Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I didn't say anyone suggested otherwise.
He did, mistakenly and as if it ran counter to a point I made. I corrected the mistake and you chimed in to atta boy the faux counter.

I just agreed with his statement I quoted.
Sure you did. And glory really thought I looked like Elton John [/sarcasm].

I agreed with him that Jesus is my moral leader, not Trump.
You think it was a point you needed to clear up about yourself? Or was it something else, part of a pattern that I turned into a running joke a while back.

And you want to tell me I need to grow up for agreeing with that?????
No, I'm telling you to grow up in relation to this ongoing jump in or high five anyone who appears to be contradicting me. It's gone past the running joke phase.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He did, mistakenly and as if it ran counter to a point I made. I corrected the mistake and you chimed in to atta boy the faux counter.

Sure you did. And glory really thought I looked like Elton John [/sarcasm].

You think it was a point you needed to clear up about yourself? Or was it something else, part of a pattern that I turned into a running joke a while back.

No, I'm telling you to grow up in relation to this ongoing jump in or high five anyone who appears to be contradicting me. It's gone past the running joke phase.
I'm sorry that you don't like that I publicly agreed that Jesus is my moral leader, not Trump.

I think you are way way too paranoid of me.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I blame the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-fascists, alt-right (and many of those terms are overlapping) for marching for the reasons they did - they don't have any moral ground to stand on. I blame them for fomenting hate, for planning on violence, for hoping for it, for what they stand for... so much to say about that, but you get the idea.
They made me do it defense.


New member
They made me do it defense.

That's just it. They made them do what? What did the counter-protesters do?

You all seem hell bent on defending your political allies (alt right versus antifa) rather than mocking them all. There is no moral high ground when you are beating people, pepper spraying people or throwing urine filled balloons at people.

Like their message or not, the alt right protestors had permits and thus had a legal right to show up and protest.


like marbles on glass
That's just it. They made them do what? What did the counter-protesters do?You all seem hell bent on defending your political allies (alt right versus antifa) rather than mocking them all. There is no moral high ground when you are beating people, pepper spraying people or throwing urine filled balloons at people. Like their message or not, the alt right protestors had permits and thus had a legal right to show up and protest.

As did those protesting the alt-right.

As a federal judge recently noted in a ruling for “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler, Charlottesville granted permits for counter-protesters too. During a fiery back and forth that drew heavy criticism, Trump wrongly claimed that only the white supremacists had the right to legally protest. That’s just not true.
Trump made mention of this false claim twice during his impromptu press conference at Trump Tower. He said:

You had a group, you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent….But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest — and very legally protest, because you know- I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit.

Except that LawNewz has confirmed that two permits were granted for counter protesters in the city. According to records obtained by LawNewz, Walter Heinecke applied and was approved for two permits for his group, Peoples Action For Racial Justice. “I did get the permits to protest at two adjacent parks,” he said in an interview with

“Once again, who is the generator of fake news? The president is.”

Heinecke received approval to hold his events at two nearby parks, McGuffy and Justice. Kessler, the organizer of the rally, held a permit for Emancipation Park (formerly Robert E. Lee Park).

I wish he (the president) would stop exacerbating racial discrimination in our country. If he doesn’t, my next permit will be for the White House and I’ll bring a million people,” Heinecke said.
According to the anti-racist group’s Facebook page, they hoped “to focus on lawful assembly in support of direct actions in protest of the “Unite the Right” rally in an effort to bring attention to the struggle to end white supremacy and all forms of discrimination, and to promote racial justice, racial inclusion, and equity.”

Organizer Walt Heinecke said in a press release, “White supremacy happens all the time, it is the rule not the exception. If the people of Charlottesville and the nation are waiting for the right moment to organize for a racially just and truly multicultural society, this is the moment to become focused. This is not about statues, it’s about statutes. ”

On top of that, counter protesters don’t need a permit to enter a public park to begin with.

“Please bear in mind that people do not need a permit to enter a public park, even when another event is scheduled to take place there, nor are they required to have one to be on streets or sidewalks adjacent to or outside the park,” Miriam Dickler, the Charlottesville communications director said in an email to


New member
I'm not disputing the permits. Both sides had a legal right to protest. I'm saying that the antifa is just as toxic as the altright when it comes to a willingness to engage in violence during these protest/counter protest events.


like marbles on glass
I'm not disputing the permits. Both sides had a legal right to protest. I'm saying that the antifa is just as toxic as the altright when it comes to a willingness to engage in violence during these protest/counter protest events.

I think it's important to refute the disinformation from Trump.

I'm not saying antifa wasn't violent, either. The issue is Trump's intent to sow disunity instead of unity, his attempt to find a moral equivalency where there is none, and his refusal to condemn racism or domestic terrorism unless forced into it - and even then he had to make a bigger mess the next day because having to say the right thing the day before threw him into such a bad temper that he had no self-control.


like marbles on glass
Well, which ones rubbed you the wrong way?

Well you said all, so please, set them all out in chronological order including his related comments, like "Before I make a statement, I need the facts. I don't want to rush into a statement."

It would be good to see them all laid out, I haven't had the opportunity to see that anywhere.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well you said all, so please, set them all out in chronological order including his related comments, like "Before I make a statement, I need the facts. I don't want to rush into a statement."

It would be good to see them all laid out, I haven't had the opportunity to see that anywhere.
Since when did Trump care about waiting for the facts? :freak:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
They made me do it defense.
AKA, fighting words doctrine.

I'm sorry that you don't like that I publicly agreed that Jesus is my moral leader, not Trump.

See, that's dishonest, but it does support the foundation of my "grow up" response.

I think you are way way too paranoid of me.
I think clever isn't your forte. And that's before we get to your font. :plain:
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