Typical 2P2P Tactic: the other Levitical animal sacrifice


Well-known member
Just when the Bible could not be more clear that Christ was the 'lamb of God who takes away the sin-debt of the world', 2P2P pops out with its 2nd brain and asks 'which Levitical goat are you talking about?'

This is standard procedure for 2P2P: the Bible is not clear until you have 'checked' with them and made sure the 2nd program is running.

This has been going on for decades; it is falsely called 'knowledge.' It doesn't matter if the letter to Hebrews addresses some 50 features of the Levitical system or if Paul speaks of Christ being the true paschal lamb, what matters to 2P2P is that 2nd program, and whether you check with them and their experts, and ALWAYS a full-stop question that never matters in the Bible! But no one dares call it a cult or a fraud!!!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So which goat took away the sins?

My point is, John declaring the Lord as The Lamb of God did not mean that he knew the Lord
would die for our sins.

Put down your dusty books and think...


Well-known member
So which goat took away the sins?

My point is, John declaring the Lord as The Lamb of God did not mean that he knew the Lord
would die for our sins.

Put down your dusty books and think...

NOoooo, no one thought that way about sacrificial lambs in that day did they, nope. You'd have to be a theolog X000 years later to make that conclusion!!!


Well-known member
Here's old 2P2P again:

John the Baptist: Behold the LAMBS of God that take away the sins of the world. Oh, yes then there is the book of Rev which they are expert in and the great song of the LAMBS:

Worthy is the LAMBS that were slain, for they have bought us with their blood.

But when they read Gal 3:16's "...the Seed--that is, one person,..." they go "Huh?"

It's the new secret 2P2P math, and boy you better be on the right page or they turn you in to a cartoon, or worse, into an unbeliever, a Bible hater, roaaaaarrrr!!!!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He doesn't like that the goat that wasn't slain is the one that took away the sins.
It ruins his 1P1P.
Some foolish folks just are not satisfied with how GOD does things.
I sure hope GOD hasn't lost any sleep over IP not liking it.


Well-known member
IN the Bible project, as it summarizes either Exodus or Leviticus, it explains how God wanted to show 2 aspects of salvation in Christ which would happen in one event in Christ. The way of doing it was 2 goats.

But regardless, I doubt your meaning of take away. Because that is the same as used in Rom 11 which is about Christ.

Why on earth would God use the expression but NOT have it be the total summary of what the Son was to do? Do you guys wear underwear outside too, while you are at it?


Well-known member
Your doctrine is just all over the book of Hebrews isn't it? Why on earth did we need the letter to Hebrews, when we could have just had you explain everything?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Do you not even know the story?
There were two goats.

Leviticus 16:5 KJV
(5) And he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering.

(7) And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.


Well-known member
would you please stop dribbling bit pieces and say what the hell you mean to say? Where is it in hebrews? Galatians? Romans? You seem to be motivated not to tell it. I know of nothing in the NT like that.

and anyway the first thing I notice is 2 goats and a ram. You're probably going to throw in some doves and quarts of wheat by the time we are done, so why do you strangle us with you "intelligence" about which GOAT it was? Pusillanimous amateurs.


Well-known member
Nope, just the TWO goats.

Well there's a ram in that passage and you are among the most intellectually dishonest folks here for not being forthright. Hope you shoot straighter in evangelism.

This is not a theme EVER discussed by the apostles, except the 3 of you apostles here. Not in my 45 years of research, sermons, observation, has anyone ever parked the whole gospel on this stupid assertion. Stupid? Inexpressible! Or else gnostic.


Well-known member
would you please stop dribbling bit pieces and say what the hell you mean to say? Where is it in hebrews? Galatians? Romans? You seem to be motivated not to tell it. I know of nothing in the NT like that.

and anyway the first thing I notice is 2 goats and a ram. You're probably going to throw in some doves and quarts of wheat by the time we are done, so why do you strangle us with you "intelligence" about which GOAT it was? Pusillanimous amateurs.

'Pusillanimous', that's a funny word. Can I use it?