Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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patrick jane


Steve Bannon yesterday:

"His natural tendency — and I think you saw it this week on Charlottesville — his actual default position is the position of his base, the position that got him elected."
Keep telling yourself that Trump's "base" are deplorable racists and watch him win again in 2020. OMG, then what will you do? :rotfl:


Well-known member
Bannon: ‘The Trump Presidency That We Fought For, and Won, Is Over’
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
August 19, 2017

In fact, except in a few peripheral ways, it never existed.


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Murray Rothbard on Tearing Down “Civil War” Statues
Thomas DiLorenzo

In his 1994 essay, “Just War,” Murray Rothbard concluded:
n this War Between the States, the South may have fought for its sacred honor, but the Northern war was the very opposite of honorable. *We remember the care with which the civilized nations had developed classical international law. *Above all, civilians must not be targeted; wars must be limited. *But the North insisted on creating a conscript army, a nation in arms, and broke the 19th-century rules of war by specifically plundering and slaughtering civilians, by destroying civilian life and institutions so as to reduce the South to submission. *Sherman’s famous march through Georgia was one of the great war crimes, and crimes against humanity, of the past half century-and-a-half. *Because by targeting and butchering civilians, Lincoln and Grant and Sherman paved the way for all the genocidal horrors of the monstrous 20th century. *There has been a lot of talk in recent years about memory, about never forgetting about history as retroactive punishment for crimes of war and mass murder. *As Lord Acton, the great libertarian historian, put it, the historian, in the last analysis, must be a moral judge. *The muse of the historian, he wrote, is not Clio, but Rhadamanthus, the legendary avenger of innocent blood. *In that spirit, we must always remember, we must never forget, we must put in the dock and hang higher than Haman, those who, in modern times, opened the Pandora’s Box of genocide and the extermination of civilians: *Sherman, Grant, and Lincoln.
Perhaps, some day, their statues,like Lenin’s in Rusia, will be toppled and melted down; their insignias and battle flags will be desecrated, their war songs tossed into the fire. *And then Davis and Lee and Jackson and Forrest, and all the heroes of the South, “Dixie,” and the Stars and Bars, will once again be truly honored and remembered . . . . *I am sure that one day, aided and abetted by Northerners like myself in the glorious “copperhead” tradition, the South shall rise again.”

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Murray Rothbard on Tearing Down “Civil War” Statues
Thomas DiLorenzo

In his 1994 essay, “Just War,” Murray Rothbard concluded:
n this War Between the States, the South may have fought for its sacred honor,

See, that just starts right off the bat with pure crap. The South fought for it's cash cow institution of slavery and for the necessary land expansion and power that cow would need to feast upon. Sacred honor... The word sacred is profaned by the association and there's no honor in that institution or the advancement of it.

but the Northern war was the very opposite of honorable.
And then to follow that with this...ohboy. Better to just throw up and be done with it.

*We remember the care with which the civilized nations had developed classical international law. *Above all, civilians must not be targeted; wars must be limited. *But the North insisted on creating a conscript army, a nation in arms, and broke the 19th-century rules of war by specifically plundering and slaughtering civilians, by destroying civilian life and institutions so as to reduce the South to submission.
This sickening rush to ennoble the ignoble and myopically focus on carefully selected outrage is itself outrageous. Consider the wonder of Andersonville, the honor of Quantrill and Champ Ferguson, whose war willfully included the killing of women, old men and children from Missouri to Ten., the Gainsville hangings, the Centralia, Shelton Laurel, or Ft. Pillow and Lawrence massacres, etc.

Nobility of the South my aunt fanny, from foundation to action they matched Sherman's worst with aplomb. What a farcical piece of trash any tome purporting to uplift that must be. I wouldn't have it in my bathroom for literature or necessities.


Well-known member
See, that just starts right off the bat with pure crap. The South fought for it's cash cow institution of slavery and for the necessary land expansion and power that cow would need to feast upon. Sacred honor... The word sacred is profaned by the association and there's no honor in that institution or the advancement of it.

And then to follow that with this...ohboy. Better to just throw up and be done with it.

This sickening rush to ennoble the ignoble and myopically focus on carefully selected outrage is itself outrageous. Consider the wonder of Andersonville, the honor of Quantrill and Champ Ferguson, whose war willfully included the killing of women, old men and children from Missouri to Ten., the Gainsville hangings, the Centralia, Shelton Laurel, or Ft. Pillow and Lawrence massacres, etc.

Nobility of the South my aunt fanny, from foundation to action they matched Sherman's worst with aplomb. What a farcical piece of trash any tome purporting to uplift that must be. I wouldn't have it in my bathroom for literature or necessities.

Oh please Town...give it a rest...


New member
Hall of Fame
Murray Rothbard on Tearing Down “Civil War” Statues
Thomas DiLorenzo

In his 1994 essay, “Just War,” Murray Rothbard concluded:
n this War Between the States, the South may have fought for its sacred honor, but the Northern war was the very opposite of honorable. *We remember the care with which the civilized nations had developed classical international law. *Above all, civilians must not be targeted; wars must be limited. *But the North insisted on creating a conscript army, a nation in arms, and broke the 19th-century rules of war by specifically plundering and slaughtering civilians, by destroying civilian life and institutions so as to reduce the South to submission. *Sherman’s famous march through Georgia was one of the great war crimes, and crimes against humanity, of the past half century-and-a-half. *Because by targeting and butchering civilians, Lincoln and Grant and Sherman paved the way for all the genocidal horrors of the monstrous 20th century. *There has been a lot of talk in recent years about memory, about never forgetting about history as retroactive punishment for crimes of war and mass murder. *As Lord Acton, the great libertarian historian, put it, the historian, in the last analysis, must be a moral judge. *The muse of the historian, he wrote, is not Clio, but Rhadamanthus, the legendary avenger of innocent blood. *In that spirit, we must always remember, we must never forget, we must put in the dock and hang higher than Haman, those who, in modern times, opened the Pandora’s Box of genocide and the extermination of civilians: *Sherman, Grant, and Lincoln.
Perhaps, some day, their statues,like Lenin’s in Rusia, will be toppled and melted down; their insignias and battle flags will be desecrated, their war songs tossed into the fire. *And then Davis and Lee and Jackson and Forrest, and all the heroes of the South, “Dixie,” and the Stars and Bars, will once again be truly honored and remembered . . . . *I am sure that one day, aided and abetted by Northerners like myself in the glorious “copperhead” tradition, the South shall rise again.”

What sacred honor and what would the South rising again look like?


President Trump is the best ever !!! President Trump can do no wrong !!!


Who will Trump and his supporters blame when the economy starts to decline because the business community has lost faith in his ability to enact his agenda?

Given that most Trump products are currently manufactures offshore, why should the business community follow a President who doesn't lead by example?


New member
Yeah. I saw last night at Breitbart that after a few hours had gone by the meltdown had stabilized, and the general apoplexy was a mixture of anger at McMaster, uncertainty about Trump, scary hero-worship of Bannon, and a forced bravado that went something like "oh, you leftists think you had us there for a minute, hahaha wait until you see Steve Bannon unleashed hahaha he'll be stronger outside the White House hahaha" and it was clear that last was evolving as the result of a lot of soothing words being built up around them like psychological sandbags.

Time will tell what Bannon will be like, armed with the information he's gleaned from his months in Trump's inner circle. Maybe formidable, or maybe they've built him up into a demi-god he can't maintain to their satisfaction.

No need to wait for time.

Trump will sabotage Bannon.

It's his life-long pattern - sabotaging anyone who works on his behalf.

In his screwed up mind, such have ever been perceived by him as making him look impotent at doing a thing for himself, without their help.

The man is the classic Emperor Has No the flesh.

The very quirk that that results in said foul ups to begin with (his refusal to accept the reality of a thing), is the very quirk that eventually helps him to survive said endless foul ups.

Mr. Magoo - ever doing things bringing him to his ever endless near disasters, and yet, ever so clueless both about them, and his part in them, that said cluelessness actually ends up allowing him not only to press on, but to end up on the other side of the road in one piece, as clueless as when he began his day...

In this, Bannon has unknowingly, made Trump...his enemy.

For in Trump's skewed no man's world but his own, Trump island.


patrick jane

Fool - to go to war for Trump is to be perceived by him as at war with him.

It's what's behind his life-long pattern of constantly having to sabotage the various people working for, and or lying on his behalf.

Trump wants ALL the glory ALONE.

His old man sure did a number on him.

And you...are a fool.
Trump reminds you of yourself, that's why you detest him, and yourself.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Who will Trump and his supporters blame when the economy starts to decline because the business community has lost faith in his ability to enact his agenda?

Given that most Trump products are currently manufactures offshore, why should the business community follow a President who doesn't lead by example?

I need to head east and talk to Graham about the Duck. Graham said the Duck was wacky:hammer:

It is true that the market went up on a promise of a business minded president, and pro-business agenda, however, no one but Graham thought the Duck would have lost the CEOs over something as pedestrian as race issues.

Did Graham soften his opinion of the Duck, or did he simply hide his true beliefs?

Like so many who thought the Duck would be more controlled and business-minded, did not expect so much attention seeking behaviour after the Duck became president, yet I suspected he would continue to play the media star game.

Too bad for the fully invested; it will be hard to pull out next week. I have already pulled out at near tops on the majority, because I never trusted the Duck, I wanted to see him do well, but I never trusted the Duck, not at all!

I wonder if Graham ever trusted the Duck??? :idunno:
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