Typical 2P2P Tactic: the other Levitical animal sacrifice


Well-known member
It has now taken 40 posts for the 2P2P mental cases to conceal a truth that everyone in the world is supposed to know. All indications are they are just beginning. Do they sound like they have walked with Christ?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It has now taken 40 posts for the 2P2P mental cases to conceal a truth that everyone in the world is supposed to know. All indications are they are just beginning. Do they sound like they have walked with Christ?


We believe that Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.

The passover lamb was never a sin offering. A learned man such as yourself should know this :idunno:


Well-known member

We believe that Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.

The passover lamb was never a sin offering. A learned man such as yourself should know this :idunno:

Your last cartoon is how I feel every time you post. You are an ignoramus who can't communicate. I suppose the next installment of your nonsense will be on how the word sacrifice 'latreo' has 2P2P meanings.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Your last cartoon is how I feel every time you post. You are an ignoramus who can't communicate. I suppose the next installment of your nonsense will be on how the word sacrifice 'latreo' has 2P2P meanings.

We believe that Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.

The passover lamb was never a sin offering. A learned man such as yourself should know this