Ukraine Crisis


Well-known member
The money Russia paid for control of large portions of US uranium assets did go to a Canadian company connected to the Clintons by Frank Giustra and his $100 million dollar gift to the Clinton Foundation for some stupid unreported reason.



Well-known member
What gibberish are you spouting now?

This is what I am talking about:

The 400-strong squad of bloodthirsty mercenaries flown in from Africa with orders to kill Volodymyr Zelensky are part of a notorious private militia linked to a string of rapes, robberies, murders, and alleged war crimes.


Well-known member
Apparently marke doesn't realize the Uranium One conspiracy theory was debunked long ago.

He's running through his whatabout rolodex so fast the cards are flying off.
Yes, doofus democrat cultists believe democrats debunked the truth with their lies long ago.

Vote for Donald Trump instead of Crooked Hillary, here’s why. The Clintons arranged the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity to Russia. Canadian uraniaum billionaire Frank Giustra and Bill Clinton flew to Kazakhstan together in 2005. Giustra then landed a huge uranium mining deal. Giustra donated $31 million and pledged another $100 million to the Clinton Foundation. In 2010, a Russian company, Rosatom, took over Giustra’s company.

The new chairman of uranium ore, Ian Telfer, secretly donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. The $135 million in donations the Clinton Foundation received from this uranium ore deal violated Hillary’s deal with the Obama administration for disclosure. Uranium is the essential element needed to make nuclear weapons.



Well-known member
It may come as a shock to many to discover how many foundations, trusts, and charities are really nothing more than scams.

Hillary took in hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a hospital in Haiti she never built, among other questionable dealings.

The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.

The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.

But The Post found only one project that it funded with a fraction of the start-up cash.


like marbles on glass
The worst thing about this is that we have to 'sit on our hands' and 'root from the sidelines' while the Russian Bully 'roughs up' Ukraine.

It's not right, but it's the nuclear age.

You may find this helpful:

‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes

There’s lots of danger ahead, she warned. Putin is increasingly operating emotionally and likely to use all the weapons at his disposal, including nuclear ones. It’s important not to have any illusions — but equally important not to lose hope.

“Every time you think, ’No, he wouldn’t, would he?’ Well, yes, he would,” Hill said. “And he wants us to know that, of course. It’s not that we should be intimidated and scared…. We have to prepare for those contingencies and figure out what is it that we’re going to do to head them off.”


Well-known member
It may come as a shock to many to discover how many foundations, trusts, and charities are really nothing more than scams.

Hillary took in hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a hospital in Haiti she never built, among other questionable dealings.

The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.

The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.

But The Post found only one project that it funded with a fraction of the start-up cash.
I think Americans would be shocked to learn how many billions of dollars have been given in grants to front foundations and organizations whose real purpose is to funnel money back into democrat coffers.


Well-known member
You may find this helpful:

‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes

There’s lots of danger ahead, she warned. Putin is increasingly operating emotionally and likely to use all the weapons at his disposal, including nuclear ones. It’s important not to have any illusions — but equally important not to lose hope.

“Every time you think, ’No, he wouldn’t, would he?’ Well, yes, he would,” Hill said. “And he wants us to know that, of course. It’s not that we should be intimidated and scared…. We have to prepare for those contingencies and figure out what is it that we’re going to do to head them off.”
Fiona Hill helped pave the way for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the democrat involvement in skimming the top off American aid money sent to Ukraine in the years following. She is a rabid partisan leftist Marxist democrat fascist who hates Trump with an unholy passion.


like marbles on glass
Fiona Hill helped pave the way for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the democrat involvement in skimming the top off American aid money sent to Ukraine in the years following. She is a rabid partisan leftist Marxist democrat fascist who hates Trump with an unholy passion.

You're badly infected by a severe case of Dunning-Kruger.

Try this for some relief:



like marbles on glass
I understand the left's disrespect for news and information sources that offer evidence that damages leftist claims and agendas.

😂 I already gave you a link to information about the Wagner group, before you summoned up your tabloid link as an explanation for your weird reference to "dark-skinned warriors."


Well-known member
You're badly infected by a severe case of Dunning-Kruger.

Try this for some relief:

Tom Nichols encouraged intelligent debate, even if he held unrealistic and disrespectful views towards imperiously judged to not qualify as experts. Fiona Hill was appointed by President Trump to serve on his national security staff as an expert on Russia. Sadly, it turned out, she had little or no knowledge of corruption in Ukraine from 2014 to 2017 and corrupt American involvement with crooks in Ukraine. That proved bad for Trump because her ignorance was touted by leftists as expertise on Ukraine, which was far from the truth.


Well-known member
😂 I already gave you a link to information about the Wagner group, before you summoned up your tabloid link as an explanation for your weird reference to "dark-skinned warriors."
My bad. Perhaps you think the African connection should not have been mentioned by international news sources covering Putin's use of mercenaries?


Well-known member
Sadly, all the nations of the world are likely to fall prey to the deception of the devil and the establishment of his world rule, now being called "the new world order."

Rev. 12

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.