Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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I thought you said there IS money for New Orleans and for states that have Republican votes, then you show it's not true, your own original claim, but not for Puerto Rico which has no votes. You have not proven that, just blowing hot air again. Your "proof" shows that it's not Trump's idea but FEMA's. Your article goes on to say "it's unclear." There was an audit by FEMA, not Trump. What did Obama do about Katrina for 8 years, now it's Trump's fault?

Stick with cartoons jgarbage, you obviously cannot prove your claim that Trump is withholding funds from PR. As for my claims that Trump is doing great, you can't show that he's not.

The left is trying to make PR Trump's Katrina and it seems now the left wants Trump to take some blame for Katrina's unrepaired damage 12 years later. It's all you have. Anything to take the focus off of a successful President. Your articles mean nothing and prove nothing. From the top - FEMA should pull its $2 billion back from New Orleans, govt watchdog says - Is that Trump? Nope, a government watch dog.


1. This represents a longer response that "patrick jane" has made in his last 10 posts - combined!

2. Outside of Trump's circle of "true believers," "patrick jane" can't document instances when "The Donald" comes anywhere close to being considered "a successful President!"

3. The point that "patrick jane" fails to grasp is that even after 12 years, FEMA is still actively engaged in planning major infrastructure projects in New Orleans - in marked contrast to Trump's threat to pull out of Puerto Rico after a month!

4. The President appoints the heads of Homeland Security and FEMA - so "patrick jane's" assertion that Trump is not in a position to have his appointees to these agencies withhold funds to punish "sanctuary cities" is a false one! His first Homeland Security appointee went on to become the current White House Chief of Staff!

patrick jane

1. This represents a longer response that "patrick jane" has made in his last 10 posts - combined!

2. Outside of Trump's circle of "true believers," "patrick jane" can't document instances when "The Donald" comes anywhere close to being considered "a successful President!"

3. The point that "patrick jane" fails to grasp is that even after 12 years, FEMA is still actively engaged in planning major infrastructure projects in New Orleans - in marked contrast to Trump's threat to pull out of Puerto Rico after a month!

4. The President appoints the heads of Homeland Security and FEMA - so "patrick jane's" assertion that Trump is not in a position to have his appointees to these agencies withhold funds to punish "sanctuary cities" is a false one! His first Homeland Security appointee went on to become the current White House Chief of Staff!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
In the wake of the president's comments relating to the omission of any notice of the four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger until Monday, Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich spoke to The Nation's Dave Zirin and had this to say:
“I’ve been amazed and disappointed by so much of what this President had said, and his approach to running this country, which seems to be one of just a never-ending divisiveness. But his comments today about those who have lost loved ones in times of war and his lies that previous presidents Obama and Bush never contacted their families, is so beyond the pale, I almost don’t have the words.”

“This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner – and to lie about how previous presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers – is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.” Gregg Popovich

patrick jane

In the wake of the president's comments relating to the omission of any notice of the four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger until Monday, Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich spoke to The Nation's Dave Zirin and had this to say:
“I’ve been amazed and disappointed by so much of what this President had said, and his approach to running this country, which seems to be one of just a never-ending divisiveness. But his comments today about those who have lost loved ones in times of war and his lies that previous presidents Obama and Bush never contacted their families, is so beyond the pale, I almost don’t have the words.”

“This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner – and to lie about how previous presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers – is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.” Gregg Popovich
No link?

I saw it live. Poor word choices as Trump is prone to while speaking unscripted. I'll try to post the video from the Rose Garden today. It seems like a gross overreaction by the left again, ignoring the rest of the speech and accomplishments discussed. He thought he heard that other Presidents wrote letters and didn't make calls. He made a mistake to be sure. Your excerpt from the coach is quite scathing but it's only the opinion of a man that probably didn't vote for Trump.

[h=1]Trump suggests Obama didn't call families of fallen soldiers as president[/h]

Last Updated Oct 16, 2017 5:43 PM EDT

During an impromptu Rose Garden press conference on Monday, President Trump appeared to criticize his predecessors for not calling the families of soldiers who had died on their watch.
When asked about U.S. soldiers who were killed in an ambush attack by extremists in Niger, Mr. Trump told reporters that he had written them personal letters, and would at "some point" be calling the the families of those killed overseas.
"I felt very, very badly about that, I always feel badly. It's the toughest calls, the toughest calls I have to make are the calls where this happens. Soldiers are killed. It's a very difficult thing."
He added, in a direct jab at Obama, "The traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn't make calls, a lot of them didn't make calls. I like to call when it's appropriate, when I think I'm able to do it."
Following the exchange, Alyssa Mastromonaco, former deputy chief of staff for operations under Obama took to Twitter with an explosive response, calling Mr. Trump's comments a "f----ing lie."
"To say President Obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family member of soldiers KIA (killed in action) -- he's a deranged animal," she added.
A former White House official also told CBS News, "President Trump's claim is wrong. President Obama engaged families of the fallen and wounded warriors throughout his presidency through calls, letters, visits to Section 60 at Arlington, visits to Walter Reed, visits to Dover, and regular meetings with Gold Star Families at the White House and across the country."
An aide to former President Bill Clinton confirmed he, too, called the families of fallen soldiers while he was in office.
A spokesperson for former President George W. Bush also confirmed Mr. Bush had written to families of the fallen as well as called hundreds, if not thousands, of loved ones.
When pressed further on the remark, Mr. Trump appeared to backtrack a little, saying, "I was told that he didn't often, and a lot of presidents don't. They write letters."
"President Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didn't, I don't know, that's what I was told. All I can do, all I can do is ask my generals. Other, other presidents did not call, they'd write letters and some presidents didn't do anything," he added.

The democrats should stick to the "unfit" claims, it seems to be their best chance to remove Trump from office.


New member
Hall of Fame
No link?

I saw it live. Poor word choices as Trump is prone to while speaking unscripted. I'll try to post the video from the Rose Garden today. It seems like a gross overreaction by the left again, ignoring the rest of the speech and accomplishments discussed. He thought he heard that other Presidents wrote letters and didn't make calls. He made a mistake to be sure. Your excerpt from the coach is quite scathing but it's only the opinion of a man that probably didn't vote for Trump.


Maybe a mistake, but why was he even talking about it?

patrick jane

Maybe a mistake, but why was he even talking about it?
He was taking questions from the media. It's funny to see clips of media questions for Obama and even Hillary in the campaign because they were mostly easy questions. Some of the media tries to ask divisive questions and dig for dirt, they do it to Sarah Sanders in the press briefings also. There's a huge difference in the tone and questioning of democrats by the media. Hence the term Fake News.


New member
Hall of Fame
He was taking questions from the media. It's funny to see clips of media questions for Obama and even Hillary in the campaign because they were mostly easy questions. Some of the media tries to ask divisive questions and dig for dirt, they do it to Sarah Sanders in the press briefings also. There's a huge difference in the tone and questioning of democrats by the media. Hence the term Fake News.

I meant why was he talking about other presidents

patrick jane


Following the exchange, Alyssa Mastromonaco, former deputy chief of staff for operations under Obama took to Twitter with an explosive response,
calling Mr. Trump's comments a "f----ing lie."
"To say President Obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family member of soldiers KIA (killed in action) -- he's a deranged animal," she added.

Trump is a deranged animal. There's a video of part of today's comments in the link showing the "pathological liar" who is "unfit" for President.


New member
He was taking questions from the media. It's funny to see clips of media questions for Obama and even Hillary in the campaign because they were mostly easy questions. Some of the media tries to ask divisive questions and dig for dirt, they do it to Sarah Sanders in the press briefings also. There's a huge difference in the tone and questioning of democrats by the media. Hence the term Fake News.

In Sarah's defense, she has a much harder job than other press secretaries. She has the job most nights of defending the indefensible. It's no wonder she struggles.

patrick jane

In Sarah's defense, she has a much harder job than other press secretaries. She has the job most nights of defending the indefensible. It's no wonder she struggles.
I'm blessed with the ability to see both sides of the coin and the exciting thing is that most Trump supporters are as well. The Trump haters seem blinded to reality and either force themselves to disregard the truth or they don't have the capacity and wherewithal to understand. They rely on sound bites and Fake News clips and any biased article they stumble across for their opinions. You are being told what think and you don't even see it. It's amazing and shocking how far off the deep end the left has gone.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It was all over the place. Google the first line and you'll have your choice of The Nation, Bleacher, Rolling Stone, Deadspin, The Washington post, etc.

I saw it live. Poor word choices
Yes, when you say things that aren't true and people can catch you doing it, that would certainly qualify as a poor choice of words. :plain:

I'll try to post the video from the Rose Garden today. It seems like a gross overreaction by the left again
Popovich is a representative of the left now? :eek:

ignoring the rest of the speech and accomplishments discussed.
Mussolini made the trains run on time, but all anyone wants to talk about is his friends.

He thought he heard that other Presidents wrote letters and didn't make calls. He made a mistake to be sure. Your excerpt from the coach is quite scathing but it's only the opinion of a man that probably didn't vote for Trump.
It's funny how people in your position try that. It's just an opinion. It's an indictment. And it has factual weight behind it. So, some opinions are also supported by reason and/or fact, making them a bit more worthwhile than the hand wave you're attempting.

During an impromptu Rose Garden press conference on Monday, President Trump appeared to criticize his predecessors for not calling the families of soldiers who had died on their watch.
In the same way he "appeared" to be speaking English.

The rest is typical pass the buck and blame Trump. Some unnamed other "told" him. It's not his fault. The "facts" were handed to him. He's not responsible. :nono: The king of fake facts gets caught up to his elbows in attempting to peddle fake news.

patrick jane

It was all over the place. Google the first line and you'll have your choice of The Nation, Bleacher, Rolling Stone, Deadspin, The Washington post, etc.

Yes, when you say things that aren't true and people can catch you doing it, that would certainly qualify as a poor choice of words. :plain:

Popovich is a representative of the left now? :eek:

Mussolini made the trains run on time, but all anyone wants to talk about is his friends.

It's funny how people in your position try that. It's just an opinion. It's an indictment. And it has factual weight behind it. So, some opinions are also supported by reason and/or fact, making them a bit more worthwhile than the hand wave you're attempting.

In the same way he "appeared" to be speaking English.

The rest is typical pass the buck and blame Trump. Some unnamed other "told" him. It's not his fault. The "facts" were handed to him. He's not responsible. :nono: The king of fake facts gets caught up to his elbows in attempting to peddle fake news.
Did I say Popoff was the left? Don't lie like Trump. I know you put coaches and athletes on a pedestal but let's just say Popov is not a Trump voter, which I think I said. Let's impeach Trump for this travesty, this blatant lie that he told on purpose. Better yet, let's compare him to Mussolini or Hitler. Apparently you didn't see the speech and the fact that Trump spent 30 minutes answering questions. The media behaved like a pack of jackals. Popovich seemed more unhinged and "unfit" than Trump yesterday.
Last edited:

patrick jane


Following the exchange, Alyssa Mastromonaco, former deputy chief of staff for operations under Obama took to Twitter with an explosive response,
calling Mr. Trump's comments a "f----ing lie."
"To say President Obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family member of soldiers KIA (killed in action) -- he's a deranged animal," she added.

Trump is a deranged animal. There's a video of part of today's comments in the link showing the "pathological liar" who is "unfit" for President.
@Town Heretic

Yes. The left

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Did I say Popoff was the left? Don't lie like Trump.
I never do. I was talking about Pop and you mixed in the Rose Garden. I assumed it was a reaction, but if you went off my topic in responding that was the source.

I know you put coaches and athletes on a pedestal
You appear to know all sorts of things that aren't true. But then, you're a Trump supporter so I expect that comes with your territory.

Let's impeach Trump for this travesty, this blatant lie that he told on purpose
Or the collective damage he's done and is continuing to do. Now he's hurting his own constituents in an end run attempt to further degrade the health care system while trying to push through a tax program that mostly benefits people like him.

Better yet, let's compare him to Mussolini or Hitler.
Which isn't what I did. I compared situations/responses.
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