Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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like marbles on glass
At least he was talking about gang members and drug dealers. It's hard to feel too bad for those scumbags.

A lot of people would agree with you, and I understand the sentiment. But that laissez-faire attitude Trump promoted could lead to an increase in police brutality towards arrestees other than known gang members and drug dealers, and even known gang members and drug dealers have the same rights as anyone else. Beyond that, it's forgetting that law enforcement doesn't decide guilt or innocence at the point of arrest, even for gang members and drug dealers - judges and juries do when the cases go to trial.

patrick jane

Trump goes off message a lot, and whenever he does he ends up in the weeds. So he's in the weeds a lot, saying outrageous things that other people have to walk back for him, but that he never apologizes for, no matter how egregious the words.

The BSA had to disown the politicization of the jamboree speech, and various police departments had to disown Trump's suggestion that they use unlawful and excessive force when arresting people.

The circumstances around Reince Priebus' departure are nothing better than tinpot dictator tactics. There's a screw loose, and nobody brave enough or competent enough to step forward and tighten it up.
Trump is a master communicator


like marbles on glass
Trump is a master communicator



like marbles on glass
Speaking of not being "too nice:"

Long Island lawman who definitely would have been cheering when President Trump told cops in Suffolk County on Friday to be “rough” and “please, don’t be too nice” with those they arrest is former Suffolk County Chief of Police James Burke.

Burke was unable to attend the speech because he is presently Inmate 87450-053 at the Allenwood Federal Correctional Complex, having been sentenced just before the 2016 election to a 46-month term on charges that began with battering a handcuffed prisoner who had stolen a duffle bag of porn and sex toys from the trunk of his department car. The beating had turned savage when the prisoner, Christopher Loeb, had the temerity to call Burke a “perv.”

Burke also admitted to conspiring to obstruct justice by mounting a cover-up. He pressured the cops who were present to commit perjury and he became so worried about anybody else blabbing to the feds that he pulled three uncommonly skilled, knowledgeable and effective Suffolk County detectives from the joint Long Island Gang Task Force just as it was making considerable progress against MS-13.

By one count, the trio was instrumental in locking up 27 gang members in connection with 12 murders, along with numerous assaults and robberies over two years period before Burke removed them from the task force in 2012.

Detective John Oliva, widely viewed as the most knowledgeable of the three regarding MS-13, was transferred to a local precinct. He went from working a gang homicide to investigating the theft of a gumball machine from outside a shop.

Another of the detectives was Robert Trotta, who has gone on to become a Republican county legislator. He firmly believes that if he and his two comrades had just been allowed to continue their work in the task force, MS-13 would have been decimated on Long Island long before Trump was prompted to come.

“One hundred per cent,” Trotta told the Daily Beast on Saturday.


New member
Hall of Fame
A lot of people would agree with you, and I understand the sentiment. But that laissez-faire attitude Trump promoted could lead to an increase in police brutality towards arrestees other than known gang members and drug dealers, and even known gang members and drug dealers have the same rights as anyone else. Beyond that, it's forgetting that law enforcement doesn't decide guilt or innocence at the point of arrest, even for gang members and drug dealers - judges and juries do when the cases go to trial.
I agree. I don't support the speech for all the reasons you mentioned but part of why it got the reaction it did is probably because of who it was about.


Hall of Fame
Bad: Threatening to cut insurance payments to get leverage in healthcare negotiations

Indeed ... because it's never been about healthcare but rather about sticking it to Obama. This evil *man* is willing to harm and even allow millions of people to die because revenge against Obama takes priority over the health and welfare of Americans.


Threatening retaliation against an entire state (Alaska) because their senators voted their consciences?


Instead of lobbying the Senate to pass healthcare, "The Donald" was preoccupied with sending his designated communications director to use the "fake media" to destroy the reputation of Rance Priebus, the White House chief of staff, and force him to resign!


Well-known member
Mitch McConnell a hypocrit in his own words

It is quite incredible. ACA was openly debated for 11 months. Alabama's Republican Rep Mo Brooks said Mitch should resign as majority leader and give it to someone else.


Mitch McConnell a hypocrit in his own words

It is quite incredible. ACA was openly debated for 11 months. One Republican senator said Mitch should resign as majority leader and give it to someone else.


The fact that the Senate vote took place in the middle says it all - if the Democrats had attempted that, the conservatives would have been outraged!
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