Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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New member
I didn't say the speculation by the CIA was right. I noted there was a difference within the intelligence services on the point and that the Bush administration was selective in what it chose to advance. You should look at the Senate Intelligence report from 2008 on the points.

The CIA report was wrong, and that's the point. The CIA can get it wrong, and based on the latest research, it appears that perhaps their position on Russia hacking the DNC computers is likewise wrong.

He was a good soldier. Read the full report from the Senate. It'll do you good.

Right, he's a good soldier. He's admitting the intellgence on Iraq's WMDs was wrong.

No, he's doing what good leaders do. He's taking responsibility. It's not surprising.

Perhaps he's telling the truth? He actually agrees with what he's saying.

He isn't running an Anti American/West enterprise out of Canada.

No, he's just saying the opposite of what you're asserting. Your shifting of all of the blame on the Bush administration, and pretending the CIA report was inconclusive on the issue of Saddam having WMDs. The CIA made its position quite clear, that it believed Saddam had WMDs, and posed a serious threat to our national security. They were wrong.

Like I noted prior, your ease with disinformation makes you a good spokesman for Putin, but you're on the wrong side of facts.

You haven't demonstrated that yet, keep trying.

It was all through the post. Most of the quotes weren't closed and it was a mess.

Right, because I copy and paste the code on my word processor. I didn't notice the missing bracket. Big deal.

The suggestion was meant to help you and those who read you and it hadn't been addressed by the time I wrote that. Also, if you're using closed quotes you don't really have to write "Response:" because it's more than implied by the fact that you're, you know, responding.

In the last few posts, I didn't add "response" to my answers.

You cited them. I haven't seen any of your other source material by link.

I cited several other sources, if you care to notice. The last source, was an American Liberal news source, that discusses the same exact research I'm citing.

And there are a lot more people on my side of it with as or greater particular skill sets.

None of the references you've presented, has conclusive evidence the DNC computers were hacked , much less by the Russian government. The latest research is pointing towards a leak, not a hack. Our audience can compare our sources, and come to their own conclusions.

I'm not sure what a list of names is meant to accomplish short of something more. . . the appearance of authority?

Exactly. Just like you cite your "authorities", I cite mine. You are wrong, about my opinion, only resting on a Canadian website article.

You know, big tobacco had a longer list of people willing to tell you their product had no connection to cancer.

You're the one explicitely appealing to the masses/ad populum, not me. I was just responding to your false assumption, that my position rests on a website in Canada, run by a Canadian with a Russian daddy. That's simply not true.

You know who does? The fellow running an anti-American and pro Russian grist mill out of Canada. But you're right. It's probably just a remarkable coincidence.

You're obsessed with this guy.

I've advanced a broader argument, noted the intelligence community and Congressional oversight have had to say about Russian interference and attempts aimed at our election and the response that followed. I'm not making an ad hom attack in any of that. And you can't throw that stone in any event without being as hypocritical as you are selective in your focus.

We'll let others decide, who's presented a better argument.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The CIA report was wrong, and that's the point. The CIA can get it wrong, and based on the latest research, it appears that perhaps their position on Russia hacking the DNC computers are likewise wrong.
It's not just the CIA and it's not a best guestimate situation. I've noted sources who obtained Putin's agenda. I've noted the involvement of other agencies, their agreement, the agreement of the Senate oversight. I'm fine with that being my part. Let the readers look at my link from the Washington post, consider the Senate report I noted, and understand that a party with little to gain from it has been arm in arm with its opponent across the aisle in consideration and response.

Right, he's a good soldier. He's admitting the intellgence on Iraq's WMDs was wrong.
He took responsibility. You don't point above you in the chain. It's up to them to tell the larger story or not.

No, he's just saying the opposite of what you're asserting. Your shifting of all of the blame on the Bush administration, and pretending the CIA report was inconclusive on the issue of was Saddam having WMDs.
I'm not, which is why you state that instead of quoting me. What I've said was that there was disagreement within the intelligence community on the point. Bush chose what he chose for his own reasons. The rest is in the Senate report.

Right, because I copy and paste the code on my word processor. I didn't notice the missing bracket. Big deal.
It was a distracting mess. You can keep huffing about someone trying to help you out of it. No skin off my nose either way.

In the last few posts, I didn't add "response" to my answers.
Excellent. It was a bit theatrical and needless. But you're new. It takes a moment to acclimate to the way things are done in a new haunt.

I'm foregoing your repetition. I'm really fine with what I've presented and I understood your objections the first time around, answered what I found meaningful to the extent I could. The rest is up to whoever reads through this and, hopefully, the larger works of others.

Exactly. Just like you cite your "authorities", I cite mine. Claiming that my opinion only rests on a Canadian website's article, was a very silly assumption.
Which is probably why I didn't make it.

You're the one explicitely appealing to the masses/ad populum, not me.
No, I'm not, to match proof.

I was just responding to your false assumption, that my position rests on a website in Canada, run by a Canadian with a Russian daddy. That's simply not true.
I actually noted your use and its problematic nature. I also noted your list of names.

You're obsessed with this guy.
Not even a little, which is why you'll be hard pressed to find me commenting on him outside of this particular thread and conversation.

We'll let others decide, who's presented a better argument.
I suspect that's how it will go.


New member
I'm done here. We'll see now in the next few weeks and months, as more evidence is released if the DNC computers were actually hacked.

patrick jane

Many of you may have noticed, my rhetoric has picked up in the last 6 months. I use harsh language and ridiculous statements. I do it on purpose to mirror the left. That's why I call them radical left wing extremist terrorists, just to sound as ridiculous as the democrats. Trump is doing a fine job and the dems hate it

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Many of you may have noticed, my rhetoric has picked up in the last 6 months. I use harsh language and ridiculous statements. I do it on purpose to mirror the left. That's why I call them radical left wing extremist terrorists, just to sound as ridiculous as the democrats. Trump is doing a fine job and the dems hate it
Well, he's doing a fine job of pulling the Democrats together...but I don't think that's really in his job description.

Wrong, you brainwashed jackass. "The folks" who did? Plural? How stupid can you be? Show me where he supports them liar.
I think what PJ's autocorrect is malfunctioning again. Here's what he appeared to say and what I think he meant to say:

Wrong, you brainwashed jackass.
No, that's unfounded, you stubborn guy you.

How stupid can you be?
I believe you've been misinformed.

Show me where he supports them
Could you quote the president condoning racial violence in the past or present?

. Or maybe he was starting another bit on ancient musical instruments. It's a tough one to read.

Autocorrect is wrong so often they should make it an app at Fox News. :eek:


New member
They didn't.

Not necessarily. The black shooters, killing police officers around the country, within the last two years, were members of the BLM movement. Here is a recent example:

These are the types of activists, that were present in Charlottesville. There were BLM members there, causing trouble. They often, physically assault their political opponents and when the opposition defends
itself or retaliates, they play the innocent victim. I'm not suggesting the young lady that was deliberately mowed down by a vehicle, deserved it. She most probably wasn't even one of the violent Antifa activists, assaulting people, but nonetheless, Antifa often initiates the physical violence, creating the conditions, for these types of horrible acts to happen. In the quagmire of violence, sparked by the left, lethal situations are likely to occur. Out of fear, rage, people fight back and bad things happen.



Wrong, you brainwashed jackass. "The folks" who did? Plural? How stupid can you be? Show me where he supports them liar.
People long dead put up General Lee's statue. People long dead didn't take down General Lee's statue. Now, people take down the statue. People show up to protest taking it down. People show up protesting the protest. Then a murderer ran his car into people. And this is all President Trump's fault. :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
People long dead put up General Lee's statue. People long dead didn't take down General Lee's statue. Now, people take down the statue. People show up to protest taking it down. People show up protesting the protest. Then a murderer ran his car into people. And this is all President Trump's fault. :rolleyes:

The answer seems obvious to me

No more people


New member
I publicly condemn neo-nazis, the kkk, the antifa, bash the fash groups, the BLM, the 'alt-right', the black panthers, racist caucasians, racist blacks, racist African Americans (if they prefer that label over the prior), racist hispanics, bigots of all color stripe and persuasion.

They're all counterproductive morons and while I don't mind them smashing each other it's clearly gone too far when an alt right nutjob drives his car with malice into a crowd.

Do you condemn all these same groups or does a certain brand of hate resonate with you?



New member
Many of you may have noticed, my rhetoric has picked up in the last 6 months. I use harsh language and ridiculous statements. I do it on purpose to mirror the left. That's why I call them radical left wing extremist terrorists, just to sound as ridiculous as the democrats. Trump is doing a fine job and the dems hate it


Who are you?

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