukraine's lead as winter approaches for both countries, and more. This idea of peace talks has been drumming along before the FTX debacle. Conspiracy theorists are willing to find conspiracy in every perceived coincidence. The Gateway Pundit really has you twisted around its little finger, it's sad to see.

So, because you and your fellow, white-supremacist election deniers at throw your customary tantrum and deny that your criminal-god, Joe Biden, was laundering to the Democrats, through Ukraine/FTX, millions of dollars he stole from Americans through taxes, you must be telling the truth? LOL


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

So, because you and your fellow, white-supremacist election deniers at throw your customary tantrum and deny that your criminal-god, Joe Biden, was laundering to the Democrats, through Ukraine/FTX, millions of dollars he stole from Americans through taxes, you must be telling the truth? LOL

Calling anna a white supremacist is as deranged as calling her an election denier. She, along with myself are neither white supremacists or have any truck with such and accept that Trump well and truly lost the 2020 election. One would have to be a monumental conspiracy dope to "think" otherwise.


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Calling anna a white supremacist is as deranged as calling her an election denier.
I've been under the impression that she (and you) like to be called those things, seeing how much you like to call others those things.
She, along with myself are neither white supremacists
Yeah you are. Duh.
or have any truck with such

Spare me.
and accept that Trump well and truly lost the 2020 election.
Prove it, election denier....or, to be more accurate: Prove it, re-election denier.
One would have to be a monumental conspiracy dope to "think" otherwise.
Oh, there's another thing I see you like to be called: "a monumental conspiracy dope". Duly noted, you monumental conspiracy dope.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've been under the impression that she (and you) like to be called those things, seeing how much you like to call others those things.

Yeah you are. Duh.


Spare me.

Prove it, election denier....or, to be more accurate: Prove it, re-election denier.

Oh, there's another thing I see you like to be called: "a monumental conspiracy dope". Duly noted, you monumental conspiracy dope.
You seem to labour under many a delusion. I only call people white supremacists if their rhetoric incorporates such risible ideology. I certainly don't throw the term around with abandon around here.

Quote me anywhere on this forum where I've advocated or defended such abhorrent views. I'll wait while that doesn't happen along with you not apologizing for making such an unsupportable slur.

The burden of proof is on those who claim that the 2020 election was fraudulent, not the other way around. As it is, it's accepted around the globe that Trump lost and no substance to claims that it was. Don't like it? Eh, boo hoo.

I'd have to ascribe to such a theory to count as one, I don't.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Armchair psychology, I love that game.
Hardly requires much psychology to work that out Idolater. The wingnut accuses anna and myself of being white supremacists among other conspiracy crap. You ever seen me or anna advocate or defend the like?

Thought not.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Hardly requires much psychology to work that out Idolater. The wingnut accuses anna and myself of being white supremacists among other conspiracy crap. You ever seen me or anna advocate or defend the like?

Thought not.
How much of a tax increase are you figuring on over there in the UK? I heard your government decided to both cut public spending and raise taxes? Although I also heard the GBP is getting stronger against the USD so not all bad news?