Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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New member
At least he went there - heres obama when louisiana was flooded:


He didnt go, he golfed.

Whoever you get your memes from thinks you're stupid.


New member
Hall of Fame
At least he went there - heres obama when louisiana was flooded:


He didnt go, he golfed.

After being heavily critized for golfing when he was needed, he finally went after others went:

Obama to visit flood-ravaged Louisiana next week after returning from vacation

On Friday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump toured the flood-ravaged state, drawing praise from residents who said they thought Obama should have been standing with them instead of golfing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
After being heavily critized for golfing when he was needed, he finally went after others went:

Obama to visit flood-ravaged Louisiana next week after returning from vacation
Well at least you aren't falling for the Katrina meme. But the image you associated with it has been used with that one and was as irresponsible.

In that case, from the article you link to:

"Louisiana’s Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, also publicly asked Obama on Thursday to stay away until the state could handle a visit. In the past, Obama has waited until local officials say they’re ready for him to visit after devastating storms, such as tornadoes in Alabama in 2011 and Superstorm Sandy in New Jersey in 2012."

It was a bad situation, but it wasn't Katrina. It was largely property damage. Thirteen people lost their lives in that flooding in Louisiana. Katrina killed over 1,500 people and was another magnitude of catastrophe.


The Barbarian

Trump has got to be one of the worst people at hiding the fact that he is lying, right in the very moment that he is lying, than anyone who's "tells" I have long been studying the issue of various "behavioural tells and or cues," on, in general.

Actually, it's very easy to tell when Trump is lying. His lips move.


Well-known member
After being heavily critized for golfing when he was needed, he finally went after others went:

Obama to visit flood-ravaged Louisiana next week after returning from vacation

The Gov. of Louisiana thanked Obama for not adding to the confusion by bringing the entire presidential entourage into an already difficult situation.

"John Bel Edwards: Now is not the best time for President Obama to visit"

Which, I suspect, is the reason they didn't let Trump and Melania anywhere near the water when they first went down for Harvey.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't want to see first responders pulled away from actual victims just to make a photo opp for ANY president.

Bush (W) did the right thing to just do a fly over to survey the damage.
Sure. My first thought when some were complaining about the President not being deeper in the first time was recalling Obama staying away from draining resources to worry about him. I had no problem with that aspect, only the way Trump handled the press. The second time he did what I thought he needed to and gave the residents of Houston what they needed to see and hear.

The Barbarian

Sure. My first thought when some were complaining about the President not being deeper in the first time was recalling Obama staying away from draining resources to worry about him. I had no problem with that aspect, only the way Trump handled the press. The second time he did what I thought he needed to and gave the residents of Houston what they needed to see and hear.

Aside from the unfortunate flacking of his re-election hat, he did pretty well with the disaster. And he got a little bounce in public esteem thereby. I see he's up to about 38% approval again.

patrick jane

Warning: When I get over this cold I'm going to put some effort in for a change. I will lay out fact after fact of Trump's greatly successful Presidency. MAGA
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